Hello TES Community,

    Last week TES enjoyed the first Ski Friday of the year.  On six Fridays this winter, TES students participate in fun activities while teachers meet and take on some professional development. Many students head over to the Dartmouth Skiway to ski and snowboard, while others go outside to cross country ski. Some families pick up their children at noon and head off for some quality family time. Those students who remain at TES enjoy Winter Workshops until they are dismissed at 3:00 PM. 

As we move towards our second Ski Friday this week, please keep some details about morning drop off in mind. If you need to unload ski gear, please pull into a parking spot in an effort to keep traffic moving. All downhill ski equipment should be placed against the exterior cafeteria wall. It will be transported to the Ski Way. All cross country ski equipment should be placed against the lobby doors along the brick wall near the main entrance. Just a reminder, please do not enter the circle during morning hours between 8 AM and 8:45 AM and at the end of the school day. As always, please be mindful and courteous during drop off times. Thank you!