2024-2025 SkillsUSA Ohio Updates and Announcements
Good morning advisors! We hope you had a relaxing and restful summer break! As we get ready to kick off a new year, we wanted to share some exciting updates and announcements to help you and your local chapter prepare for a successful year!
The goal of this email is to serve as your one-stop for all things SkillsUSA Ohio in Fall 2024. As a result, this email is jam packed with A LOT of information and helpful links. Read on to make sure you are equipped to be the ROCKSTAR advisor that you are!
To make sure you have this information on hand as needed, we recommend you bookmark, flag, or print out this email. If you have any questions regarding the content of this email, please contact our office at 614-604-6150 or via email at events@ohioskillsusa.org!
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We've Revamped Advisor Training! | |
Regional Chapter Development Conferences are here! | |
Fall Leadership Conference is back & better than ever! | |
We're on the Road with School Visits! | |
Hurray! That was a lot of information, but we're impressed that you made it through! Do you have any lingering questions? Do you need assistance navigating any of the resources shared in this email? Do you just want to connect with us and share how excited you are for the year ahead??
If you said yes to any of the above, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact our office via phone at 614-604-6150 or via email at events@ohioskillsusa.org!
- with A LOT of excitement for the year ahead!
The SkillsUSA Ohio Events Team
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