Skinner Leadership Institute
2010 Ministry Updates & Appeal


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We praise God for the remarkable ways that He has poured out blessings on Skinner Leadership Institute in 2010 despite serious economic crises in our nation. Nonetheless, we have experienced real "streams in the desert" this year as God has opened new doors and given favor that has sustained us through tough times. We are grateful, as well for financial and ministry progress made this year with the support and guidance of friends like you. So let me begin by sharing with you special highlights for the year.

MSDL Group 2010Masters Series for Distinguished Leaders is an effort to produce gifted and talented young executive leaders, ages 25-45, who are morally excellent and committed to meeting the needs of the poor and underserved. We have graduated 30 young leaders during the first two years of the program from business, government, and nonprofit arenas. During the program, young leaders spend one day a week in seminars studying the character traits of morally excellent leaders using examples from the lives of historic leadership role models from Jesus to Martin Luther King, Jr. and world leaders like Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela. They spend one day a week in a community service project with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; committed to addressing the needs of the poor and underserved.

In 2011, we will begin the next session of the Masters Series in a six month program of moral and professional excellence training for up to 20 high performing middle managers and leaders. The program focuses on leadership from the inside out and on the core moral values needed to produce transforming, promise-driven leadership, (e.g. strength of character, integrity, moral excellence, resiliency, and relationship building.

Campus Ministry FellowshipThe Tom Skinner Campus Ministry - We have completed a successful year for the Tom Skinner Campus Ministry on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC. Student leaders began the year in a weekend leadership retreat at Skinner Farm to pray for Howard University and reflect on what it means to become godly leaders in their chosen professions. During the year, Power Lunches were held with leaders in law, business, education, and other fields who shared how they model their faith in all areas of their lives and work. Through Noonday Prayer gatherings on Wednesday and Friday, weekly Bible Studies and campus-wide outreach events; many students seeking to grow in their faith were reached this year. These programs created a strong foundation for the Tom Skinner Campus Ministry in 2010.

Beginning January 2011, we will be teaching a four month Leadership Excellence Program at Howard University in Washington, DC on the skills needed for technically and morally excellent leadership. Students who complete the program will receive a Certificate of Leadership Excellence Training during the April 2011 Year-End Celebration.

Ballou Graduation PhotoBallou Automotive Technology Center at Ballou High School - Over the past several years, we have had the pleasure of working with very dedicated leaders at Ballou High School in Washington, DC in support of an outstanding career and technology education program sponsored by Toyota--the Ballou Automotive Technology Center. During this time, we have witnessed improvements in the overall operation and environment of Ballou High School with both student scores and parent participation greatly improving.

The Ballou Automotive program provides about 60 students a year with life skills and equips them with the skills to succeed in the technology-driven automotive industry. Students also engage in a life and job readiness skills program that encourages strong academics. Twelve (12) students graduated from the 2010 Summer Job Readiness Program where they were placed in jobs with area automotive dealers and provided with mentors who helped them develop skills to succeed in the workplace. Those students who complete the three year automotive program for grades 10-12, will receive a scholarship to a two year area community college. Mrs. Tamara Darvish, Vice President of Darcars Automotive has guaranteed a full time job and continued educational training to every student who graduates from the Ballou Automotive Technology Program.

Prayer Walks through the Halls of Congress - Throughout the year, we have engaged in regular prayer walks through the halls of Congress, praying for Members of Congress, their staffs and families. These prayer walks have been combined with spiritual counseling and support to help members strengthen their faith and their families for the challenging work as legislators.

African American Faith Leaders -Weekly Clergy Call to Prayer - For the past year, we have co-hosted a weekly one hour intercessory prayer call with clergy leaders across the nation to pray for our nation, for leadership lead by God on behalf of the poor and underserved, and for those devastated by natural disasters in parts of our nation and places in the world like Haiti.

Daily Intercessory Prayer Call - For the past several years, I have participated in a daily, one hour intercessory prayer call with 8-10 pastors and ministry leaders from across the nation from California, Virginia, Texas, and Maryland. We feel compelled to make prayer a priority in our lives and have witnessed miracles through the power of prayer. We pray for the protection of our country from terrorism, for our President, for a return to economic prosperity, and for the emergence of more leaders with compassion for the poor.

Leadership Excellence Seminars for Local Churches - We have conducted leadership development seminars for pastors and their senior leadership teams in Washington, DC area churches on such issues as the power of intercessory prayer and skills for godly leadership.

As we approach the end of the year, I am personally more encouraged than ever. Working closely with young people to equip and mentor them as leaders of godly character for their generation, has encouraged, inspired, and energized me all year long. They have also taught me much and have helped me to become more comfortable with using social networking such as Facebook and Twitter to reach broader audiences of young leaders with regular commentary on the moral direction of our nation. I have also enjoyed the ministry of teaching, intercessory prayer, and preaching to which I have been called. Yet, nothing has given me more joy than watching my 11 grandchildren and 7 godchildren grow into bright young people who love God and excel academically. My greatest delight this year has been the opportunity to teach my oldest godchild, Tahira, a high school honors student, to play tennis using Tom Skinner's prized tennis racket. This is what keeps me going and motivated to "keep on keeping on" throughout the year.

I know this has been a very tough year financially for us all. Many persons who supported us over the years have fallen on hard times themselves and have had to reduce their giving. Others have continued praying for us, but had to stop giving altogether. That is why I want to thank you from my heart for your strong support in 2010. And now, as we enter the final days of this year, I ask you to consider a sacrificial, tax deductible, year-end contribution of any size to help us finish the year financially strong. Your support will make it possible for us to keep bringing people together across lines of race and culture, equip a new generation of godly leaders, work with urban youth; and pray for and with congressional leaders to help strengthen their faith and decision making.

I pray that the coming New Year will be the best year ever for you and your family, and that you will experience the power of God in all that you do in 2011. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner

Co-Founder and President
Skinner Leadership Institute

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