If you’re registered to vote in Texas, you can vote early. There are a few reasons you might want to vote early:
More days: Early voting is from October 24 to November 4, giving you 12 more days to get to the polls in addition to Election Day on November 8. You'll also have more options for arranging transportation and coordinating with your work and other things on your schedule.
More places to vote: Registered voters can vote at any early voting location in the county where they are registered.
Less busy: It’s not guaranteed, but polling places may be less busy during early voting than they will be on Election Day. A polling place that’s less busy means you’ll spend less time waiting in line, accessible voting equipment may be more available, and you may be more likely to get assistance if you need it.
With the Texas Secretary of State’s My Voter Portal, you can find out where the early voting locations are in your county. The portal will also let you know if you’re registered to vote or not.
Vote by Mail
If you would like to vote by mail instead of in-person at a polling place, you must apply for a ballot by mail. Applications for a ballot by mail must be received (not postmarked) by your county’s Early Voting Clerk by October 28. Learn more about voting by mail in our 2022 Ballot by Mail Checklist.
Find a Ride to the Polls
Do you want to vote but need a ride to the polls? If you do, our Find a Ride Guide may be able to help. This new guide includes information about different transportation options you can consider this election season. Learn more about Finding a Ride to the Polls.
If you have questions about voters with disabilities, call our Voting Rights Hotline at 1-888-796-VOTE (8683) or email vote@drtx.org.