Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. #247 | March 03, 2023

俗语 from Xi Jinping

德才兼备 dé cái jiān bèi

Definition: having both integrity and talent

Original: 要坚持党管干部原则,坚持德才兼备、以德为先、五湖四海、任人唯贤,落实新时代好干部标准和忠诚干净担当要求,严把人选政治关、廉洁关、形象关。在充分听取意见基础上,中共中央政治局全面考虑人选条件、各方面结构要求和工作需要,提出了建议名单,并提请中共二十届二中全会审议。

Background: In a recent press release, Xi Jinping presaged major government reforms on the horizon in 2023. Consistent with previous statements on the need to reform and improve basic science research (mentioned in last week's newsletter), Xi's statements here foreshadow imminent reforms to institutions undergirding scientific research, as well as broader reforms to the entire Chinese government.

Source: 中共中央举行民主协商会 习近平主持并发表重要讲话

Weekly Reading: CAS Professor on Strengthening China's Semiconductor Self-Reliance

This week, with eyes and ears on semiconductor competition and the first hearing of the Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and CCP, it seems fitting to highlight this piece from two professors at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Luo Junwei (Professor and PhD researcher) and Li Shushen (CAS Vice President and University of CAS President; former Director General of Institute of Semiconductors) describe how China can compete with the US on semiconductors and how China could respond to new tech sanctions in the pursuit of self-reliance.

Here is an English language summary from Taipei Times.


African-American China Leadership Fellows Applications Are Open!

Applications are open for the 2023 African-American China Leadership Fellows program, now in its third year. This amazing mentorship opportunity is for mid-career, China-focused African-American professionals.

Our growing network includes accomplished professionals in foreign policy, business, cybersecurity, and law. Apply by March 24th (for best consideration) to have targeted career support and mentorship from our impressive group of mentors and alumni:

Apply Now

Job Opportunity - Resident Director, CET Beijing

The CET Beijing Resident Director (RD) is primarily responsible for managing all student life aspects of the CET Beijing program. The RD serves as CET’s primary liaison for the program and communicates the needs of students with DC headquarters.

While the faculty work directly with students on most academic issues, the RD handles all nonacademic issues, such as on-site emergencies, orientation, excursions, housing, and general student advising. The RD meets frequently with students (both informally and during office hours) and helps manage CET’s relationship with Capital Normal University (CNU) and our other local partners.

The RD supports the operation of the Foreign Service language training program run by CET, as needed. The RD also has duties related to custom programs, which operate on a case-by-case basis.

Application Deadline: April 1 (for best consideration)

Learn More and Apply
landing page of chineseforprofessionals website

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Course Website

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