SkyView software version 17.1 is now available for download from the Dynon website for experimental SkyView HDX systems.

NEW FEATURE: Safety-Enhancing Emergency Glide for SkyView HDX and Advanced AF-5000/600

A potentially life-saving feature is now available in SkyView HDX Software version 17.1 and an upcoming software version for Advanced Flight Systems AF-5000/6000 series avionics. The new Emergency Glide feature is designed to help reduce workload in a situation where pilots are easily overwhelmed.

Emergency Glide is activated when a pilot presses and holds the nearest (NRST) button. This immediately engages the autopilot at a pre-programmed best-glide speed. Simultaneously, SkyView HDX will locate the nearest airport within gliding distance, considering both wind and terrain. If the system finds a suitable airport, SkyView HDX will command the autopilot to navigate the aircraft to the airport immediately. At the same time, the airport identifier is loaded into the Com radio, making all available Com radio frequencies for that airport available at the touch of a button using Dynon’s unique airport-centric user interface. As the aircraft arrives at the airport, the autopilot initiates a banked turn to circle the airport while alerting the pilot to take control of the aircraft.


In addition to Emergency Glide, version 17.1 also contains a variety of other improvements and fixes for SkyView HDX. See the "What's new" area on the software download page for your SkyView product for full details.

  • Added: Support for Aithre CO, SPO2, and O2 sensors via analog EMS Inputs and sensor file update.
  • Changed: SV-COM-760 software version 2.24 included. Note: This update must be manually performed after display update. To determine your SV-COM-760’s Software version and update availability, go to SETUP MENU > COM RADIO SETUP > and observe the UPDATE line. More information is in the SkyView System Installation Manual.
  • Improved: Accuracy of ADS-B service status.
  • Improved: ADAHRS calibration "warm-up" time language made consistent across calibrations.
  • Fixed: Stability of FlyQ Slingshot feature.
  • Fixed: A bug causing SkyView units with certain internal storage devices to mistakenly alert system events 20 and 21.
  • Fixed: Tach and Hobbs times can exceed 10,000 hours.
  • Fixed: Metric units are properly shown when the engine is set to lean mode.
  • Fixed: The display now displays a "safe to restart" message at the end of a software update in case the screen does not proceed after reaching 100% load completion.

This release is for use with experimental HDX SkyView systems only.

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