November/December 2017 Newsletter
In This Issue
Message from the
Skyline Village Chicago Board
Dear Skyliners, 

Villages can have significant impact in our community to make it a more livable place for us all to grow old.

Last month we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Village movement with a webcast interview with Dr. Atul Gawande, author of Being Mortal.  While the webcast is unfortunately not available for distribution, we thought you would like to see this recent interview with Dr.Gawande conducted by Krista Tippett.   

Our Public Policy/Advocacy Committee is working on a plan to engage volunteers to be a friend to any of us who need a buddy to accompany us to the doctor, or to be with us when we are getting discharge plans when leaving the hospital.

We also envision that the Lake Shore Park renovation will include equipment that will entice us to 'come out and play'. As Ald Hopkins said, 'People don't outgrow playgrounds.  Playgrounds outgrow people." We want our playgrounds to accommodate all ages and abilities. We also want the Park District to provide fitness classes throughout the year for us and our neighbors.

Looking forward, we are offering a program to help prevent us from falling.   Skyline is partnering with CJE SeniorLife, CLL and The Village Chicago for an 8 session class at 4th Pres, from Feb 6-March 27, Healthy Steps for Older Adults. Watch for the announcement to sign up as space will be limited. 

The Skyline Village Chicago Board of Directors wishes you and yours a very happy, healthy and peaceful holiday season. 

SVC Board of Directors

URGENT NEWS to our Members and friends.  Medicare Part D open enrollment closes on December 7th.  It is wise to review your plan  every year,  as plans and formularies change and the costs to you could be significant.  If you want help, you can make an appointment with a   SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program) trained advisor at CJE SeniorLife 773-203-6711, or just go to to learn more. Our members have already saved $$$$ every year by reviewing and changing their plans. 

See  News We Can Use for more information.   

Editor's Note:

HI, if you can't see this newsletter all the way down to the Skyline Mission Statement, that means that your email server doesn't automatically download longer emails.  When you read to the bottom, you should see a message to 'Download all'.  Click on it to get all the information about the latest in SVC, news from our members and goings on in our vibrant neighborhood. We don't want you to miss anytning!

Good Times with Skyline Village Chicago
Andy White, Connectivity and Engagement Director of Lookingglass Theater was Skylines' very engaging guest at the Skyline Friday Forum. He captivated us with stories about the founding of our neighborhood theater, how the space at Water Tower was designed, and about his new role to reach out and connect Lookingglass with neighbors across Chicago.  We are delighted that one of his first projects is to bring Kevin Coval, Skyline Village Chicago and the Lookingglass Young Artists together for an intergenerational program on December 11th.   

Continuing our Friday Forum commitment to invite all the gubernatorial candidates to meet with us, Sen. Daniel Bill joined us in September.  


Skyline members rehearsed and participated with Encore Chorale in the living art installation CrowdOut, created by David Lang.  We were part of a 1000 voice choir on October 1, at the base of The Bean in Millennium Park, where we bounced our Crowd voice against the Bean and listened as it reverberated across the downtown buildings. Jonathan Miller Jonathan Miller, conductor of Gold Coast Chorale and Music Director of  Encore Illinois, prepped us and conducted our color coded yellow section.  

Check out to learn more or watch video at      

If you want to help plan events or have an idea for programs, please contact, or better yet -- join the Events Committee, which meets the first Monday of every month. 

Did you enjoy one of SVC's events and want to tell us about it? Do you have some pictures to share? We'd love to have your reviews and your photos for the newsletter and website.  

Email to:

Be sure to include the event you attended and the names of the folks in the photos

Skyliner Expeditions

Many of our intrepid Skyliners have been taking exciting trips. We want to hear from you for our new feature, Skyliner Expeditions!

Judy Karlov will be gathering travel stories from our members and readers. Will you share a bit about your journeys?

For the Nutshell:
  • City: Country:
  • Favorite spot:
  • Favorite piece of art or activity:
  • Favorite meal:
  • Most surprising thing:
  • or even the WORST thing -
    (because the worst things sometimes make the best
    stories later, don't they?)

It doesn't have to be long. Send a photo or three and maybe write a paragraph. If you have a great story to tell, it can be longer. It's your trip, your story and we can't wait to share the adventure. 

 Send to for the next newsletter.

From Our  Members
Connor Park / Argo Tea
By Anna Rappaport


Do you have something you'd like to share with your Skyline Village friends in the next newsletter? A news story, a poem, blog, piece of art, photo, a Favorite thing, a quote?  We'd love to include you in upcoming newsletter and the website.

Please send to
Skyline Village Chicago
News We Can Use
Don't Fall In Love With Your Medicare Part D Program
Kate Paz, Mather LifeWays and Esther Craven, CJE SeniorLife have both trained by SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program), which is a free statewide health insurance counseling service for Medicare recipients and their caregivers.   (See  ). They reminded Skyline Village Chicago and CLL members that the open enrollment period and time to review their Medicare Part D policies is from October 15 to December 6.   Each year the medication formularies change, and even if the drugs you are taking remain the same, the prices, deductibles and/or co-payments in your plan may have changed. Go to for detailed information. Be sure to have a list of your medications available so you can compare among the 28 companies selling Part D in Illinois.
Tips and information from Kate and Esther:
  • Watch for your new Medicare card that will be mailed out from CMS starting next April and rolling out over the next year. These will NOT the Social Security numbers on them.
  • Donut Hole will be closed by 2020, but meanwhile, out-of-pocket costs that are counted during the time you have reached the donut hole are only those for which you have actually paid, not the full cost of the drug.
  • Medicare supplemental plans in Illinois are standardized, we are a guaranteed plan state but premiums may vary widely.
  • Pharmacies and insurance companies are working together, so you need to be aware of this when you select a Part D plan and order your drugs through the partner pharmacy.
If you want to set up an appointment with a SHIP trained counselor to discuss any Medicare or Medicaid related issue, you can contact CJE SeniorLife at 773-508-1000 and request an appointment. Their offices are at 3003 W. Touhy.

Living to 100 and Beyond
By Anna M. Rappaport

For the past 15 years, the Society of Actuaries has sponsored a research program called "Living to 100 and Beyond." The program provides a forum for new ideas, exchange of information, and discussion of controversies.

Every three years, a symposium is held to bring together a diverse group of experts with different perspectives on the need to understand and strategies to adapt to longer life spans. Phyllis Mitzen, President of the Board of Skyline Village Chicago, and I were presenters at the most recent symposium.

Discussing "The Changing Face of Eldercare," Phyllis focused on making communities friendly to an aging population. She reported that the World Health Organization has established a network of age-friendly communities and a process to help communities achieve that goal. The eight domains of an age-friendly community are:
  • health care
  • transportation
  • housing
  • outdoor space and buildings
  • social participation
  • respect and social inclusion
  • civic participation and employment
  • communication and information.
Currently, there are 332 age-friendly cities in 36 countries. The US Affiliate of the network is AARP. The AARP program focuses on safe walkable streets, age-friendly housing and transportation options, access to needed services, and opportunities for residents of all ages to participate in community life.

Age-friendly communities do not replace the need for senior housing and long-term care facilities, but they offer people new options and may make it feasible for them to remain active and in the community longer. A transcript of this session (Session 6B) is included in the monograph identified below.

Accessing information about Living to 100: For each of the six symposia there is a monograph on the Living to 100 website at:
All of the 150 papers from 2002 to 2014 and the findings are summarized in a report prepared by Ernst and Young. This report can be found at:

Ms. Rappaport is a past president of the Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, IL.
Medicare Plan Finder

Equifax Messed Up: What You Need to Do Now
 "Catch Me If You Can" Scam Artist Has a Warning for Today's Consumers  

How the Elderly Lose Their Rights
If you find something you think would be beneficial or interesting to
fellow members, please email it with News We Can Use in the subject line.
  Skyline Village Chicago 
Our Favorite Things
Ventra App
Submitted by D. Clancy

My original bus tracker app was made obsolete when I updated my phone. Now I have a  Ventra app . I still use it mostly to track CTA buses (which I use often), but I can  also track CTA 'L' trains, Pace buses and Metra trains, which I use for visiting friends and family in Oak Park and the suburbs. One can also use it to buy Ventra cards and Metra tickets or look up Ventra value. Best of all, it's free and user-friendly.

Wear Eyewear
Submitted by Judy Karlov
Jordan Jones, Optometrist, and Joe Winjum, Owner/Optician at Wear Eyewear, 750 N. Franklin, 312 255 1212 have been my go-to for many years.  I just learned that they are about to become a Medicare provider, so they can even furnish the one pair of glasses Medicare entitles me to after my upcoming cataract surgery. They have long been able to work with several vision insurance providers, for the typical situation where Medicare leaves you on your own. Not leaving fashion out of the equation, their location among galleries and creatives assures that they have an excellent selection of the latest eyewear.

750 N. Franklin
312 255 1212 
Gift Cards at Costco
Submitted by Anne Rossiter
My favorite thing is to buy $100 worth Rosebud and Pinstripes gift cards at Costco for $74.99 giving is a 25% discount at every meal!   
Holiday Art Markets /Solola Chicago 
Submitted by Colby Krouse 
The holiday shopping season is ramping up!
Looking for great art fairs and markets for holiday gifts?

Solola is at lots of events throughout the year and will be at lots of holiday markets over the next several weeks. Please visit our public Facebook page for a schedule of events where we will have a booth. The nearest event for Skyliners will be December 13-15, The Atrium Holiday Market at theThompson Center. Come shop with me or just come say hi.   
 Colby's Solola booth at the French Market in Wheaton 

  "An 'ableist' * is a representative of
 a small group of the population that thinks it has more rights than you do."  
          Judy Heumann,  
          Disability rights activist
          and a framer of the ADA
*We can say the same about an "ageist" or'"racist" or "sexist".
                 Quote and comment submitted by Regan Burke 

Skyline Village Chicago
Social Groups
Skyline Diners
First Monday of the Month

Monday November 6
Sayat Nova
157 E. Ohio

Monday December 4
Restaurant TBD

Click link to register for Skyline Diners on our website
December 4
or register by email at

A sad farewell to our neighborhood favorite.
Sandy & Jack Herman, Kathlyn MaGuire, Regan Burke, Phyllis Mitzen over a final lunch at Frankie's.


Skyliners BG is on hiatus until January
Stay tuned for an update on our next book

11:30am - 3:00pm
Prentice Women's Hospital Cafeteria
250 E. Superior, 2nd floor 

If you are interested in joining this group or creating another Mah Jongg Group, please contact Carol Koenig at
What Groups or Bulletin Boards Would You Like
to Have?

Would you like to start a Bridge group? Or maybe your bridge game needs a substitute. Looking for fellow aficionados of movies, poetry, board games, walking or other activities? Would Skyline members like to have a bulletin board for finding friends to share activities?

Tell us what groups or bulletin boards you would like to see and if you would like to manage one .

SVC Community Partner Announcements
Lake Shore Park Advisory Council Meetings

Meets Second Monday of the Month
November 13
December 11
808 N. Lake Shore Drive

A park advisory council is a voluntary group of individuals meeting on a regular basis to support the effective functioning of their local park. Councils promote ways for the community to better utilize the Chicago Park District's programs and facilities; provide communication to the Chicago Park District on matters relating to their parks.
SVC plans to work with the park district to advocate for older adults and people with disabilities as they redesign our playgrounds and play fields, encouraging them to incorporate things like PickleBall and adult playground equipment as is found all over Asia, Europe and South America. Please consider joining us as we attend park district advisory council meetings.   
Lake Shore Park is currently holding 14 hourly fitness sessions for adults each week, including Yoga, Strength, Conditioning, Cardio Fitness and others.

Please Sign This Petition
Submitted by Pam Woodward
Chicago Park District: Don't Cancel Wellness Classes;
Fund them through the regular budget.   

The classmates in my adult fitness classes at Lake Shore Park and other Chicago Park District locations ask you to support their concern about the announced cancellation of Wellness Classes after the Coca Cola grant isdiscontinued at the end of this year. 
This fall, Chicago Park District is offering more than 600 Wellness 
classes all over the city. Currently none are scheduled for Winter. 
The grants which funded these classes ended and new grants are 
insufficient to fund the program. These classes need to be included in the Park District's regular budget so they continue without disruption. 
They offer Chicagoans of all ages important opportunities for exercise and community at little or no cost.  
A sample of the classes 
includes Teen Fit Box, Special Education Cardio Conditioning, Senior 
Chair Exercise, Adult Circuit training, Yoga, Mommy & Me, Nutrition 
and Pilates. The Wellness program also funds fitness centers in many parks. 
Petition to be delivered to:
Jesse H. Ruiz, President, Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners
Avis LaVelle, Vice President, CPD Board of Commissioners,  
Michael P. Kelly, CPD General Superintendent & CEO 
Steve Lux, CPD, CFO  
Patrick J. Levar, CPD, COO  
Alonzo Williams, CPD, Chief Program Officer

Northwestern Medicine

Northwestern Medicine Osher Center for Integrative Medicine has Fitness and Wellness classes currently underway for the fall schedule. Classes still open for registration in November and December are the following:
Fasting Diets, What's It All About? 
Monday, November 6
5:15pm - 6:45pm
Cost: $55
Going Gluten-Free: Food Choices and Meal Planning
Wednesday, November 15
5:15pm - 6:15pm
Cost: $40 per class
Winter Class Registration
Monday, October 30 - Friday,  February 5th. 
Fitness classes run Monday, January 8, - March 23rd, 2018
Please check the schedule for the wellness classes.  Participants who register late will be prorated for missed classes for fitness classes.  We offer classes each quarter throughout the year.
In Streeterville, we have a full line of fitness classes appropriate for Mature Adults including:
Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Osteoporosis, Zumba Gold {R}, Pilates, Line Dancing, Low-Impact Aerobics, Nia, Tai Chi, and Strength and Balance.  Our classes are small and our instructors are well trained.  We are able to offer individual modifications for a variety of physical and medical conditions as needed.
We also offer Wellness Classes on a rotating basis, including Fasting Diets, What's It All about; Detox, Cleansing and Rejuvenation; Food as Medicine; Going Gluten Free; Guided Mindful Meditation; and Meditation: Through Mindful Movement.
For information on our classes or to register, please go to:
To register by phone, please call 312.926.8400.   
Call and ask about registering for a free trial fitness class today.

Brazilian Film Series
November 3-18

See full schedule at

We have been diligently preparing this year's
MOSTRA VIII:  Brazilian Film Series and our Opening Night (Nov 3) at Columbia College Film Row, 1104 S. Wabash and several of the other presentations happen right in the Loop and South Loop.

With the exception of Opening (Nov 3) and Closing (Nov 12) Nights which are our fundraisers and which include great Brazilian food and entertainment, all the other events are FREE of CHARGE. Please, see the e-blast below with all the information on our Opening Night event. Please join us and attend this wonderful cultural and educational event on Brazil. Please, help us spread the word by passing this information on to any one you may think would be interested.   

If 10 of you would like to attend either Opening or Closing, or both, Contct Ariani for a $5 discount on the ticket. 

For a complete program of MOSTRA VIII, or to purchase tickets, please visit

RUSH University Medical Center Programs
All of the programs listed are free,  
Anyone can register by calling 800.757.0202.  
Parking through valet or in the Patients & Visitors garage will also be covered in full. 
Caregiving 101
Wednesday, November 17
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Rush University Medical Center, Professional Building
1725 W. Harrison Street 
Searle Conference Center, 5th Floor (Elevator II)
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Join us for a lecture to learn about accessing resources, managing care after a hospitalization, staying organized, and caring for yourself in the midst of it all. 
Navigating Housing Options in Chicago
Wednesday, November 29
1:00pm - to 3:00pm
Rush University Medical Center, Professional Building
1725 W. Harrison Street 
Searle Conference Center, 5th Floor (Elevator II)
Navigating housing can be a difficult process for anyone. Come hear an informative discussion on housing options in Chicago, including transitional housing, transitions to nursing homes and assisted living, housing for people with disabilities, and help paying utilities.
Balance & Fall Prevention Screening
Tuesday, December 5
10:00am to 2:00pm
Rush University Medical Center Atrium
1650 W. Harrison Street, 4th Floor, Lobby
An expert will assess your balance and give you personalized tips for preventing falls. To schedule your 15-minute appointment between 10am and 2pm, please call 800.757.0202. Walk-ins are also accepted.
Holiday Highs and Lows
Wednesday, December 13
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Rush University Medical Center, Professional Building
1725 W. Harrison Street
Searle Conference Center, 5th Floor (Elevator II)
For most of us, the holiday months bring about heightened joys and the occasional blues. Come hear from experts in mental health and aging on how to manage your holiday highs and lows. Participate in activities led by arts professionals, and learn about ways to stay active and engaged during the holiday season.

SOAR Chicago Food for Thought Series

Speaking Out in the Chicago Food Scene
with Steve Dolinsky
Tuesday, November 7
6:15pm - 7:30pm
Park Hyatt Chicago
800 N. Michigan Grand Salon-Lower Level

SOAR is pleased to introduce the first of its three part Speaker Series, Food for Thought. The first session is Food for Thought. Speaker Series programs will feature noted Streeterville residents,
The Speakers Series will launch on Tuesday, November 7, when Hungry Hound Steve Dolinsky discusses "Speaking Out on the Chicago Food Scene." Through his longtime and frequent broadcasts (ABC-Chicago/Channel 7), blogs and personal appearances, Dolinsky has proven his chops as one of Chicago's most trusted restaurant critics and knowledgeable food historians. He will give an overview of trends and a brief survey of Streeterville's time-honored and new eating establishments-some of which might be new to even the most frequent diners in the audience. Learn more about Steve Dolinsky here 
We believe, along with Julia Child, that "People who love to eat are always the best people". They include those who shop the Farmers Market, whose success largely rests on people enjoying each other's company to share fresh and local food.

To register, contact
Carole Thomas

Access Living Presents
Sip & Savor
3rd Annual Fall Event

Thursday, November 9
Access Living Chandler Gallery
115 W. Chicago Avenue, 4th Floor

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Tickets: $50 
Purchase tickets online at
Join us for red wine and chocolate tasting as we
celebrate Access Living's international exchange
program where we host disability advocates from around the world and travel abroad promoting our message of inclusion. All proceeds go towards operating support for Access Living's programs and services.
Featuring a Silent Auction!
Sinai Forum Lunch Series

Thursday November 30
Chicago Sinai Congregation
15 W. Delaware Pl.

Growing a Global Firm: How it intertwines with community,  religion, government affairs and national and international politics and trade

Lee Miller is Chairman Emeritus of DLA Piper, a former member of the DLA Piper Global Board and the US Executive Committee. Lee was one of the principle forces behind the national and international expansion of DLA Piper over the past two and a half decades and has been a driving force behind DLA Piper's extensive pro-nonprofit affiliate dedicated to providing long-term pro-bono legal assistance in underserved regions around the world. He is devoted to advancing diversity and inclusion around the world in the legal community.

Members $15 / Non-members of Sinai $20
 Register at or 312.867.7000
by November 28

Community Safety - CAPS and Beat Meetings

For further information call 18th District Community Relations at 312.742.5778

You can take an active role in helping the Chicago Police Department prevent crime in your neighborhood by attending your police district's Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) meetings. If you need assistance from the Police Department, Fire Department, or an ambulance please call 911 immediately. 
The 18th District  serves residents east of the River and south of Fullerton Lincoln Park, Old Town, River North, Gold Coast and Streeterville.

Contact info: 312-742-5870 or email at 

Beats in our area are 1831, 1832, 1833 and 1834
To confirm/identify your District and Beat, use this map.

For a full list of 18th District Events, click here.

"Nature has but a single path and you travel it
only once"
                             "How to Grow Old " 

Skyline Village Chicago  
Join us!
SVC New & Renewing Members

Welcome New Members!

Harriett Choice
Kathlyn Maguire
Miranda Mandel
Elizabeth Reidy 

Renewing Member
Mary Kemp

Thank you to all of our new and renewing members. You are the core of our Village.  

Join Skyline Village  Chicago

Annual Dues
$75 Individual
$100 Couple

Send a check to:
Skyline Village Chicago
P.O. Box 81334
Chicago, IL 60681 

Call us:   312.957.6060

Join online

Email us 

Handy Tip
Pool noodles from the dollar store will keep your boots standing upright and prevent creases.  Pool noodles can be easily sliced with a bread knife.

Handy Tip:
Those with mild conditions can often find relief without adding harsh prescriptions to their regimen.
These remedies can help keep you off of BP meds or keep dosage low.Always tell your doctor what you are taking. That goes for herbs and vitamin supplements too!

If you have a tip or favorite quote to share, please send to

Skyline Village Chicago 
Event Calendar
Skyline Village Event Calendar
November, 2017
SVC events are in green
Click underline to jump to event details
(Note: Internal links don't always work on mobile devices.)

12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Courtroom 2005 

Buchanan Chapel

Sayat Nova
157 E. Ohio
Encore Illinois: Gold Coast Chorale Rehearsal
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson

NWM: Fasting Diets: What's It All About?
5:15pm - 6:45pm

Osher Center
150 E. Huron
DCASE: Chamber Mondays
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington, 3rd Fl. South
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Ruggles Hall
CLL: Facing Illness with Confidence and Control
1:30pm - 3:00pm
126 E. Chestnut

SOAR: Food for Thought Series Speaking Out on the Chicago Food Scene  w/ Steve Dolinsky
6:15pm - 7:30pm
Park Hyatt, 800 N. Michigan
Townes Fellowship Lounge

6:30pm - 7:00pm
Ruggles Hall
60 W. Walton
Newberry: The Secret Lives of Indigenous Archives5:00pm Reception, 6:00pm Program
60 W. Walton
Access Livng: Sip & Savor5:30pm - 7:30pm
Chandler Gallery
115 W. Chicago Ave, 4th floor

Buchanan Chapel

Lake Shore Park Advisory Council 5:30pm
808 North Lake Shore Drive

Encore Illinois Gold Coast Chorale Rehearsal
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson

200 E. Delaware*
Newberry: Jesuits & Change: Spirit, Classroom & Change
Ruggles Hall
Newberry: Chasing Wilder in Chicago; Thornton Wilder's Prize-Winning The Eighth Day
5:00pm Reception, 6:00pm Program
60 W. Walton

Daley Center, 50 W. Washington, 
Courtroom 2005  

1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice, 835 N. Michigan
Millennium Park

Millennium Park

18-Jan 7
111 N. Michigan
Daily, 10:30am - 5:00pm
Thursdays until 8:00pm
Buchanan Chapel
RUSH: Caregiving 101
1:00pm - 3:00pm
1725 W. Harrison, 5th Floor
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson
7:30pm - 11:00pm
Navy Pier
Caroling at Cloud Gate
6:00p - 7:00pm
Millennium Park
111 N. Michigan
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Navy Pier
Encore Illinois: Gold Coast Chorale Rehearsal
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson

DCASE:Chamber Mondays
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington, 3rd Fl. South
DCASE: Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington

RUSH: Navigating Housing Options in Chicago
1:00pm - 3:00pm
RUSH University Medical Center
1725 W. Harrison, 5th Floor
12:30pm - 1:45pm
126 E. Chestnut
Sinai Forum Lunch: Lee Miller
15 W. Delaware
Skyline Village Event Calendar
December, 2017
SVC events are in green

Click link to jump to event details
(Note: Internal links don't always work on mobile devices.)

Buchanan Chapel

LUMA: Art & Faith of the Creche Opening Reception
5:30pm - 7:30pm
820 North Michigan

Caroling at Cloud Gate
6:00p - 7:00pm
Millennium Park
  Fourth Presbyterian Concerts
LUMA Christmas in Oaxaca
1:00pm - 3:00pm
820 North Michigan

 Navy Pier: Sequence Ch!cago; Ceilito Lindo
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Navy Pier
Restaurant TBD
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson

DCASE: Chamber Mondays
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington, 3rd Fl. South

RUSH: Balance & Fall Prevention Screening
1:00pm - 3:00pm
RUSH University Medical Center Atrium
1650 W. Harrison, 4th Floor Lobby
5 & 6
DCASE: Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
Newberry: Imprints: The Pokagon Band of Potowatomi Indians and the City of Chicago
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Ruggles Hall
60 W. Walton
Elder Justice Center Free Seminar
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Courtroom 2005  

Caroling at Cloud Gate
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Millennium Park
Newberry: Religious Music Singalong
10:30am - 12:00nn
Ruggles Hall
60 W. Walton

 Navy Pier: Sequence Ch!cago; Wicker Park Choral Singers
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Navy Pier



Lookingglass Theatre
821 North Michigan Ave.
3:30 - 5:00pm
200 E. Delaware

Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
13 - 15
8:00am - 5:00pm
Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph

RUSH: Holiday Highs and Lows
1:00pm - 3:00pm
RUSH University Medical Center
1725 W. Harrison, 5th Floor

126 E. Chestnut

Caroling at Cloud Gate
6:00p - 7:00pm
Millennium Park
Buchanan Chapel


LUMA: The Craft of the Creche Nativity Work
1:00pm - 3:00pm
820 North Michigan
Newberry: Holiday Performance: Dream Upon Avon
10:00am - 11:30am
Ruggles Hall
60 W. Walton
 Navy Pier: Sequence Ch!cago; Chicago Gay Men's Chorus
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Navy Pier
Buchanan Chapel

Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
 Navy Pier: Sequence Ch!cago; A Blues Christmas
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Fourth Presbyterian Friday Concerts
Fourth Presbyterian Concerts

DCASE: Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice Grill
835 North Michigan
Buchanan Chapel


Skyline Village Chicago
Event Details
SVC Events are in Green
Elder Justice Center 
Free Seminar Series
Alternate Thursdays
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Courtroom 2005
Registration: 312.603.9233

November 2, 2017
Empowering Nursing Home Residents

November 16
Domestic Violence Against Seniors : Misuse of Power and Control

December 8
Senior Driving: Tips for the Active Senior

Click here for the seminar series.
Encore Illinois Session

Encore Illinois Combined Chorale Holiday Performance Holiday Performance  
December 14
 Buchanan Chapel, Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut
This performance is free and open to the public 
Spring Session: Registration Open 
Mondays, January 29 - May 7
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E Pearson
Spring Performance:  
Thursday, May 10
Buchanan Chapel
Fourth Presbyterian 
Come sing with Encore on the Gold Coast this spring!
15-week Spring session starts Monday, January 29, 2018 at The Clare, 55 E Pearson, Chicago, and runs until May 7, concluding with a performance at The Clare for residents (date TBA). The all-Encore performance for combined choirs will be at at Buchanan Chapel at Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago on Thursday, May 10 (12:00pm singer call, 2:00pm show).  
Our repertoire will feature American folk songs, including "Goodnight, Irene," "Poor Wayfaring Stranger," "This Little Light of Mine," "My Old Kentucky Home," Aaron Copland's famous setting of "At The River," and many more.
When you order, you'll receive e-mail confirmation, and you'll also receive a reminder e-mail before the first rehearsal. Sheet music (to keep) and practice CD will be distributed at the first rehearsal.
For more information or if you are interested in joining the Gold Coast Chorale go to  

Skyline Perennials
(formerly Women's Salon)
Second Tuesday of the month 

Tuesday, November 14
Tuesday December 12
3:30pm - 5:00pm
200 E. Delaware

Presented by: Skyline Village Chicago,
Host: Phyllis Mitzen
Join fellow members for a lively discussion about what it means and how it feels to be an Aging Woman -- our hair, our outspokenness, our invisibility, our wisdom, our ... 

To register on our website RSVP click the link
November 14
December 12
or register by email at with Skyline Perennials in the subject line or click
SVC members and their guests only   

Newberry Library  
60 West Walton

The Newberry organizes and hosts programs illuminating topics in the humanities, through a variety of formats tailored to the subject at hand: lectures, staged readings, music and dance performances, panel discussions, workshops, and more. 
For a full list of events, programs and exhibitons at the Newberry Library or to go to  Events in Ruggles Hall unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday November 7
What the Reformation Did and Why It Still Matters
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Ruggles Hall
Wednesday,  November 8
GOZHOO LE - The Beautiful Way
Towner Fellows' Lounge

Wednesday, November 8
 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Andrew J. Diamond, Chicago on the Mke: Power and Inequality in a Modern City

Thursday, November 9
5:00pm Reception, 6:00pm Discussion
The Secret Life of Indigenous Archives

Tuesday November 14
Jesuits and Change: Spirit, Classroom and Change
Ruggles Hall

Wednesday, November 15
5:00pm Reception, 6:00pm Program
Chasing Wilder in Chicago
Thornton Wilder's Prize-Winning The Eighth Day
Ruggles Hall

Thursday December 7
6:00pm - 7:30pm
John N. Low, Imprints: The Pokagon Band of Potawatmi Indians and the City of Chicago
Ruggles Hall

Saturday, December 9
10:30am - 12:00nn
Religious Music Singalong

Saturday, December 16
10:30am - 11:30am
Holiday Performance: Dream Upon Avon

To register for one of the events above, click here.   

SVC Friday Forum           
Friday, November 17
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice, 835 N. Michigan

Healthcare, Medicaid, Medicare, Affordable Care Act, and Working in Springfield; Julie Hamos Is the Expert

Julie Hamos became passionate about healthcare for low-income people late in her career, when she became the Director of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services in 2010, assuming leadership of the Medicaid Program, Medicaid expansion under "Obamacare", and child support services. Today, Julie is a principal at Health Management Associates (HMA), a national consulting firm with expertise in publicly funded health care, primarily Medicaid.
For 11 years, Julie was an elected State Representative, sponsoring and passing ground-breaking legislation. Julie has tackled challenging policy issues throughout her career as an advocate and public interest attorney.

Click the link below to register on our website
November 17

Or register by email to  
Lunch is Dutch Treat, plus $5 to cover the cost of our private room. 

Center for Life & Learning
Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut

Fitness Membership

10:30am - 11:15am - Toning Balls
2:30pm - 3:30pm - Yoga
T uesdays
10:30am - 11:15am - Pilates Resistance Band
2:45pm - 3:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi
10:30am - 11:15am -  Zing! Total Fitness
10:30am - 11:15am - Range of Motion

Classes are $45
Click here to register

Free Lectures & Groups
Open to 60 and older

Facing Illness with Confidence and Control
Wednesdays, November 1 & 8 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Often, people submit to unwanted tests, treatments and even hospitalizations without fully understanding the benefits and burdens of such care.
Truth in Treatment is a new consumer movement that builds a habit of asking questions and considering treatment alternatives long before any illness becomes life limiting. 
Truth in Treatment is a significant part of the lifelong process of Advance Healthcare Planning. Its tools will guide you in critical conversations with healthcare providers that focus on your best interests.

Loretta Downs, MA, CSA is the founder of Chrysalis End-of-Life Inspirations. She has a Masters Degree in Gerontology, is a Certified Advance Care Planning Facilitator, Certified Senior Advisor, and an End-of-Life Care Practitioner. 
Daryl Holtz Isenberg, PhD in Counseling Psychology, founded the Family Cancer Support Network for children in 1980, directed a statewide clearinghouse of self-help groups, and currently works to improve care at the end of life.

Click here to register


Art Insights from the Art Institute
Wednesday, November 29  
12:30pm - 1:45pm

Enjoy two forty-five minute presentations from docents of the Art Insights Program at the Art Institute: "The Patrons and their Donations" and "American Landscape Paintings of the Late Nineteenth Century".

  Click here to register

For more information call 312.981.3386.

SVC and Lookingglass Theatre Present
People's History of Chicago-Story Telling Project
Monday, December 11
Lookingglass Theatre
821 N. Michigan Ave. 
People's History of Chicago Storytelling Project with Kevin Coval:
Skyline Village Storytellers in partnership with Lookingglass Theatre's Young Ensemble will perform their original stories.
Register now for the inaugural performance of this exciting inter-generational project developed by Skyline Village members.

Space is limited so register early!
Click here to register

Loyola University Museum of Art
820 North Michigan Ave

LUMA is pleased to offer free admission to the museum from now until November 11.

Art & Faith of the Crèche   
The Collection of James and Emilia Govan and The Craft of the Crèche: Materials and Techniques. This perennial favorite returns. The story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus has great appeal throughout the world. See how artists across the globe depict the Nativity with clothes, architecture, and figures from their native lands.

Saturday, December 2
1:00pm - 3:00pm


Visit for the roster of performers and other MCA events

Music at Fourth Presbyterian

Ongoing schedule of free concerts. 
Concerts are free unless otherwise noted.
Friday, November 3
12:10 pm  
Buchanan Chapel  
Alisa Jordheim, soprano
Yana Reznik, piano   
Friday, November 10 
12:10 pm  
Buchanan Chapel   
Andrew Sords, violinist    
Friday, November 10   
The Choral Society and Camerata Chicago, conducted by Drostan Hall
  Click here for info and tickets. Code FPCC for 50% discount  
Friday, November 17
Thom Gouwens, organist   
Friday, November 17
The Andrew Pipe Organ 2nd Anniversary Concert
Jan Kraybill, organ
Featuring Jan Kraybill's transcription from Saint-Saëns' "Organ" Symphony 
Saturday, November 18
Buchanan Chapel
Bella Voce performs Handel's Messiah 
Tickets available at the door
 Hear Handel's Messiah performed on period instruments by one of Chicago's
finest choirs
Friday, November 24
John W. W. Sherer, organist 
Friday, December 1   
Buchannan Chapel        
Picosa Chamber Ensemble 
Saturday, December 2
St. Charles Singers singing Christmas favorites

Tuesday, December 5, Wednesday, December 6  
Christmas with Chanticleer-an annual favorite!
Tickets available by calling 312.294.3000, at, or at the door
Friday, December 8
Buchanan Chapel   
Robert Chen, violinist 
Saturday, December 9
Chicago A Cappella singing a holiday extravaganza
Tickets available at the door
Sunday, December 10
A Festival of Advent Lessons and Music
 This worship service features Fourth Church's children's and adult choirs
singing works by Palestrina, Pärt, and MacMillan
Friday, December 15
Buchanan Chapel   
Bach and Beethoven Ensemble  
Sunday, December 17
9:30am and 11:30am worship
Christmas Cantata with the Morning  
  "In Nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Canticum"
     by Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Sunday, December 17
Buchanan Chapel
Christmas Musical featuring the Children's and Youth Choirs
  "Where's the Newborn King?"
  by Anna Laura Page and Jean Anne Shafferma
Friday, December 22
John W. W. Sherer, organist

Saturday, December 23
Christmas with Tower Brass
Suggested donation of $20 at the door
Another annual favorite featuring music for brass and organ from Gabrieli
to jazz arrangements by Aaron David Miller 
Friday, December 29
Beena David Quartet

Sunday, December 31
Buchanan Chapel
New Year's Eve Taizé Service
Arrive early to walk the labyrinth and enjoy this time of quiet accompanied
by the Fourth Church Taizé Instrumental Ensemble
For a full list of concerts at Fourth Presbyterian,  click here

Millennium Park

November 17 - March 5
Hours Vary
McCormick Tribune Ice Rink
Skating is free and open to the public. Skate Rentals available.

Friday, November 17
104th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony

Fridays November 24,
December 1, 8, 15
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Caroling at Cloud Gate

Click here for more details
DCASE Events,
Performances & Exhibitions

1st & 4th Mondays
Chamber Mondays
Preston Bradley Hall
3rd Floor South

Dame Myra Hess Concerts
Preston Bradley Hall
3rd Floor South

The Chicago Cultural Center offers performances and exhibitions, free and open to the public.
For the monthly schedule  click here.

Art Institute of Chicago

The Art Institute's Thorne Miniature Rooms and Neapolitan Creche
November 18 - January 7
Daily 10:30am - 5:00pm,
Thursdays until 8:00pm
111 S. Michigan
The Art Institute's Thorne Miniature Rooms are once again decked out with tiny seasonal trimmings that offer a window into festivities from a Victorian Christmas to a traditional Chinese New Year. The spectacular Neapolitan crèche is one of the few and finest examples found outside of Naples. Free for children under 14 and Chicago residents under 18.
The Wreathing of the Lions
Friday, November 24
Kick off the holidays at the 26th anniversary of this Chicago family favorite. After adorning the lions on the historic Michigan Avenue steps with their traditional holiday wreaths, move inside at 10:30am for wreath-making fun inspired by the museum's collection. 

Click here for a full calendar of events at the Art Institute of Chicago

Navy Pier

SEQUENCE Ch!cago Performance Series
A nod to Chicago's diverse art and music scene, Sequence Ch!cago celebrates local artists, musicians and cultural organizations by showcasing their works through this unique and exciting new performance series!

November 22
7:30pm - 11:00pm

November 25
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Chicago Culture Market

December 2
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Cielito Lindo

December 9
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Wicker Park Choral Singers

December 16
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Chicago Gay Men's Chorus

December 20
7:00pm - 8:30pm
A Blues Christmas

Click here for more detail on Sequence Ch!cago Performance Series

Click here for a full schedule of Navy Pier events and tickets as needed

Every month
Register:    Call 888.600.2560
or email

Presented by: Mather Lifeways

To register online or download the current schedule of Telephone Topics, go to

All calls are free.

Replogle Center for Counseling and Wellness

Grief Support Group
November 6 - December 11
 7:00pm - 8:15 pm
126 E Chestnut
Boyle Conference Room

The Grief Support Group is professionally led by two experienced counselors--Maureen Garvey, L.C.P.C., and Mary Jo Hubick, L.C.P.C.--and offers support and education. It meets on Monday evenings for four to six consecutive weekly sessions and is offered--free of charge--approximately five times a year (based on interest, as a minimum of six people is needed to start a group). No charge, but preregistration is required

For more information or to express interest in adding your name to the list for the next group, please call 312.787.8425.

Weekly Meditation Group
7:00pm - 8:15pm
  126 East Chestnut, 3rd floor
Cost:   voluntary donation of any amount
Regristration: drop-in model - come whenever it works for you
Often, pathways to greater spiritual, physical and emotional well-being are complicated and expensive. It is hard to imagine that simply sitting in silence and concentrating on the breath can have a huge impact on our well-being - but it t can. Science has now proven what mystics and meditators have known all along. Meditation works. Only 5 minutes of meditation a day can literally alter our brain physiology, improve a huge range of physical ailments, reduce stress, and provide a greater sense of calm and ease in our lives.
At The Replogle Center we offer you a simple, easy way to try it out. Just come any Tuesday (we're always there) and experience the power of meditation and the joy of sharing that practice with others. No reservations, no commitments. We make meditating together as easy as meditating is.

For more information and a schedule of seminars, meditations and workshops, go to

More Great Cultural, Education and Social Opportunities?

We know we didn't get them all in our calendar and newsletter! 

Choose Chicago has an excellent event calendar in which you can search by the date, date range, category of event and location.

"Each stage of life has its own appropriate qualities - weakness in childhood, boldness in youth, seriousness in middle age and maturity in old age. These are fruits that must be harvested in due season"  
"How to Grow Old"