September/October 2017 Newsletter
Editor's Note:

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Happy Reading - and thanks for all the great feedback!  

In This Issue
Message from the
Skyline Village Chicago Board
Dear Skyliners, 

Happy 15th Anniversary to the Village Movement!

Beacon Hill Village was the first to open for membership in 2002 and today there are more than 200 villages around the US. with another 150 villages in formation. On Monday, September 25th from 3:30 to 5:30, Skyline Village Chicago will meet at Loyola Law School to join villages all over the country to mark this occasion in a live streaming event. We will hear an exclusive webinar address by Atul Gawande, the acclaimed author of Being Mortal, will talk about The Value of Community and Choice as we Grow Older, followed by a discussion of how our Village can make an impact on our lives and community. Sign up today as space for this important address is limited.  
This month Skyline is teaming up with CLL and Northwestern to focus on fall prevention. None of us is immune from falls and we want everyone in our community to be aware of both the risks and costs of falls, and how we can prevent them.  Join us for " You Go Nowhere by Accident" at  CLL on Thursday, September 21st, and attend Northwestern's Annual open house on the first day of Fall , September 22nd, for more information on ways we can protect ourselves, especially as we grow older.

And don't forget our annual program on October 25th, in collaboration with CLL Don't Fall in Love with your Medicare Part D Plan. Attend to learn what is new with Medicare for 2018, and tips to review your coverage.
Finally, our Skyline Board and Public Policy committee are actively pursuing ways to put action behind our commitment to advocacy. If you are interested in learning more and to join the committee, contact us at

SVC Board of Directors

Good Times with Skyline Village Chicago

The summer months have been exciting for the SVC Villagers!

Thanks  to everyone who participated in Skyline Village Chicago's Summer in the City party celebrating our 5th anniversary.  We were privileged to honor Dr. Lee Lindquist for all of her contributions to the health and well being of older adults in our community.  Most of all we were delighted that you could be there to support SVC's mission.

Author Beth Finke joined us for SVC's Friday Forum in July to talk about her book Writing Out Loud, with stories of her experience as a blind writer teaching a class on memoir writing. We're very excited that she also be visiting Skyliners BG in September.

  Encore Illinois ROCKS! summer session culminated in combined chorales performing with a rock ensemble. Visit the youtube channel below to hear the combined choirs perform "Rock Around the Clock", "I Can't Help Falling in Love with You," "It's My Party" and "California Dreamin' " The fall session starts September 11 and runs until December 14 with a holiday music program. Come join the fun!

SVC had our first Jazz Night Out at Winters Jazz Club.The Andy Brown Quartet positively wowed us. Great music - and right around the corner. Should we make this a monthly event?  What say you, Villagers?  

We need your help. If you want to help plan events or have an idea for programs, please contact, or better yet -- join the Events Committee, which meets the first Monday of every month. 

Did you enjoy one of SVC's events and want to tell us about it? Do you have some pictures to share? We'd love to have your reviews and your photos for the newsletter and website.  

Email to:

Be sure to include the event you attended and the names of the folks in the photos

Our honoree Dr. Lee Lindquist

Watch videos from Encore Illinois ROCKS performance

Friday Forum with Beth Finke, author of
Writing Out Loud

SVC Presents Karen's Korner

Oh, what a beautiful evening!

The Clare graciously invited SVC members to join their residents for the Star Wars and More: The Music of John Williams concert at Millennium Park July 7. A few of us attended and enjoyed perfect weather, fabulous music and delicious food. The Clare's bus dropped us off on Randolph behind the stage where we were served a lovely dinner while a representative of the Grant Park Orchestra and Chorus shared little known facts about John Williams and his music.
We were then ushered to the choir loft seats behind the orchestra from where we could view the musicians "up close and personal" and the audience from a new perspective.
SVC member, Judy Karlov, had this to say about the evening:
"It is enjoyable to visit with a community where everyone is a relative newcomer, because you feel so welcome. I sat with a Clare resident on the bus, and there was no question but that I would join her and her friends for dinner.  The view of orchestra and audience, and the sound of the concert from the choir risers onstage, were spectacular. As it grew dark outside the Art Institute Modern Wing, which was lit up at night, looked like a gorgeous spaceship."

The sold-out audience was enthusiastic and engaged, some with their light sabers waving to the music as the sun went down. We heard Williams' famous soundtracks from Star Wars, Superman, and The Empire Strikes Back as well as some of his lesser-known such as Terminal, Far and Away, and Hook. A jam-packed program that was thrilling for all.

Another SVC member, Gay Roberts, sums it up well in her thank you note to the Clare:
"Last nite was a truly great experience.  Thanks for sharing with Skyline. I never would have gone without your putting together such a wonderful social, cultural, and educational program.  All are the aspects and goals of our Skyline Village mission. "

Karen Ross        
Grant Park Symphony from the Choir

Karen Ross and Gay Roberts' concert selfie from the choir loft.

From Our  Members
Mariano Park

Drawing in the city (or the countryside) is one of my favorite things.  Sitting in Mariano Park is also one of my favorite things. 

This drawing is done with a combination of pencil, ink and Copic markers.  I learned about Copic markers in a class sponsored by Urban Sketchers, Chicago and they are great for working with outside. For going around drawing, these markers are great.

Anna Rappaport   

Do you have something you'd like to share with your Skyline Village friends in the next newsletter? A news story, a poem, blog, piece of art, photo, a Favorite thing, a quote?  We'd love to include you in upcoming newsletter and the website.

Please send to
Skyline Village Chicago
News We Can Use
How Much Forgetfulness is Normal?
This Art Gallery is Winning the Fight Against Ageism 
A gallery featured in the New York Times features only
artists age 60+
Where the Elderly Take Care of Each Other - Because No One Else Will 

If you find something you think would be beneficial or interesting to
fellow members, please email it with News We Can Use in the subject line.
Scam Alert!

Greetings Skyliners

There are always creeps who want to scam people and sadly seniors are a frequent target. In the last few days I have received numerous calls from individuals saying they are from Senior Connections and need to explain my new Medicare program and prescriptions. I'm not on medicare.  I answered the call because it was a local number and looked innocuous.It's not local. It's clearly relayed from a foreign call center. No doubt this one is gearing up as folks are preparing to update their Medicare Part D.

Some recommendations for dealing with phone scams:
  • If you haven't already, put your phone numbers on the Do Not Call registry.  
  • Report unwanted calls. Reporting provides information to authorities and the complaint itself becomes part of the charges when they get caught.

    Calls can be reported on  Scams or suspected scams can be reported to the FTC by calling 877.382.4357 or online at 
  • You will be asked the specific time of the call, the company/ organization, What it was about (IRS, medical, lowering credit card debt, vacations & time shares, etc.) and whether it was a robo-call or a live call. Tell them as much as you know but don't feel like you have to engage the caller to get info.
  • Protect yourself! Never provide any personal information whatsoever to an unknown caller. If you have any doubts about a whether a call is who they say they are, definitely check them out.  If it sounds dodgy, it probably is.

If you find something you think would be beneficial or interesting to
fellow members, please email it with News We Can Use in the subject line 

  Skyline Village Chicago 
Our Favorite Things

My Favorite App: See Click Fix

See Click Fix is my very favorite app.  As I walk around my neighborhood, if I see graffiti or a broken sidewalk, or a pot hole, I stop, open my SCF app, take a picture and report it. I get an email back saying that it has been sent to the right agency, and several days (or sometimes weeks) later I get a response saying that the problem has been addressed and asking if I wan to close the report.  For those of us concerned about falling because of uneven cracks in our sidewalks, or those curb cuts that have disintegrated, GET THE SCF APP AND REPORT IT!!!! Find it at the App store, or at

                                                                           Phyllis Mitzen


Do you have a Favorite Thing to share? Perhaps you particularly 
enjoyed a show or exhibit, discovered a new favorite product or  service or have a fantastic place to take visiting grandchildren.  Please send it to us for the next newsletter, with Our Favorite Things  in the subject line.

Disclaimer: Skyline Village Chicago thanks its members for sharing recommendations. These recommendations do not constitute endorsement by SVC.

"Sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches. Cool to warm. So is the progression from childhood to old age."

Skyline Village Chicago
Social Groups
Skyline Diners
First Monday of the Month

Due to the Labor Day holiday, Skyline Diners will meet the second Monday of September .

Monday September 11
Frankie's Scallopine
900 N. Michigan Ave.

Monday October 2
Frankie's Scallopine
900 N. Michigan Ave.

Click link to register for Skyline Diners on our website
October 2
or register by email at

Book Review: 
An Afternoon with Author Jill Wilson Brennan

At our July meeting, Skyliner BG members who read
Skyscrapers were treated to a fascinating presentation by Jill Wilson Brennan, it's Chicago author. The title refers to the landscape in the book's Powhaten setting (the thinly-veiled Chicago) as well as to the main characters' natures and the location of their offices. The two self-made CEOs-one a man, the other a woman-are each larger than life.

Although Brennan insisted that her characters were all fictitious, she did say that they were based on corporate scoundrels we all have known and whose malfeasance directly affected Brennan in her not-for-profit work. As she said in a 2015 post, "Fiction allows a writer to question human nature, dig beneath appearances, disturb the status quo, and let each character reveal his own reality." Skyscrapers allowed Brennan to do all of these things.

Brennan wrote her first novel, George's Picnic, at age nine and has been writing ever since. Upon receiving her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan, Brennan married her husband, who received his law degree there. With him she traveled to New York, Chicago, Paris, and London and had three children along the way. Upon the family's return to the U.S., they moved to suburban Chicago where Brennan earned a master's degree and began writing on gun control and terrorism. Fiction writing followed, and, in addition to published short stories, she wrote two unpublished novels before Skyscrapers.

Because of its rather cinematic plot, Brennan has pitched Skyscrapers to filmmakers in Hollywood. Skyline Village fans are eager to see where this leads. Stay tuned!

D. Clancy     

Sel Yackley, Jill Wilson Brennan (author), Judy Thornber, D Clancy, Bill Clancy

Skyliner BG meets the first Wednesday of the month unless otherwise specified

September 6, 3:30pm
200 E. Delaware
Click link to register on our website
September 6
October 4
Or register by email at  with Skyliners BG in the subject line.

11:30am - 3:00pm
Prentice Women's Hospital Cafeteria
250 E. Superior, 2nd floor 

If you are interested in joining this group or creating another Mah Jongg Group, please contact Carol Koenig at
What Groups or Bulletin Boards Would You Like
to Have?

Would you like to start a Bridge group? Or maybe your bridge game needs a substitute. Looking for fellow aficionados of movies, poetry, board games, walking or other activities? Would Skyline members like to have a bulletin board for finding friends to share activities?

Tell us what groups or bulletin boards you would like to see and if you would like to manage one .

"Wisdom comes with winters"  
                               Oscar Wilde 
SVC Community Partner Announcements
Lake Shore Park Advisory Council Meetings

Meets Second Monday of the Month
September 11, 5:30pm
October 9, 5:30pm
808 N. Lake Shore Drive

A park advisory council is a voluntary group of individuals meeting on a regular basis to support the effective functioning of their local park. Councils promote ways for the community to better utilize the Chicago Park District's programs and facilities; provide communication to the Chicago Park District on matters relating to their parks.
SVC plans to work with the park district to advocate for older adults and people with disabilities as they redesign our playgrounds and play fields, encouraging them to incorporate things like PickleBall and adult playground equipment as is found all over Asia, Europe and South America. Please consider joining us as we attend park district advisory council meetings.  

Art in Motion
Thursday, September 14 ,
5:30pm - 9:00pm
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
SkyLobby, 10th Floor
355 East Erie

Hosted by the Associate Board of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, the 15th annual Art in Motion raises funds for Shirley Ryan AbilityLab's Art Therapy and Therapeutic Recreation programs and showcases work submitted by our very own artists.

Emerging artists, civic and business leaders enjoy a lively cocktail party with music, raffle, appetizers, refreshments and patient artwork on display at the event. Artwork is for sale via silent auction. Artists will also attend the event to discuss their inspiration and work.
Click here for tickets or more information 

Northwestern Medicine
Stand Tall Against Falls

Friday, September 22
10:00am - 2:00pm
Arkes Family Pavilion
676 North St. Clair, 2nd floor

Prentice Women's Hospital
250 E. Superior, 2nd floor

September 22 is Falls Prevention Awareness Day

Sinai Forum Lunch Series
Thursday September 28
Chicago Sinai Congregation
15 W. Delaware Pl.

Making Lemonade out of Lemons: The Challenge of Overcoming Adverse Events

Peter B. Bensinger Sr.  is Senior Consultant and Founder of Bensinger, DuPont and Associates (BDA). Mr. Bensinger started BDA privately owned professional services company with his Partner, Robert L. DuPont, M.D. in August, 1982.
Prior to forming this consulting service with Dr. Robert DuPont, Mr. Bensinger served as the Administrator of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. He was appointed to this position in January of 1976 by President Gerald R. Ford and was confirmed by the Senate, serving over five and one-half years under Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan.

Members $15 / Non-members of Sinai $20
 Register at or 312.867.7000
by September 26

Hyde Park Village Fall Frolic
Sunday, October 1, 5:30 - 8:00pm
Hyde Park Art Center
5020 S. Cornell

 For more information or to register
Call 773.363.1933 or email 

Northwestern Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Fall Fitness Classes

Registration open for Fall fitness classes
October 2 - December 25

Northwestern Medicine Osher Center for Integrative Medicine has Fitness and Wellness classes for Fall which will start on Monday, October 2, 2017 and end on December 25th (no classes 11/20-11/24 for Thanksgiving week).  Registration for Fall will remain open until Friday, October 27th.  Participants who register late will be prorated for missed fitness classes.  We offer classes each quarter throughout the year.
In Streeterville, we have a full line of fitness classes appropriate for Mature Adults including:
Gentle Yoga, Yoga for Osteoporosis, Zumba Gold {R}, Pilates, Line Dancing, Low-Impact Aerobics, Nia, Tai Chi, and Strength and Balance.  Our classes are small and our instructors are well trained.  We are able to offer individual modifications for a variety of physical and medical conditions as needed.
For information on our classes or to register, please go to:
To register by phone or for a trial class, please call 312.926.8400. 

Community Safety - CAPS and Beat Meetings

For further information call 18th District Community Relations at 312.742.5778

You can take an active role in helping the Chicago Police Department prevent crime in your neighborhood by attending your police district's Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) meetings. If you need assistance from the Police Department, Fire Department, or an ambulance please call 911 immediately. 
The 18th District  serves residents east of the River and south of Fullerton Lincoln Park, Old Town, River North, Gold Coast and Streeterville.

Contact info: 312-742-5870 or email at 

Beats in our area are 1831, 1832, 1833 and 1834
To confirm/identify your District and Beat, use this map.

For a full list of 18th District Events, click here.

Down the Road

Some of SVC's upcoming projects and events beyond the newsletter's September /October calendar. Save some dates, stay tuned for details and consider joining a committee!


National Village Gathering
Enhancing the Power of Aging
November 6-8
Baltimore, MD

Registration is open for the 2017 National Village Gathering.Learn more about the village movement and helping our Skyline Village grow. Click here for more information.

SVC Friday Forum
November 17 
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice
835 North Michigan 
SVC Friday Forum continues the gubernatorial candidate series with former Governor Patrick Quinn, who is considering running again. 

Encore Illinois Holiday Performance

December 14

4th Presbyterian Church
Buchannan Chapel 


New SVC Projects

Skyline Informed Advocates Program
"Don't Visit Your Doctor Alone"
We're assembling a new committee for our Skyline Informed Advocates Program and PR campaign "Don't Visit Your Doctor Alone" pending the Chicago Community Trust Grant

"Tell Your Story"
Intergenerational Writing Workshop
Kevin Coval inspired us so much at our May Friday Forum we are looking at collaborating with his Young Chicago Authors to offer a free " Telling Your Stories workshop for youth and adults.  The workshop will provide general information for all ages on the importance of storytelling, getting started in documenting/telling stories and opportunities that may grow out of storytelling, a writing workshop and concluding with a final sharing session.

Skyline Village Chicago 
Join us!
SVC New & Renewing Members

Welcome new and renewing members!

Barbara Dillard
Ruth Winter
Dea Brennan
Ariana Friedl
Angela Kolettis
Alice Levin

Thank you to all of our new and renewing members. You are the core of our Village.  

Join Skyline Village  Chicago

Annual Dues
$75 Individual
$100 Couple

Send a check to:
Skyline Village Chicago
P.O. Box 81334
Chicago, IL 60681 

Call us:   312.957.6060

Join online

Email us 

"The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected."  
                   Robert Frost 

Skyline Village Chicago 
Event Calendar
Skyline Village Event Calendar
September, 2017
SVC events are in green
Click underline to jump to event details
(Note: Internal links don't always work on mobile devices.)

Millennium Park
Summer Dance Festival6:00pm - 9:00pm
Spirit of the Music Garden,
601 S. Michigan Ave.
MCA Tuesdays on the Terrace
5:30pm - 8:00pm
MCA, 220 E. Chicago Ave.
SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave  
Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts12:15pm
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington

Exhibit Opening: Postcards
Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
JFK's Dante 5:30pm
Newberry Library
July 6 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Courtroom 2005 
3:30pm - 5:00pm
200 E. Delaware Place
Millennium Park Music Series
Stars of the Lyric Opera
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Pritzker Pavillion
Windy City Wine Festival
5:00pm - 10:00pm
Buckingham Fountain Pavillions
Windy City Wine Festival3:00pm - 8:00pm
Buckingham Fountain Pavillions
9 - 24
19th Annual World Music Festival

3:00pm - 6:00pm
Pritzker Pavillion
International Greeter Day
10:00am - 3:00pm
Millennium Park
Summer Dance Festival6:00pm - 9:00pm
Spirit of the Music Park
601 S. Michigan
 Summer Dance Festival
6:00pm - 9:00pm 
Spirit of the Music Park
601 S. Michigan
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Navy Pier
Encore Illinois Gold Coast Chorale Rehearsal
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson
Frankie's Scaloppine
900 North Michigan  
Lake Shore Park Advisory Council 5:30pm
808 North Lake Shore Drive

5:30pm - 8:00pm
MCA, 220 E. Chicago Ave.

SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave    
3:30pm, 200 E. Delaware
9/12 - 1/7
Lee Bey Exhibit
Navy Pier, Tiny Tavern
Dame Myra Goes to the Park 12:15pm
Millennium Park, Pritzker Pavillion
13-17 EXPO Chicago
Navy Pier, Festival Hall
 Here Hear: Upright 8:00pm - 10:00pm 
Navy Pier
Grand Ballroom
14-16 The Politics of Conversion:From Martin Luther to Mohammed Ali
See schedule for times
Newberry Library
Art in Motion
5:30pm - 9:00pm
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
355 E. Erie, 10th floor
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice, 835 N. Michigan
Shakeshafte: A new Play by Rowan Williams
10:00am - 12:15pm
Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
Navy Pier
Poli Brothers Park
Here Hear: Soundouts
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Navy Pier
Wave Wall Staircase
Great Lakes Music Festival
Millennium Park 
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson
SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave 
An Eternal Story of Live & Loss: Orpheus & Opera
Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
MCA Tuesdays on the Terrace 5:30pm - 8:00pm
 MCA, 220 E. Chicago Ave.
Elder Justice Center Free Seminar 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington, 
Courtroom 2005   
4th Presbyterian/Center for Life & Learning, 126 E. Chestnut 
Arkes Family Pavillio
676 North St. Clair
Gourmet Chicago 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Millennium Park
 Gourmet Chicago
12:30pm - 5:30pm
Millennium Park
Encore Illinois Gold Coast Chorale Rehearsal
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson

Loyola Law School
25 E. Pearson #1403
SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave

5:30pm - 8:00pm
MCA, 220 E. Chicago Ave.

Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington

Booked for the Evening: A Newberry Fundraiser
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Newbrry Library, 60 W. Walton
Skyline Village Event Calendar
October, 2017
SVC events are in green

Click link to jump to event details
(Note: Internal links don't always work on mobile devices.)

Summer Workouts in the Park
Hyde Park Art Center
5020S. Cornell
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson 

5:30pm, Frankie's Scaloppine
900 North Michigan
SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave
 Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington

3:30pm - 5:00pm
Prentice Women's Hospital,  
Cafeteria, Second Floor


Newberry Library
60 W. Walton 
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson
Lake Shore Park Advisory Council Meeting
808 N. Lake Shore Drive
SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave
3:30 - 5:00pm
200 E. Delaware 

Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
Parkinsons Disease 101
12:00pm - 1:00pm
CLL, 126 E. Chestnut
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Courtroom 2005  

What is a Letter?
Wing Foundation Series on the History of the Book6:00pm
Newberry Library
60 W. Walton


12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson 
SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave
How the French Saved America 6:00pm
Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
11:30am - 12:30pm
Fourth Presbyterian Friday Concerts
Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson

SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave
Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington
11:30am - 1:00pm
CLL/4th Presbyterian
26 Elder Justice Center Free Seminar
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington,
Courtroom 2005

Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location TBD
2:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson 

SOAR Farmer's Market
7:00am - 2:00pm
MCA Plaza 
220. E. Chicago Ave 


Skyline Village Chicago
Event Details
SVC Events are in Green
Elder Justice Center 
Free Seminar Series
Alternate Thursdays
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Daley Center, 50 W. Washington
Courtroom 2005
Registration: 312.603.9233

September 7, 2017
Bankruptcy: The Decision and Consequences

September 21, 2 017
This Place Seems Nice: Adult Day Care Services

October 12, 2017
Everything You Want to Know About Guardianship

October 26, 2017
Dissolution of Marriage in Later Life: Physical and Financial Considerations

Click here for the seminar series.
Encore Illinois Fall Session

Mondays Sept. 11 - Dec.18
12:00pm - 1:30pm
The Clare, 55 E. Pearson
Presented by: Encore Illinois 
in collaboration with Skyline Village, The Clare, and the Center for Life & Learning.
Come sing with Encore on the Gold Coast this fall! 15-week Fall session starts Monday, September 11, 2017 at The Clare, 55 E Pearson, Chicago, and runs until December, concluding with the all-Encore performance for combined choirs December 14 at Buchanan Chapel at Fourth Presbyterian Church, 126 E. Chestnut, Chicago. Holiday repertoire includes traditional and new music for Christmas and Chanukah. 
Encore Chorales provide choral singing opportunities for older adults (55+), regardless of experience of ability, who seek arts education and performance opportunities that are fun, challenging, and rewarding.  
For more information or if you are interested in joining the Gold Coast Chorale go to  

Skyline Perennials
(formerly Women's Salon)
Second Tuesday of the month 

Tuesday, September 12
Tuesday October 10
3:30pm - 5:00pm
200 E. Delaware

Presented by: Skyline Village Chicago,
Host: Phyllis Mitzen
Join fellow members for a lively discussion about what it means and how it feels to be an Aging Woman -- our hair, our outspokenness, our invisibility, our wisdom, our ... 

To register on our website RSVP click the link
September 12
October 10
or register by email at with Skyline Perennials in the subject line or click
SVC members and their guests only   

Newberry Library 
60 West Walton

The Newberry organizes and hosts programs illuminating topics in the humanities, through a variety of formats tailored to the subject at hand: lectures, staged readings, music and dance performances, panel discussions, workshops, and more. 
For a full list of events, programs and exhibitons at the Newberry Library or to go to  Events in Ruggles Hall unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday,  September 6
JFK's Dante

Wednesday,  September 6
Postcards: A New Core Collection
Towner Fellows' Lounge

Thurs, September 14
9:00am - 7:45pm

Friday September 15, 
9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday September 16,
10:00am - 12:30pm

The Politics of Conversion: Martin Luther to Muhammed Ali

Saturday, September 16,
10:00am - 12:15pm
Shakeshuffle: A new play by Rowan Williams

Tuesday, September 19
6:00pm - 7:15pm
An Eternal Story of Love and Loss: Orpheus and Opera

Thursday, September 28
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Booked for the Evening: A Newberry Fundraiser

Wednesday, October 4
Expanding Literary Horizons: Religious Change through Cross-Cultural Contact

Thursday, October 12,
What is a Letter? Wing Foundation Series on the History of the Book

Tuesday, October 17
How the French Saved America

Saturday October 21
As You Like It
Shakespeare Project of Chicago

Thursday, October 26
Chicago Renaissance: Literature and Art in the Midwest Metropolis

To register for one of the events above, click here.   

SVC Friday Forums            

Friday, September 15
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice, 835 N. Michigan

Our series featuring Illinois gubernatorial candidates continues with Senator Daniel Biss.

Friday, October 27th
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Mity Nice, 835 N. Michigan

Andy White, Founding Ensemble member and currently the Connectivity and Engagement Director of Lookingglass Theater.

Click the link below to register on our website
September 15
October 27

Or register by email to  
Lunch is Dutch Treat, plus $5 to cover the cost of our private room at. 

You Go Nowhere by Accident     Falls Prevention Program

Thursday, September 21
11:30-12:30 p.m.

CLL, 4th Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut 

Dwayne Dobschuetz, RN, MSN, APN from Northwestern Geriatrics, will give a timely presentation before Northwestern Hospital's annual Falls Prevention Day on Friday, September 22.  
Dwayne has twenty years' experience working specifically in the ER, with the last four of those years working in a special program trying to prevent seniors from being admitted to the hospital through the use of assessments and community resources. 
Come learn about falls; what they cost you, ways to prevent them, things to bring to the ER when you do fall, and lessons you may learn while there.

Co-sponsored by Skyline Village Chicago, Center for LIfe & Learning and Northwestern Hospital.

Admission is free for age 60 and up. Click here to register 

15th Anniversary of the Village Movement         

Monday, September 25
3:30pm - 5:30pm
Loyola Law School
25 E. Pearson

Beacon Hill Village, the founding Village of the Village Movement is celebrating it's 15th year of operation and originally planned to host an event to celebrate this exciting milestone in February with Atul Gawande, author of Being Mortal, as the keynote speaker. Unfortunately, extreme weather prevented the live stream from taking place. The event has been rescheduled.  
On September 25, thousands of Village members across the country will join together electronically to celebrate 15 years of the Village Moveement.  Dr. Atul Gawande will speak about the value of community and opportunities as we grow older. Please join us for this important and joyous event. The live stream begins at 4pm so plan to arrive and get seated by 3:45pm. 

Click here to register on our website or register by email to with 15th Anniversary in the subject line

Center for Life & Learning
Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut

Fitness Membership

10:30am - 11:15am - Toning Balls
2:30pm - 3:30pm - Yoga
T uesdays
10:30am - 11:15am - Pilates Resistance Band
2:45pm - 3:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi
10:30am - 11:15am -  Zing! Total Fitness
10:30am - 11:15am - Range of Motion
2:45pm - 3:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi

Classes are $45
Click here to register

Free Lectures

Parkinson's Disease 101
Weds, October 11
12:00-1:00 p.m.

Join Jessica Bartsch Community Development and Outreach Coordinator of the Parkinson's Foundation for a presentation that will explore the basics of Parkinson's Disease such as diagnosis, what is Parkinson's Disease, disease progression, causes, symptoms, treatment options, and research.

Click here to register

Social Security
Thurs. October 19
11:30am - 12:30pm 

Join the 18th District Chicago Police Department Community Relations Office and the Social Security Administration Office to discuss Social Security benefits, changes to social security, how to navigate online and Medicare benefits.

Click here to register

For more information call 312.981.3386.

Don't Fall in Love with Your Medicare Part D

Wednesday, October 25 

CLL, 4th Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut 

Esther Craven, Resource Coordinator at CJE SeniorLife and Kate Paz, Director of Programs at Without Walls at Mather Lifeways, will give a timely presentation on what's new and your options during Medicare Part D Open Enrollment. Following the talk you will have the opportunity to sign up for a free one-on-one consultation with a SHIP trained volunteer who can assist you in selecting the prescription plan that best meets your needs.

Co-sponsored by co-sponsored by Skyline Village Chicago, CLL, CJE Senior Life and The Village Chicago

Admission is free to all 60 and older 
Click here to register

Loyola University Museum of Art
820 North Michigan Ave

LUMA is pleased to offer free admission to the museum from now until November 11.


Tuesdays on the Terrace
5:30pm - 8:00pm
220 E. Chicago Ave

The Museum of Contemporary Art continues it's Summer jazz on the terrace concerts through September. Free to the public

Visit for the roster of performers and other MCA events

Music at Fourth Presbyterian

Ongoing schedule of free Friday concerts. 
All Free Friday concerts start at 12:10pm

September 1 
Kathryn Flum, flute, Beilan Han, piano

September 8
Jillian Gardner, organ

September 15 
Thomas E. Gouwens, organ 

September 22 
John W. W. Sherer, organ

September 29 
Kateri Gormley, soprano
Jason Weisinger, tenor
Brian Locke, piano
Buchanan Chapel 

October 6 
Ludmila Lazar, Mary Scanlon
Buchanan Chapel

October 13  
Natalie Mann, soprano
Buchanan Chapel 

October 20 
Penelope Shumate, soprano
Buchanan Chapel

October 27
John W.W. Sherer, organ
For a full list of concerts at Fourth Presbyterian,  click here

Millennium Park


Tuesday, September 5,
Millennium Park Summer Film Series
Wayne's World

Friday, September
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Stars of the Lyric Opera

Wednesday, September 13
Dame Myra Hess Goes to the Park

Thursday, September 14
9:00am - 2:00pm
City of Chicago Senior Fest

Saturday, September 23
12:00pm - 6:00pm
Sunday, September 24
12:30pm - 5:00pm
Gourmet Chicago

Instagreeters Guided Walks
11:30am, 1:00pm
Leaves from Chicago Cultural center Randolph Lobby
DCASE Events,
Performances & Exhibitions

Summer Dance Festival
Through - Sept 10
Spirit of the Music Garden, 601 S. Michigan Ave.

Come join us this summer as the Spirit of Music Garden in Grant Park blossoms into an urban dance space . Dance to the sounds of 48 different live bands + DJs and get into step with dance lessons beforehand. 

Swing, waltz, cha-cha...or simply enjoy the music. All FREE!

  Summer Dance Schedule

Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
Wednesdays 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Preston Bradley Hall
Chicago Cultural Center

Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Schedule

39th Chicago Jazz Festival
August 31 - September 3
Known for its artistic creativity, the Chicago Jazz Festival has been a favorite Labor Day Weekend tradition since 1979.

Windy City Wine Festival
September 8, 5:00pm - 10:00pm
September 9, 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Buckingham Fountain Pavilions

September 8-24
19th Annual World Music Festival
Various venues

The Chicago Cultural Center offers performances and exhibitions, free and open to the public.
For the monthly schedule  click here.

Navy Pier

September 10
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Wolrd Music Festival: Women of the World
Lake Stage, Polk Bros Park

Women-led jazz groups from around the world

September 10
Marshall Vente & Tropicale on the Tall Ship Windy
5:30pm - 8:00pm
An evening sail and some spicy tropical jazz. What a great combo!  $65 pp

Lake Shore Vibe: The Architecture of Streeterville

September 12 - January 7, 2018 
Tiny Tavern

Lee Bey photography exhibit showcasing Streeterville architecture as part of the Chicago Architecture Biennial.

September 13
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Here Hear: Up Right  

Aon Grand Ballroom

World-renowned contemporary artist Nick Cave and international architect and MacArthur Fellow Jeanne Gang present a free art, design and performance project coming this fall to Navy Pier as part of the free public programming for the Chicago Architecture Biennial and EXPO CHICAGO.

EXPO Chicago

September 13-17
Festival Hall

Initiating the international fall art season each September, EXPO CHICAGO hosts leading art galleries presented alongside one of the highest quality platforms for global contemporary art and culture.

Here Hear: Heard
September 16
1:00pm - 2:00pm
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Polk Brothers Park

Here Hear: Soundouts
September 16
2:00pm - 3:00pm Wave Wall Staircase

World-renowned contemporary artist Nick Cave and international architect and MacArthur Fellow Jeanne Gang present a free art, design and performance project coming this fall to Navy Pier as part of the free public programming for the Chicago Architecture Biennial and EXPO CHICAGO.

Click here for a full schedule of Navy Pier events and tickets as needed

Every month
Register:    Call 888.600.2560
or email

Presented by: Mather Lifeways

To register online or download the current schedule of Telephone Topics, go to

All calls are free.

Replogle Center for Counseling and Wellness

Ongoing schedule of Seminars, workshops and drop-in sessions

Replogle Center, Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut

The Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being is-

   - A resource for those yearning to find more contentment in a busy life, grow as a person, prevent and reduce stress, or strengthen relationships.

   - An oasis for those seeking direction in the midst of chaos, loss, or trauma.

   - A calming respite from the challenges of daily life.


For more information and a schedule of seminars, meditations and workshops, go to

More Great Cultural, Education and Social Opportunities?

We know we didn't get them all in our calendar and newsletter! 

Choose Chicago has an excellent event calendar in which you can search by the date, date range, category of event and location.

Handy Tip:
Save Lives with the Bee Gees!
Every year, more than 350,000 Americans experience a cardiac arrest outside a hospital - and 70 percent of them happen at home.
Watch this short video and remember the 2 simple steps of Hands-Only CPR.
  • Step one: Call 911
  • Step 2: push hard and fast on the center of the chest as shown in this video. The rhythm of the song Stayin' Alive is 100 beats per minute.
 Thanks to Gail Zugerman for this terrific tip!  
If you have a tip or favorite quote to share, please send to
Healthy Tip

In addition to improving short-term memory, drinking caffeinated coffee has been shown to decrease risk of Alzheimer's by up to 65%, according to one study. 
Make a routine of brewing a pot a morning, and enjoy three cups per day.
                                 Mather Lifeways