September 2020

I am really excited to let you know about the upcoming two-part webinar series on Equity, Justice and Inclusion for Older Workers: Recommendations and Solutions, sponsored by the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and organized by Network Steering Committee member Kendra Jason and me). 

Part I will be held live on September 30, 2020 at noon, EDT. Only GSA members will be able to get the live link. However, 3 days after the webinar airs, non-GSA members will be able to see the webinar by going to

I hope you will all join in!
Description of Series
Over the last two decades, the phrase “aging and work” has evolved from its status as an oxymoron to a well-understood reality. We know that more people around the world need to work beyond conventional retirement ages to sustain their financial security in the face of longer lives and growing expenses. This need is paramount for older adults in general, but even greater for low-income, racial and ethnic minority, and blue-collar older workers. The need is even more critical in the wake of the current pandemic. While perceived and/or real age discrimination has been identified as a factor limiting options for older adults, less is known about factors that mitigate against such perceptions of unfairness and injustice. 

This two-part webinar series aims to: (1) identify the challenges of underrepresented older workers in their efforts to obtain or retain employment and (2) identify strategies for overcoming those challenges for people who either want or need to work in later life. Both webinars will feature practical recommendations for change.

In Part I: Enhancing Economic Security for Older Low-Wage Workers, Mary Gatta, PhD, author of Waiting on Retirement: Aging and Economic Security in Low-Wage Work, will offer new and different perspectives on the changing context of aging and work. (September 30, 2020 at 12:00 pm EDT)

Part II: Systems of Inequality Affecting Older Workers will feature three perspectives, including the situation for adult learners, older adult peer mental health specialists, and older adult long-term care facility workers. (October 29, 2020, at 12:00 pm EDT).

  • Identifying Malleable Barriers to Engage Underserved Minority Middle-Aged and Older Adult Learners in Adult Educational Opportunities. Presenters: Nytasia Hicks, MSW; Phyllis A. Cummins, PhD; and Takashi Yamashita, PhD

  • Older Adult Peer Specialists’ Role in Offsetting the Impact of Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Presenters: Mbita Mbao, LICSW; and Karen L. Fortuna, PhD, LICSW

  • Microlearning for Low-Wage Workers in Nursing Homes. Presenters: Jennifer Craft Morgan, PhD; and Elisabeth O. Burgess, PhD, FGSA
We appreciate the opportunity provided by GSA to make it possible for us to gather virtually during these challenging times and believe that we have put together a useful and informative program for you. We hope to follow-up soon with invitations to conversations about the many ways that the pandemic has influenced our thinking about aging and work, especially for the most vulnerable. Until then, I hope you are all staying safe and out of harm’s way.

Remember, this is your Network.I welcome any and all suggestions for making it work for you.

With best regards,

Jacquelyn James
Director, Sloan Research Network on Aging & Work
Boston College 
Network Steering Committee: Cal Halvorsen, Kendra Jason, Ruth Kanfer, Christina Matz-Costa, Phyllis Moen, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Sara Rix, Harvey Sterns, Philip Taylor, Johanna Thunell