International Feng Shui Guild
Slowing Down...the Benefits
Many people say this time of year brings about a time of chaos. Between holiday shopping, cooking, visiting, and all around finishing up the year in style, it seems that could be true. Are you feeling that frenzy, that can't-seem-to-get-it-all-done vibe?

So, what can we do? What if it's as simple as ...slowing down.
Feng Shui allows us to see and feel the energy in our spaces differently. Feng Shui brings us a sense of purpose, a goal, a plan, a road map if you will, for how you can align your life, your space, your health, your wealth and relationships. Feng Shui can help you slow down to nurture your path and find your passion.
Pay Yourself First
In entrepreneurial work, this generally means give yourself a paycheck before anything else. You are the business - you are the priority. But it's not just about money. It's about energy, time, self-care, and health. Especially those working in the energy biz, it's important to find ways to rejuvenate your spirit and mind to keep those tanks full and take on the next incredible mountain.
Whatever rejuvenation means for you: Do it.
Eat right. Meditate; try tapping. Exercise – as simple as walking – as calming as yoga – or as intense as boot camp. Just move. Read a good book. Any book. Feed your mind with something good for your heart. Drink lots of water. Laugh. 
 And slow down to listen to what your mind and body is telling you.
What's Your Plan?
The new year is approaching and it's a great time to be thinking about what you want to accomplish in 2019, the Year of the Pig! Next month, we will be talking about Vision Boards - a powerful way to put goals into visual action. Pick one or more areas of your life where you want to take a leap of faith, and start dreaming about what/how to make it happen.
We know you know this: Write. Goals. Down.
Start by feeding your brain: Listen to podcasts. Follow us on Instagram . Subscribe to an inspiring blog. Join a network or group of like-minded professionals. Take what works for you and what resonates with you and put a plan into action.
 And slow down to find the time to do this for yourself.
Let your space do the talking
When was the last time you looked critically at your space. Really looked at it with Feng Shui eyes. Has clutter built up unexpectedly? Do you still love what surrounds you? Is anything broken, out of order, or less than excellent? Check your Feng Shui heart.
Let your space work with you. Let it work for you.
Get out your floor plan; lay out the bagua . Are there missing guas? Look for the five elements – water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Anything feel out of balance or need a boost? Try enhancers that enliven your senses – chimes for sound, plants for growth, statues for inspiration, art for love.   Hire an expert , get guidance you deserve. 
And slow down; let your space fill you with passions and life-giving energy you deserve.
Pin-spiration on Pinterest
A terrific article on the balance needed and found between rest and the hustle. Click the image or click here to pin for yourself and then read!

Final Thoughts...
You are free to create your own personal paradise – a place where you are surrounded by the environmental affirmations of your own choosing in the form of light, art, furniture colors, patterns, nature objects, and architectural features. It’s a place where vital Ch’i circulates harmoniously through each room, sustaining your home while inspiring, rejuvenating, comforting and protecting you. It is a place that greets you with open arms and has the soft, nurturing qualifies that melt away the stresses of the day. It a place that ‘speaks’ to you in melodious and joyful language. It is your place of peace.”
excerpt from " The Western Guide to Feng Shu i"
Featured Feng Shui School
The London School of Feng Shui offers an innovative and highly experiential approach to feng shui, integrating spiritual practices, Black Sect Buddhist Feng Shui, Compass School perspectives, geopathic stress work, space clearing, psychotherapeutic applications, and much more. The program is directed by E. J. Shaffert, a certified psychotherapist and feng shui consultant with over 18 years of experience, who has brought his deeply transformative approach to feng shui to clients in many parts of the world. 
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Copyright © 2018 International Feng Shui Guild.