Volume 3 No. 24 |July 16, 2021
With Donna Roberts Mitchell
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!
Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
Watch your inbox Monday for a special edition of Arts Blast:
Les Standiford Runs Away and Joins the Circus!
No, wait. That's not right. Try this:
Les Standiford Heads up the East Coast with His Latest Book
Battle for the Big Top
P.T. Barnum, James Bailey, John Ringling and the Death Defying Saga of The American Circus
Listen to our conversation on the Cultural Connection radio show Sunday morning at 8 locally on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM and on iHeartRadio.com. Later in the week, find a replay on the Cultural Council of Indian River County's website.
Remember that Arts Blast and On the Arts Blast Calendar are on summer schedule, alternating weeks, but check our Facebook pages often for updates and bookmark On the Arts Blast Calendar for frequent additions. If you have an arts-related event coming up, scroll down for information on submitting it for a free basic listing. Limited advertising is available.
Arts Blast is accepting information about arts-related scholarship offerings for the new Scholarships page on our website. Send me what you have, making sure to include a deadline for applying and a link to detailed information.
In This Issue
Staci Rosbury, Leader of the Band
An Iconic Show at Vero Beach Theatre Guild
Making It Legal at The Barn with Ben Earman
St. Lucie Cultural Alliance Update
Time to Throw Some Soup Bowls!
Carbonell Awards Looking for Judges
Auditions, Auditions, and More Auditions & A Cultural Council Call for Artists
Bookmark On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com for frequent updates. Calls for Artists, Auditions, & Volunteers are now online.
Catch up with events at Willi Miller's Arts Blast on Facebook and pick up some laughs and interesting info on the Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras page.
Sunday on Cultural Connection on the Air this week: Kirk Funnell - IRC Tourism; Les Standiford - Battle for the Big Top
Listen to Cultural Connection on the Air Sundays at 8 a.m. on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM and on iHeartRadio.com. Replays are now online on the Cultural Council's website.
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As always, For Helen Miller
Scroll Down for a Taste of
and guidelines for submitting calendar items and feature suggestions to ARTS BLAST.
ArtWalk in Downtown Fort Pierce
July 16
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra plays Dance Party at The Scott Center, Melbourne, July 17, 7 p.m. and at Community Church of Vero Beach July 18, 3 p.m.
Don't break out your saddle shoes and crinolines. This classical program of dance music features the thrilling works of Marquez, Rachmaninoff, and Joseph.
$30 advance tickets for adults are available through the orchestra website at SpaceCoastSymphony.org or at any branch of Marine Bank & Trust. Tickets at the door are $35. Dance Party is free for those aged 18 and under or with a student ID.
Leader of the Band Staci Rosbury
When I asked Melbourne musician Staci Rosbury to catch me up with what she's been working on, I didn’t realize what a Pandora’s box of information I’d opened! In addition to being Melbourne Municipal Band's music director, she builds and maintains websites, works as administrator for the Indian River Symphonic Association, and is completing a certificate in business management and marketing at Eastern Florida State College. She also manages a household “FULL of animals,” she said. That’s three dogs and two cats, plus the fosters daughter Emma, who works for the Humane Society of South Brevard, brings home. And she plays the flute professionally when she can fit it in. Staci has performed with Central Florida Winds, Central Florida Chamber Winds, Melbourne Municipal Band, Space Coast Flute Orchestra, and the Brevard Symphony Orchestra over the years, but there isn’t much time for that these days, although she does grab opportunities to play with Central Florida Winds and at Community Church of Vero Beach whenever she can.
Playing her flute is something she will never give up, but Staci is a conductor through and through. Her early introduction to conducting was when her non-musical father “got this fantastic stereo system. He … put on Rossini’s William Tell Overture and proceeded to conduct the whole thing (knowing nothing about conducting).” It wasn’t until she got to 9th grade in her Little Rock, Arkansas, high school and realized the new band director was a woman that Staci saw her future. “I was in utter shock. … She was the first woman band director I ever encountered. I immediately wanted to do what she was doing. I wanted to conduct! It’s amazing, when I look back on it now, that it had never even OCCURRED to me that I could be someone who did that.” She followed that teacher’s lead and here she is, on the podium for the concert band of the Melbourne Municipal Band’s many performances.
Although things have evolved in the music world, we aren’t quite there yet. Staci said, “I am glad to see more women conductors in the professional orchestral world like JoAnn Falletta and Maron Alsop. These women are incredible musicians whose achievements I admire. But I look forward to the day when being a woman conductor is not a topic of conversation. I've had interviews where people want to talk about what I wear when conducting, or what people think of having a woman conductor. These are two things that have nothing to do with music at all. What I love about conducting is the process of making the whole better than the individual parts, connecting with the musicians who play for me, and connecting with the audience in the culminating experience of the concert itself. That's the reason we do what we do.”
Maestra JoAnn Falletta, who brings her Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra to Vero Beach for the Indian River Symphonic Association concert season every few years, sent this message to Staci when she learned about our Arts Blast feature:
“I am delighted and honored to send my warmest greetings to my fabulous colleague Maestra Staci Rosbury. Keep the music alive Staci! You bring such joy and hope to so many people.
Your friend JoAnn”
As music director of MMB, Staci plans more than 14 concerts a year, each performed twice. She chooses the themes and music, conducts all rehearsals and performances, and invites guest conductors and soloists to join them. MMB is “a pretty large organization,” Staci said. “I am in charge of the concert band. There is another conductor for the Swingtime Band, and then there are several smaller groups.” Most concerts are performed at Melbourne Auditorium but there are “smaller run-out concerts, performing in parades and at patriotic events for the City of Melbourne.” Then there are performances at Patrick Air Force Base for Memorial Day and at area churches for their 4th of July band/choir presentations. With 60 years of music behind them, it’s no surprise that the schedule is packed throughout non-pandemic years.
With so many elements under the Melbourne Municipal Band umbrella, it takes a well-seasoned board of directors and a lot of volunteers, Staci said. “(Board President) Dave Hutson’s wife, Marci Hutson, runs the band’s Auxiliary, a volunteer organization to support the band. They serve as ushers and ticket takers and handle the raffle sales at each concert. It takes a lot of people to make our organization work. When we say that our organization collectively puts in over 27,000 volunteer hours a year, it is not an exaggeration.”
625 E. Hibiscus Blvd.
Melbourne, FL
Ben Earman's Making It Legal at The Barn
Seeing Ben Earman’s name in the credits for the current show at the Barn Theatre wasn’t a surprise. If you locked up every regional theater on the Treasure Coast and hid the keys, he’d still find a way to be involved, on either side of the footlights!
Until the end of its run August 1, Ben is wearing the director’s hat for Legally Blonde the Musical at the Barn, guiding a cast of 26 humans and two dogs, “so really a cast of 28! The cast is beyond talented, and I am so thankful to have worked with such a hard working group of people.” Hard working and large, a challenge with the Barn’s small stage, he said, “but the cast has been nothing but dedicated and hard working to make this production a success! The amazing vocals, and incredible dancing from this cast is stellar!” The behind-the-scenes crew has done an amazing job in making the small stage look big with lighting and creative design, Ben said.
Not all popular films make the leap successfully from screen to stage, Ben noted. “Sometimes when things are taken from another source material and transferred to the stage they can loose the ‘guts,' but this is not the case with Legally Blonde. The writers did a really great job … . All of the beloved characters are still there and the story line is still the same. They took what we love from the movie and enhanced it with flashy song and dance numbers.” It’s a very high-energy show and the audience will have a great time, Ben said.
The director/actor wouldn’t want to have to choose one role over the other. On directing: “I love the process of putting something together. It is like a giant puzzle and all of the pieces must fit correctly, the challenges that directing creates are exciting.” On acting: “Being onstage is a different kind of puzzle. I enjoy both sides, all depends on the show. I direct shows that I am interested in and enjoy, shows that I really can get behind, and the same goes for being onstage. I do projects I'm passionate about.”
Ben’s earned his directorial chops with large-scale musicals and plays: Hairspray, Sweet Charity, Nice Work If You Can Get It, Something's Coming: A Musical Tribute to Harold Prince, and plays - The Miracle Worker, Sylvia, Steel Magnolias, Blithe Spirit, and The Glass Mendacity.
This show is Ben’s first for the season but watch for him in other theaters in the months ahead. And look for him at the Senior Resource Association in Vero Beach, where he works in fundraising and development.
2400 SE Ocean Blvd, Stuart
(772) 287-4884
From the Cultural Council of Indian River County:
The Cultural Council of Indian River County/Art In Public Places is excited to announce the Vero Beach Museum of Art Museum Art School has invited our member artists and gallery affiliates to exhibit works to coincide with the upcoming exhibit, American Perspective: Stories from the American Folk Art Museum Collection. Learn more about the exhibition here.
For your consideration: We are accepting 2D and 3D submissions in the style of Folk Art including, but not limited to, painting, photography, textiles, needlework, wood carvings, baskets, clay art and jewelry. This is beyond our usual scope and ability to exhibit, so give your creative spirit free rein!
Artists may submit up to five (5) images of their works to Elise@Cultural-Council.org by Wednesday, September 15. Please include the Title, Medium, Dimensions, a brief Description and Price. Download the specifications from the Call To Artists page on our website.
Location: Vero Beach Museum of Art Patten Community Gallery, Museum Art School
Theme: Folk Art
Exhibit Date: October 17 to November 19, 2021
Exhibit Title: Cultural Council of IRC Members Exhibition
Call to Artists Date: July 16, 2021
Submission Deadline: September 15, 2021
Notification of Selection: October 4, 2021
Artwork Delivery Date: October 11, 2021
St. Lucie Cultural Alliance On the Go
Art Walk Friday & Drum Circle with Kevin Beatkeeper
Join the St. Lucie arts community in Downtown Ft. Pierce on Fri., July 16, 5-8 PM, for Art Walk.
- Central & Westwood High Schools Exhibition Closing Night Reception
Drum circle - REGISTER
- Street Live Painting
- Live Music
- Tour Downtown Art Galleries
Plus, complimentary Wine reception at the Alliance Gallery!
Get at least 10% from participating Downtown businesses with art purchases.
Visit the Cultural Alliance Art Guild exhibitions at many venues countywide and online.
Intro to Public Art
The Intro to Public Art Workshop is FREE to Alliance members and Port St. Lucie residents, and $25 for others. The workshop will cover professional development topics that will help you make your art your business, even if your area of specialty is not public art. There's something for everyone!
- Rotating Exhibits
- Call to Artists
- Fabrication and Installation
- Marketing Your Art Business
The 1-hour session will take place at the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens on Tue., August 3, 10 to 11 AM. LIMITED SPACE - RSVP to secure your spot!
Getting Ready to Throw Those Bowls!
Where did the year go? We'll be asking that question many times as the months speed away but for now, it applies to the annual Soup Bowl event to benefit Samaritan Center in Indian River County. This came in from Indian River Clay this week:
The Samaritan Center for Homeless Families’ 29th annual “Soup Bowl” fundraiser will be back in November 2021, featuring for the third year traditional, whimsical, colorful, and creative handcrafted bowls made by potters affiliated with Indian River Clay, a community studio in Vero Beach. With the fundraiser just over three months off, production is under way.
Indian River Clay is making the studio and clay available to its members and local potters this summer to join in the creation of the bowls. Interested potters can contact the studio for additional information on days and times. As in previous years, clay is available, on-premises, for potters to use to create the bowls either at the studio or in their home studios.
Indian River Clay invites the public to stop in to see the soup bowl production process:
- Sunday, July 18, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Tuesday, July 20, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
- Thursday, July 22, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Anyone interested in financially contributing to this effort, please go to indianriverclay.org, where donations can be made to help defray associated expenses.
Indian River Clay is at 1239 16th Street, Vero Beach.
Volunteers also are needed to help the potters with preparing clay and helping with cleanup. Contact the Samaritan Center if you would like to help in that way.
Proceeds from the Soup Bowl support the Samaritan Center, an inter-faith transitional, temporary shelter for homeless families in Indian River County. The center can be reached at 772-770-3039.
Photos by Susan Scarola/Indian River Clay
Treasure Coast Theatre will hold auditions July 25th & 26th for the November show "Inlaws, Outlaws and Other People That Should be Shot"
Performance Dates: Fri-Sun, November 5-21, 2021
Let's Murder Marsha - September 19-21
Rent - the Musical - October 9-10
The Bare Truth - January 16-18
Mamma Mia! - Feb. 19-20
Flashdance - The Musical - May 7-8
All Auditions are OPEN Casting* Auditions will be held at the Theatre located at 2400 SE Ocean Blvd. Stuart, Fl. 34996* This is a Non-Compensated Theatre. All Actors are Volunteers*
A.C.T.Studio Theatre Auditions
- Designer Shorts (an evening of short plays)
- August 10 & 12, 7pm
Sides will become available on actstudiotheatre.com after the short plays are selected
- A Christmas Carol (onstage radio play)
- September 25 & 26, 7pm
Script is available on actstudiotheatre.com
New Digs for the Cultural Council of Indian River County
The Cultural Council of Indian River County has moved a few blocks north from its 14th Avenue location to an office in the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce building, 1216 20th St., Vero Beach. CCIRC had shared a space with Flametree Clay Art Gallery before the gallery closed a few months ago.
New Cast Chat from Riverside Theatre
Williams was a student in Riverside Children's Theatre classes and appeared on the Main Stage in Smokey Joe's Cafe in 2018.
The Carbonell Awards Seeks Additional Judges for New Theater Season
(South Florida – July 15, 2021) Jeff Kiltie, president of the Carbonell Awards, South Florida’s most highly coveted recognition of theatrical and performance excellence, today announced the nonprofit organization is seeking additional judges for the 2021-2022 theater season.
“Over the last year, the Carbonell Awards has revised our entire judging process, making it more county-specific while maintaining our historic focus on recognizing and celebrating theatrical excellence on a regional basis,” says Kiltie. “In addition, we have redefined the required qualifications for being a Carbonell judge, while strengthening our commitment to creating diverse judging panels, including diversity in age, gender, race, sexual orientation and ethnicity.”
“We have an outstanding panel of experienced judges, many of whom have been working with the Carbonell Awards for years, but we are seeking additional volunteer judges who have a passion for and openness to all kinds of theater, including plays, musicals, new works, classics, immersive and multidisciplinary theater,” he says.
Judges need to have the expertise to evaluate productions, and have experience in one or more of the following areas:
+ An academic background in theater, either through past theater education or current affiliation with a college or university program.
+ Experience as an arts journalist covering theater.
+ Experience as a theater professional (e.g.: performer, director, playwright, designer, choreographer, producer, or musical director).
+ Experience in cultural outreach and theater support, particularly in underserved communities.
The deadline to apply is August 15, 2021. The 2021-2022 theater season will begin on October 1.
About The Carbonell Awards:
The Carbonell Awards fosters the artistic growth of professional theater in South Florida by celebrating the diversity of our theater artists, providing educational scholarships, and building audience appreciation and civic pride by highlighting achievements of our theater community. More than 20 professional theater companies in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties participate in the awards process every year. The Carbonell Awards also celebrate the accomplishments of local artistic leaders by presenting several Special Awards.
Along with New York’s Drama Desk and Chicago’s Joseph Jefferson Awards, the Carbonell Awards are among the nation’s senior regional arts awards and predate others, including Washington, D.C.’s Helen Hayes Awards. The Carbonell Awards are named after Manuel Carbonell, an internationally-renowned sculptor, who designed the original solid bronze and marble award in 1976, the signature trophy that is given annually to Carbonell Award winners. Over the last 45 years, the Carbonell family has donated more than $250,000 in awards. For more information, please visit www.carbonellawards.org.
Summer Film Program “Yes, We Cannes”
with Xaque Gruber
Tuesday, July 20 | 7pm, Leonhardt Auditorium | Anna (1987)
The feature film is preceded by a brief introductory lecture and the short film Anna(2019).
Tuesday, July 27 | 7pm, Leonhardt Auditorium | Persepolis (2007)
The feature film is preceded by a brief introductory lecture and the short film 12 Zloty(2018).
Vero Beach Museum of Art
National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum
Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
Elliott Museum
House of Refuge
Flagler Museum
Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum
Boca Raton Museum of Art
Museum of Florida Art - Deland
VT&M - Museum of Military History - Kissimmee
Polk Museum of Art
The Vero Beach Art Club is looking for corporate sponsors for the 2022 Under the Oaks Fine Arts and Crafts Show, March 11-13, 2022. Contact Sue Dinenno 772 321-8701
Get the Whole Picture on the Website
Indian River County
ONGOING - Video submissions accepted for Indian River’s Got Talent at the Environmental Learning Center. Indian River County residents only.
Through July 23, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Weekly Creative Art Camps for Children and Teens at the Vero Beach Art Club Annex & Gallery
Through July 25 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at Vero Beach Theatre Guild
Through July 30 - Pelican Island Audubon Society summer camps
Through Aug. 1 - Video auditions accepted for Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR at Riverside Theatre For Kids!
Through Aug 6 - Vero Beach Art Club's Big Bold & Beautiful Fine Art Exhibit and Art Marketplace. 1903 14th Avenue
Through Aug. 31. - Small Format, Diverse Vision - Group exhibit at Village Square, Sebastian
Through Sept. 5 - At Vero Beach Museum of Art - A Tribute to Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Selections from the Tom Golden Collection
Through Sept. 9 - CCIRC Art in Public Places Member Exhibit - J. Thomas Transformation - at IRC Courthouse
Through Sept. 10 - 12 x 12 Summer Squared at Gallery 14
Through Sept. 15 - Video auditions accepted for Elf The Musical JR at Riverside Theatre For Kids!
Through Sept. 29 - CCIRC Art in Public Places Member Exhibit-Mixed Themes and Solo Exhibit - Steve Reid, Not Myself at IRC Administration Bldgs.
Through Sept. 30 - Summer Art Show at The Galleries at First Pres. Featured artists: Linda Irwin, Pat deRobertis, and Lolly Walton.
Ongoing - Riverside Theatre’s two virtual series, Putting it Together and Cast Chats. See the website for the link
July 16, 5:30-9 p.m. - East Harbor in Live in the Loop at Riverside Theatre
July 17, 5:30-9 p.m. - Melinda Elena Band in Live in the Loop at Riverside Theatre
July 16 & 17 - Mike Armstrong and Chris Harvey in the Comedy Zone at Riverside Theatre
July 17, 3 p.m. - Dunk ELC Executive Director Barbara Schlitt Ford at Walking Tree Brewery.
July 18, 3 p.m. - Dance Party - Space Coast Symphony Orchestra at Community Church of Vero Beach
July 18, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. - Indian River Clay invites the public to stop in to see the soup bowl production process - 1239 16th Street, Vero Beach
July 20, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. - Indian River Clay invites the public to stop in to see the soup bowl production process - 1239 16th Street, Vero Beach
July 22, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. - Indian River Clay invites the public to stop in to see the soup bowl production process - 1239 16th Street, Vero Beach
July 22, 6 p.m. - Les Standiford presents Battle for the Big Top at Vero Beach Book Center
July 23 & 24 - Puffs - on the Stark Main Stage - Riverside Theatre for Kids!
July 24, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.- 14th Annnual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup at ELC and other locations
July 25, 11 a.m. - Walking Meditation at ELC
July 25, 4 p.m. - First Presbyterian Church Youth String Orchestra’s final fundraising performance for the trip to the Aspen Invitational Music Festival - at Unity Spiritual Center, 950 43rd Avenue, Vero Beach
Brevard County
Ongoing - Virtual Visual Art 2020 by members of the Central Brevard Art Association on Facebook and YouTube.
Through July 31 - Works in Progress at 5th Avenue Art Gallery
Through July 31 - Eau Gallery presets Ah, Freedom! Local artists with their interpretation of freedom
Through July - Americana on Exhibit at the Studios of Cocoa Beach
July 17, 7 p.m. - Dance Party - Space Coast Symphony Orchestra at The Scott Center, Melbourne
July 17, 7 p.m. - Brevard Symphony Orchestra 2021 Summer Evenings concert: Musical Journey to the New World at Suntree United Methodist Church, Melbourne
No. Palm Beach County
Ongoing Fridays and Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. - Garden Sculpture Tours at the Norton
Through July 23 - Art of the Phoenix at Armory Art Center
Through July 31 - The New Normal: COVID Times at Palm Beach Photographic Centre
Through Aug. 7 - Summer Home at Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery
Through Aug. 22 - Artist Innovation Fellowship Showcase at the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County
Through Aug. 31 - Summer Dreams exhibit at ArtWorks Gallery, WPB Artworks of Northwood, 555 25th Street
Through Sept. 5 - Boca Raton Museum of Art - An Irresistible Urge toCreate: The Monroe Family Collection of Outsider Art
Through Sept. 19 - Painting Enlightenment: Works by noted Japanese scientist and artist Iwasaki Tsuneo at Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens
Through Oct. 3 - For the Record: Celebrating Art by Women at The Norton Museum of Art
July 17, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. - Summer Festival: Games Around the Worls at the Norton
July 17 - The Motowners at Arts Garage
July 18, 3-5 p.m. - Community Stage Concerts at the Norton - JJ & The Florida Oranges
July 22 - Clematis by night: Sweet Justice
July 24, 11 a.m. - Sculpture Garden Tour at the Norton with docent Cynthia Dillon in Spanish
July 24 - Ocean of Notes Concert 2021: Reverberations at Performing Arts Academy of Jupiter
Martin County
Ongoing - Weekly Tuesday night car show at Elliott Museum. 5-8 p.m. Small fee to show your car. Admission is free for guests, who are asked to remember to follow CDC guidelines pertaining to social distancing, wearing a mask in public, etc.
Ongoing - Mark Cook: When Flows Return to the River of Grass - Virtual exhibit curated by the Arts Council of Martin County
Through July 24 - Martin Artisans Guild Summer Salon at the Court House Cultural Center.
Through Aug. 10 - Tails & Tales - Martin County Library System Summer Reading Program
Through Oct. 31 - Portfolios - Jane Lawton Baldridge, A Sea Story Girl at the Elliott Museum
July 15-Aug. 1 - Legally Blonde The Musical at The Barn Theatre
July 21-22 - Masters Workshop Hand Sculpted Clay Fountains at Clay Habit Studio, Jensen Beach
St. Lucie County
Through July 18 - Southern Hospitality at Treasure Coast Theatre
July 16, 5-8 p.m. - Downtown Art Walk in Fort Pierce
July 23, 8 p.m. - Bruce Springsteen Tribute - Bruce in the USA at Sunrise Theatre
Beyond the Treasure Coast
Daily at 11 a.m. - Keeper Chats from Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum. -Giant Pacific Octopus
Ongoing, Saturdays, 2 p.m. - The Bass Highlights Tour at The Bass
Through July 17 - On the Hoof: Portraits and Landscapes by Jo-Ann Sanborn at Immokalee Pioneer Museum
Through July 18, 2021 - Explore the Vaults: Abstraction and the American Scene at Museum of Fine Art St. Pete
Through July 31 - Beats & Brushes: Artists of Color exhibit at Lake Wales Arts Council
Through Aug. 22 - Antioch Reclaimed: Ancient Mosaics at the MFA - Museum of Fine Art St. Pete
Sundays at 2 - Upstairs Downstairs Live Theater at the Plant Museum
Through Aug. 22 - Skyway: A Contemporary Collaboration at Museum of Fine Arts St. Pete
Through Aug. 27 - Banking on the Past, Savings for the Future: The Legacy of Barron Collier’s Bank of Everglades at Museum of the Everglades
Through Aug. 28 - Connections in Nature at Naples Depot Museum
Through Aug. 29 - 2021 Rollins Faculty Biennal at Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College
Through Aug. 29 - Multiple Voices/Multiple Stories at Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College
Through Aug.29 - Path to Paradise: The Artistic Legacy of Dante's Divine Comedy at Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College
Through Aug. 29 - Uptown/Downtown: Richard Lindner's Fun City at Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College
Through Aug. 29 - Creatures in the Margins at Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College
Through Sept. 25 - Beaches, Creatures & Cowboys: Florida Movie Posters, a traveling exhibit from the Museum of Florida History at Lake Wales History Museum
Through Sept. 26 - Selected Portraits from the Morse Collection at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.
Through Sept. 26 - Iridescence - A Celebration - at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.
Through Sept. 26 - Earth into Art - The Flowering of American Art Pottery at the Morse Museum, Winter Park.
Through Oct. 25 - The Nature of Encaustic: A Florida Wax Show at Bok Tower Gardens
Through Nov. 28 - InFocus: Precision Photography of Extraordinary and Uncommon Shells at Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum
Through Dec. 23 at the Plant Museum - "When the Train Comes Along": Booker T. Washington at the Tampa Bay Casino
July 17-18, 7:30 p.m. - The Technicolor Musical at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe, 1012 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota
July 20, 10:30 a.m. - Digital Discussion: The Amish and Amish-Mennonites of Sarasota, Florida at Edison/Ford. Virtual, free.
July 22 - - Death & Resurrection: The History of Notre Dame Part 2 online at Alliance for the Arts, Fort Myers. Pre-register.
July 22, 7:30 p.m. - Zach Bartholomew Trio - Virtual concert - Community Arts Program, Coral Gables, FL
July 23-25 - Stories We Tell: LGBTQ Art & Activism at MFA
Free streaming videos of operas from the Metropolitan Opera are available at 7:30 p.m. each night and for the following 23 hours. The site also offers many and short performance videos.
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Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.
Use this format for Calendar entries:
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Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description, make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.
If you are a member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you need this information:
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2021 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.