Governor Baker had issued a proclamation designating May 2022 as Small Business Month in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary Kennealy, and his office express their gratitude and are impressed by the work this network has done to support our small businesses over these unprecedented few years.
We extend the Administration’s congratulations and share our thanks for the role small businesses play, not only in economic development, but also gathering and supporting residents in the hearts of our communities.
A Proclamation
WHEREAS, small businesses are the backbone and life blood of local economies in communities throughout the Commonwealth, and serve as job creators and place-makers in our downtowns,
WHEREAS, shopping locally allows Massachusetts residents to invest in their own neighborhoods and grow the vibrancy of their communities, making the Commonwealth a great place to live, work, and play,
WHEREAS, small businesses demonstrated resilience, flexibility, and courage in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impacts, and were a driving force in the economic recovery of this Commonwealth,
WHEREAS, small businesses employ 1.5 million individuals, constituting nearly half of Massachusetts employees (45.7%),
WHEREAS, small businesses reach communities that have not always benefited from the Commonwealth’s overall robust economic vitality, and serve an important role in access to economic opportunity,
WHEREAS, small businesses and small business support organizations like Chambers of Commerce; small business associations; and Main Street and other nonprofit service organizations are key collaborators in advancing our agenda for equitable economic growth,
WHEREAS, the contributions of our small business sector should be recognized and celebrated by our Commonwealth,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles D. Baker, Governor of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim May 2022, to be,
And urge all the citizens of the Commonwealth to take cognizance of this event and participate fittingly in its observance.
Given at the Executive Chamber, this first day of May, in the year two thousand and twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America, two hundred and forty-fifth.
God Save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.