In This Issue
SVM Impact 2023: A Look at Progress in Rural Development Projects | SVM Wins Award at World Open Innovation Conference 2023 | Empowering Entrepreneurship and Livelihoods in Northeast India | Intern Share | SVM 2023 RECAP

Dear Friends,

As we stand on the brink of a new chapter, we find ourselves reflecting on a year of profound learning marked by small victories and crucial stepping stones toward our vision of creating a lasting impact. This journey has been one of collaboration, resilience, and gratitude. We're grateful for all those who have supported us in creating a lasting impact - the progressive Government of Meghalaya, our knowledge partner UC Berkeley-Haas, our wonderful donors and supporters, implementation partners and vendors, and most importantly, our entire India and USA Team, and Board Members.

On a momentous note, we are proud to announce that SVM has been honored with the prestigious "Best Practice" award at the World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) held in Spain, securing 3rd place. This recognition is an accolade and a testament to our shared commitment and dedication to innovation and progress with the Government of Meghalaya and the officials that continue to support this vision of Open-Innovation that SVM is built on.

Looking ahead to 2024, we have ambitious plans and grand visions. We hope to continue your continued support and collaboration. Let's celebrate progress and anticipate the great strides yet to come.

In this last newsletter of 2023, we're excited to share recent highlights from the SVM ecosystem, showcasing the tangible impact of our collective efforts.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to each person who has been a part of this incredible journey, offering well wishes and support and contributing in myriad ways.

Onward and Forward!
Smart Village Movement Team India & USA

If you are a company, NGO, or solution provider that would like to participate in pilots, or if your firm's CSR objectives align with our work in socio-economic development, we'd love to hear from you! Please connect with our Director of Communications: [email protected]
SVM Impact 2023: A Look at Our Progress in Rural Development Projects
On a recent field visit to various project locations under the Smart Village Movement in Meghalaya, our team had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the positive impact these initiatives are making in the lives of the local communities.

These projects are not just about implementing solutions; they are about making a meaningful impact on the lives of people. As our reach in rural areas continues to grow, the goal is to continually explore new solutions and enhance existing ones, contributing to the holistic development of the community. The journey through these transformative initiatives reaffirms the power of innovation and community-driven solutions in creating positive change. Read More..
SVM Receives a Best Practice Award at WOIC 2023
We are thrilled to share some exciting news. The Initiative of Smart Village Movement (SVM) taken up through the Government of Meghalaya secured the prestigious third place amongst the best practice submissions presented by companies and practitioners all over the world at the World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC) 2023, held on November 9 and 10 in Bilbao, Spain. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence.
SVM submitted two best practices for consideration, with one of them titled “Improving Access to Primary Healthcare for Rural Communities through a Multipronged Approach.” This initiative aimed to leverage open innovation to integrate interventions through private players and harness the potential of technology to enhance the healthcare ecosystem in rural areas of Meghalaya. The model facilitated collaboration, overcoming rigid regulations in the public healthcare sector, and encouraged private player engagement for quick iterations and pivots. This enhanced healthcare coverage and guided improvements in the public sector. Read More...
Empowering Entrepreneurship and Livelihoods in Northeast India
Entrepreneurship catalyzes economic growth and societal development, particularly in regions with untapped potential, like Northeast India. The challenges faced by small-scale entrepreneurs in this region are many, ranging from limited market access to infrastructural constraints. Understanding these challenges and working towards viable solutions is crucial for fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. This blog explores the significance of entrepreneurship in Northeast India and the initiatives taken to address challenges and enhance opportunities. Read More...
Intern Shares: Reynold Dkhar
I devoted five meaningful months of my life to the Smart Village Movement (SVM) in alliance with Berkeley Haas, serving as a volunteer from July 18th to November 30th, 2023. This experience went beyond being an internship; it was an immersive exploration of SVM's operations and initiatives aimed at uplifting rural communities in the state of Meghalaya.
My journey at SVM-Meghalaya was a profound dive into its diverse landscape. As a nonprofit organization, SVM collaborates with governments, global corporations, and universities to empower rural communities through entrepreneurship, job training, and open innovation platforms. I actively engaged with SVM's initiatives, spanning Technology Integration, Renewable Energy, Education, Skill Development, Healthcare, Agricultural Innovation, and Community Engagement. Read More
To express your interest in an internship at SVM, simply email us at
Journey through a year of impact!
SVM 2023 Recap: A quick snapshot of Apollo Telehealth Centre, STEM Innovation Hub, Water Waste Management with Robotic Marine Boats, Agri Drone Crop Monitoring, Sustainable Cottage: Econest, Self Designed Learning with Chief Minister's Youth Centres and Gramin Healthcare Clinics' healing touch.
We celebrate the strides taken toward shaping brighter communities!
The SVM team extends warm and heartfelt wishes for a joyous and Merry Christmas to you! May this festive season be filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments.
Have You Checked Out Our latest Magazine?
This was a pivotal year for the Smart Village Movement Foundation. Our work brings us closer to successful pilot projects and the sustainable development of rural economies. We thank you for your support in bridging this urban-rural gap as we strive to facilitate access to healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities in villages. Lasting change happens gradually in incremental and intimate ways.

As you flip through this magazine, you will begin to appreciate the Open Innovation principles and ecosystem approaches to solving problems on the ground in emerging economies. Projects that integrate innovation and technology from academia, support from the local and state governments, and ensure the commercial viability of businesses are the ones SVM will facilitate and implement on the ground. A matter of great pride for all of us is that some of these ideas will become strategies adopted for rural development throughout India and other developing markets.
To learn more about all our projects, please visit our Website or our SVM Annual Magazine and join our SVM Platform
Support SVM Rural Development Projects
SVM is a nonprofit with 80(G) certification and is also registered as a 501(c)(3) organization. The tax-deductible contributions go directly to fund rural development and empowerment of village livelihoods in pilot areas.
Since 2018 Smart Village Movement has transformed several rural communities of Meghalaya, Gujarat, Andra Pradesh, and Arunachal Pradesh in our mission to create Smart Villages.

Please access our resources to know more about our activities and impact.

What is the SVM Platform?

The Smart Village Movement platform provides a digital platform for Governments, Educational Institutions, Business Organizations, and Village Entrepreneurs to come together in a collaborative effort to find innovative solutions in rural communities and build 'Smart Villages'.

Please sign up and access our platform engage with our movement and help us with creative & innovative solutions. Together we are all 'smarter'.
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