WITH MORE TIME BEING SPENT AT HOME and no daily routine to speak of, you’re probably snacking more. I know firsthand, as that's been my life for nearly three months. This is a time where people are piling on the pounds.
You have to decide if you want to continue gaining weight and feeling fluffy or if you're going to take back control of your healthy life. One thing to be really careful of is STRESS EATING. We never want moods to lead to food.
Here are 10 healthy snack ideas that will help you reach your goal;
- Broccoli Florets with Low-Fat Dip
- Fruit Smoothie
Hard Boiled Eggs - One of the best things for weight loss because they are healthy, packed with protein, and satisfy you for longer periods of time which will lead to less unhealthy eating overall.
Pistachios - Roasted pistachios actually help relieve stress!
Popcorn - (Butter & Salt Free)
Cottage Cheese With Flax Seeds & Cinnamon
Apple with Peanut Butter (No more than 1.5 TBLSP)
Cucumbers With Hummus
Edamame - A superfood that is known to increase weight loss and lower blood sugar levels
Kale Chips - Decreases your blood pressure!!