Snap2Close Updates
Good morning Snap2Close clients,

This newsletter will be focused on four short new announcements: our new telephone system, Zillow’s NEW 3D Tours, and professional virtual staging.

Our New Phone System

Snap2Close Real Estate Photography has launched its new telephone system to allow for better and more efficient communications between our staff and you.

Our main telephone number will remain the same 480-420-8260. To reach Customer Support (Charlie Taylor and Sharon Bronaugh) dial 1.

Through the auto-attendant system you can now connect to any of our photographers by a “Dial by Directory” feature. This allows you to dial the first two letters of the last name of the photographer you are trying to reach. Remember, that every photoshoot order includes the first and last name of your assigned photographer.

While we have ordered new business cards, I still want to provide you with the direct dial numbers for each of our photographers. You may want to store these names and numbers under the notes section on your contacts list.

Users - Telephone #

Charlie Taylor 480-841-5847

Sharon Bronaugh 480-841-5837

Bill Johnson 480-841-5827

Kaitlin Kent 480-841-5840

Harald Weinkum 480-841-5757

Zillow 3D Tours

Snap2Close was one of 150 Zillow Certified Photographers in the United States selected to beta test their new 3D Tours. These new tours include a floor plan and interactive floor plan showing you where each 360° panorama photo was captured, plus a larger view of the still photos. We believe this is a major step for Zillow.

While we don’t agree with Zillow’s attempt to bury virtual tour links (property websites), which may have higher-quality Matterport 3D Tours, drone videos, interactive floor plans, etc., the reality is that their new 3D Tours gives your listings a significant boost in their search engine rankings.

I am including four links below to some of the tours we completed during this beta test.

Below is a sample screenshot of one of these new 3D Videos. However, Zillow is having many issues with keeping pace on the deliveries and has asked us to quit capturing newer 3D Tours for a few weeks. We will continue to offer the former style until notified by Zillow that they are ready to proceed.
Speaking of Zillow, I would like to share some information from their new Zillow's 2021 Mover Report from Zillow Research.  

Phoenix, Charlotte, N.C., and Austin, Texas, saw the highest net inbound moves in the first 11 months of 2020, as recent movers sought out relative affordability and warmer weather. Those Sun Belt metros are expected to continue to surge in 2021. Zillow's panel of experts predicted the Austin and Phoenix housing markets will outperform the national market this year.

Virtual Staging

As most of you know, virtual staging has been a popular software service used by foreign-based companies using technicians to accomplish the task. While some of these are borderline acceptable, we feel that Realtors are not getting the best result for their dollar invested.
Snap2Close has now partnered with, a professional Interior design firm that focuses on Virtual Staging. Arrange is based in San Antonio, Texas, and staffed by some pretty dynamic women.  

Unlike all of our known competitors, we chose to not profit from this service and to pass along our prices directly to you. Your cost will be $35 per photo and the turnaround time is 48 hours. However, the best part of their service is that you will be directly communicating with a true interior designer about your needs and their recommendations.

I strongly urge you to give them a try on your next vacant listing!

We hope everyone has a productive Spring and we look forward to working with you again.

Charlie, Sharon, Bill, Kaitlin, Dawn & Harald