August 2024 Newsletter

Snap2Close LEAPS Forward

Since our launch in the summer of 2016, Snap2Close has steadily increased its product offerings and editing quality. Today, we offer more affordable services than any other real estate photography service.

In this newsletter we are going to be describing our new media partnership with a company based in Copenhagen, Denmark, a new Customer Market Survey results and the delivery of our media.

Our New Media Partner

We are excited to announce our new partnership with a Danish media company that will be handling all of our backend office operations from making our videos stand out against the competition to object removal of anything from cords to cars! We believe their services combined with our expert photographers will add additional value to your listings. Additionally it will increase the quality and delivery time of your media. 

Customer Market Survey

Last month, we sent out a new Customer Market Survey so we may better understand your listing media needs. The results were enlightening and I want to share them with you. They will guide us in our proposed new package and product offerings that we will release over the Labor Day weekend.

Floor Plans

100% of you "believe that floor plans are beneficial to homebuyers?", and 84% of you believe that Floor Plans with Fixed Furniture are the most beneficial. 

Our new proposed Bronze Package will now automatically include the Plus Floor Plan which includes fixed furniture.

Interactive Media

Our survey asked the participants to rank their preferred preference for Interactive Media products, which included Interactive Floor Plans, Matterport 3D Tours and Zillow’s 3D Tours.

What really amazed me is that 74% of you feel like Interactive Floor Plans are the most important presentation for interactive media.  Zillow came second with 16%, and Matterport third with an 11% preference. 95% of you ranked Interactive floor plans as either the first or second choice.

This enthusiasm has encouraged us to now offer an Interactive Floor Plan to all of our  packages.

CubiCasa (our floor plan provider) is now Beta Testing a new A.I. Interactive Floor Plan, which is supposed to be ready by September. The floor plan comes with the Plus Floor Plan.  Snap2Close will have to upload the appropriate photos and make some manual adjustments, but we are glad to take on that work if it helps you to succeed.  

We also asked the customers to rank their preference for a new professional interactive floor plan format.  The most popular selection was this format:

Our proposed new Silver, Gold and Platinum Packages will start receiving this new professional interactive floor plan when we launch our new packages over the Labor Day weekend.

Social Media Postings

This shouldn't surprise you, but our survey revealed that 95% of you post media on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn or TikTok. Based upon your personal ranking of media preferences we have added several new pieces of social media content to our Silver, Gold and Platinum Package. These are all in a video format.

If you want to preview proposed packages and look at live samples then click the link below

Media Delivery

I would like to close out this email by discussing how many photos we deliver with each package.  As you know, our pricing provides you with the number of photos you should be expecting with each order. In the past, we have historically delivered more photos than we committed to, but our increasing editing cost is really starting to hit us pretty hard.

To address this issue, we will be launching a photo overcount charge for the many of you who want more photos. This option will be included in our A-la-cart or Add-on Services. We won’t launch this new service until our Labor Day weekend update, but wanted to let you know that it is coming.

In closing, if you have any questions about our Labor Day Weekend updates then please feel free to call me.

Charlie Taylor

Managing Partner


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