This Week in the Harbor

October 23, 2023

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Santa's Castel Donation Sites Wanted!

Be a part of something truly magical this holiday season!

Santa's Castle, the beloved program that brings holiday cheer to military families, is calling on our amazing community members to help make it even more special. 🎁We're looking for donation sites to collect new unwrapped toys that will bring smiles to the faces of military children and their families. 🎄

To become a donation site, email Katie Johnson at

** Boxes provided by the Chamber**

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Welcome New Member!

We're a values-driven trailblazer among credit unions. A place where you can learn, grow and be heard while you share your talent and make a meaningful impact. We're about people over profits and we value our employees. We're also a different kind of financial institution: not-for-profit and member-owned.

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News & Opportunities

Report Shows Consumers Are Still Spending

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, consumers are still spending, showing remarkable resilience. Retail sales rose 0.7% in September, coming off a strong 0.8% increase in August. The strong jobs market and income growth that is on pace with inflation fuels spending. Consumers using credit cards is also up. Big drivers of the gains in September were car sales, online purchases, and sales at miscellaneous retailers. Purchases at restaurants, bars, and gas stations were robust, too.

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AWB Values Your Opinion

The Association of Washington Business conducts regular surveys to find out where employers stand on major issues and to gauge the economic outlook for both Washington and the United States. To help us serve you, please take a few moments to complete this survey on which issues are most important to you.

Take Survey!

WA Cares Business Partner Roundtable Invitation

The WA Cares Fund will be holding our fall virtual partner roundtable event for business professionals and organizations on Monday, October 30 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. If you’re not already familiar, WA Cares is a new program that gives working Washingtonians access to long-term care coverage when they need it.

At the meeting, representatives from DSHS and ESD will share the latest program updates, provide resources, answer questions and listen to any feedback you have. Register below!

Register Now!

New Advertising Option in Snapshot!

We are now offering two ad placements in our weekly Snapshot newsletter! A digital placement is available for $50 for one appearance in one edition of the Snapshot newsletter. We are also offering the option of $150 for your ad to appear in 4 editions of the newsletter (one month). Camera-ready artwork would need to be sent to by the Friday before the first placement as well as your click- through link.

The deadline to advertise in the Profile Magazine is November 1!

The deadline to advertise in the Profile Magazine/ Visitor Information and Relocation Guide is Nov 1! Contact Janet Steiner at to purchase an ad now.

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