Headlines and Highlights Across the School District
May 2019
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019
7:00 am-9:00 pm Dobbs Ferry High School Gymnasium
Click here to view full Budget Newsletter
Proposition 1- Budget  
Budget Remains Under Tax Cap For 8th Straight Year

The proposed 2019-2020 Dobbs Ferry School District Budget enables our schools to provide a high-quality, well-rounded educational experience for all students in grades K-12. For the 8 th year in a row, since the Tax Cap began, our proposed tax levy is under the State Property Tax Cap. The Budget continues to maintain or enhance instructional programs to benefit student learning and provide extracurricular and enrichment opportunities for students at each school.

Budget Goals:
  • Continue to support smaller class sizes
  • Ensure program alignment with Strategic Plan
  • Provide additional social and emotional support for students K-12
  • Maintain high level of professional development
  • Enhance safety and security
  • Implement necessary facility upgrades and maintenance

Budget Highlights:
  • Add 1 science teacher at the Middle School to help maintain class sizes
  • Add 1 school counselor at Springhurst to support social and emotional wellness
  • Add 1 special education teacher and 1 teaching assistant at the High School to expand special class program
  • Expand band to 4th grade
  • Add a shared security consultant (BOCES shared service)
  • Add 2 part-time lunch/recess monitors at Springhurst
  • Provide funds to replace aging Chromebooks and outdated fitness equipment
  • Provide funding for flexible furniture options
School Budget Newsletter is Now Available in Spanish

El boletín de presupuesto escolar está disponible en español. Puede recoger una copia en cualquiera de las oficinas de la escuela o visitar el sitio web del Distrito en www.dfsd.org y hacer clic en Información del SpotLight.

Visite el sitio web para ver el boletín completo en www.dfsd.org
Letter from the Board of Education

Dear Dobbs Ferry School District Resident,

T he Board of Education is happy to present the proposed 2019-2020 school budget and delighted to report that it once again stays below the tax cap.

The budget continues to support the District’s Strategic Plan and provides opportunities for student growth in several areas. Those include social, emotional and physical well-being, with the addition of a school counselor at Springhurst as well as the expansion of our music program to include band for fourth graders. The budget also provides funds for enhanced security District-wide, and maintenance and facility upgrades where needed. Additionally, it makes room for a continued high level of staff professional development and innovative classroom initiatives designed to foster the development of 21 st century skills for all of our students.

The Board of Education treasures the trust that you put in us to prepare a budget that offers our students the benefits of an excellent education and maximizes the value of every tax dollar. We invite you to review the information in this newsletter and on our website, and we encourage you to head to the polls on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, to vote on the budget and to elect Board of Education Trustees.

Jean Lucasey , President
Dobbs Ferry Board of Education
Mark Your Calendar
Your Dollars at Work for our School Community!
Click to view full Dobbs Ferry School District
Band Practice for Annual
All-District Concert
Middle School Design Class Building Truss Bridges
High School Science IB Chemistry Lab
Springhurst Cram-a-Van Donations of Books and PJs
Board of Education Election and Candidates

To elect five (5) members of the Board of Education; three for three (3) year terms; one for the unexpired term caused by the passing away of Jonathan Greengrass, and one for the unexpired term caused by the resignation of Robert Reiser.

Rita Kennedy-Shannon Stringer-Louis Schwartz-Jean Lucasey-Matthew Rosenberg
Dobbs Ferry School District
505 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 | 914-693-1500