Change Your Space, Change Your Life
-November 2021-
"What you have in your home creates your story.
I want you to surround yourself with what you love - to be able to express yourself and live in comfort."
- Julie Ann
How's your fall going? I'm feeling refreshed and inspired after a wonderful trip to Colorado. The mountains are so beautiful! The state has been calling to me for two reasons: I love traveling there to explore nature and the mountains, and I'm spending quality time with my boyfriend Eliott, who happens to live there. I'm also working on finding more clients in the Denver area.
We attended the Cherry Creek Arts Festival in Denver, one of the largest juried arts festivals in the U.S. I met many of the artists exhibiting their work, which energized my creativity.
Then we hit up Breckenridge, a beautiful, quaint town that made for the perfect getaway. Look at that adorable Starbucks! I was so excited to find a huge crystal and rock store and spent a good chunk of time roaming the shop, in awe of the glorious stones. And I came across a lovely birch tree oil painting by Robert Moore.
Speaking of crystals, the September issue of Shop. Dine. Live. featured one of my articles about rocks and crystals! Read all about it here. Click on the September issue and turn to page 16.
Also, watch for details in future newsletters on the latest art installation on the 3rd floor of the Nokomis Square Cooperative. The theme is "The World Through Art."
In personal news, my daughter just got married in New Jersey (check out the fun photo above of the happy couple twirling)! The wedding was so beautiful and went off without a hitch. It truly was the fairy tale wedding that my daughter dreamed it would be, put on at an eloquent venue on the east coast. The atmosphere with so joyful, filled with friends and family! Also, the manuscript for my book, Spaces: Change Your Space to Change Your Life, is complete and in the editing phase. As a little teaser, here is a rough draft of part of one of the chapters of the book! It's all about imagining a better space, and how the energy of a room makes you feel.
If you are looking for some help with a refresh, a remodel, or anything in between, contact me for a design consultation. I can help you envision an energized new space as we work together to make your dream a reality!
Warmest Regards,
Julie Ann
Book Excerpt: Learn How to Love the Energy of Your Space in my Upcoming Book
Spaces: Change Your Space to Change Your Life
The way a room makes us feel can have an impact on how we show up in the world. The room we spend time in prior to, say, a business meeting or a social event, can uplift you or bring you down. It is important to note that we can create environments that bring us comfort and enhance our lives. It matters not the size of your living or workspace, whether you have an abundance of expensive possessions, or live modestly. Since we're all unique as people, what we find supportive might be different for each of us.
Your life has changed. Home has become work, play, and even school. And it feels chaotic, right? Metro Interiors can help you turn chaos into serenity. Whether you need help creating a private office space or brightening up your living room, Julie Ann will use her 33 years of "Fun" Shui Interior Design experience to help you quickly create a room you want to be in.
Metro Interiors made the
Top 20 Best Interior Designers List in Minneapolis for 2021!
Based on reputation, experience credibility, availability, and professionalism
Julie Ann Segal
Interior Designer
Art Consultant
Color Expert
Feng Shui Certified Specialist
Member FSIM & IFSG