Next COSA-UWHC Resources Call is:
Tuesday, May 11 from 10am-11am. Zoom details TBA. Stay tuned.
If you want to advocate for important legislation and engage effectively with your state government, you need timely and accurate information.

Learn how to access the resources you need, follow bills and budgets, and get updates on public hearings. Zoom in May 11 and discover powerful ways to get the details you need from the MA Legislature's website.

COSA and the United Way of Hampshire County announce a special presentation: a webinar on the Massachusetts Legislature Website with guest speaker Paul Pak.

We are grateful to State Representative Mindy Domb for her inspiration and assistance in making this event possible. Join us! Tuesday, May 11 at 10am-11am, Zoom details TBA.
Thank you to the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness for this update:
DHCD-Way Finders Town Hall discussions on emergency rental assistance are coming May 4 in English and on May 11 in Spanish.
The Franklin-Hampshire Counties Homeless Youth Count will end on May 24th.
Help gather information to better meet the needs of youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. For more information, read the flyer here or
check out the Facebook info here.
COVID Related Tax Credits available to Nonprofit Employers. Read the National Council of Nonprofits article.
COVID "doesn't discriminate by age" as serious cases are on the rise in younger adults in this NPR article.
USDA extends children's free lunch program through June 2022 in their press release available here.
Watch live on YouTube here on Saturday, May 8 from 2pm-3:30pm.
Special event on June 2 with SPIFFY and Hampshire HOPE including full coalition meeting and presentation of the 2021 Hampshire County Youth Health Data. Please register.
NEW from Mass Budget:
Care for Our Commonwealth Report

As the debate heats up around universal early childhood education, senior analyst Colin Jones explores how much it would cost to provide universal, high-quality early education to 288,000 children across the Commonwealth.

Read the full report here.
Massachusetts Service Alliance is taking applications for AmeriCorps Planning Grants for nonprofits in the state. Get more information online here at
Intent to Apply is DUE May 12.
Like what you're reading?
Please support COSA by becoming a 2021 member.

Your organization's annual membership funds COSA's work throughout the year, including racial equity training with Human In Common, monthly resource calls with United Way of Hampshire County, and this newsletter. Please take a moment to become a member or renew your membership today.
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Check "Yes" on the question about requesting an invoice.
We'll email an invoice for your accounts payable needs.



Check out the Employment page on COSA's website for fresh listings.
Keep your legislators informed about what matters to you,
your clients, and your organization. Reach out!
Rep. Mindy Domb has news about COVID-19 and more on her Facebook feed HERE.
Sen. Jo Comerford has COVID-19 info HERE and a Facebook page HERE.
Check out Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa's Twitter feed HERE for the latest.
Rep. Dan Carey posts on Facebook HERE.
Congressman Jim McGovern has a COVID info HERE and Facebook HERE.
Rep. Natalie Blais updates regularly on Facebook HERE about COVID-19 and more.
Your clients can find resources through Mass 2-1-1 HERE.
Email Look4Help updates to Mary McClintock at Community Action.
COSA's work is made possible by our MEMBERS.
Thank you.