Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

Contact Us

Snowmobile North Dakota

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Hello Everyone,


The deadline for the September/October 2015 issue of the Sno-Dak News is approaching fast. All club news, pictures, events and ads for the September/ October 2015 issue are due on August 25, 2015. SND welcomes all information and looks forward to club submissions.


Please remember when submitting pictures, in order for them to be considered for the front page, the pictures need to be in a high resolution format (tiff or eps file). Thanks for your time and have a wonderful week!


We are also looking for a fun recipe for the new "Sno-Snacks" section of the Sno-Dak News. Please email if you have a fun recipe for the magazine. 

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