More Snow
Vaccine Town Hall Tonight
Business Webinars
Carjacking Arrests
Dear Neighbors,

Thank you to everyone who has helped to remove snow from walkways, cars, and curbs during this historic period of snowfall. I would like to specifically recognize our 43rd Ward Streets and Sanitation Superintendent Marty Casey and his team, who have been working tirelessly to keep the streets in our community safe and clear of snow and ice.

As we expect more snow, here are a few reminders and requests:

  • When clearing snow, please do not shovel it into the street. Please pile snow on the parkway.
  • Please continue to lend a hand and help your neighbors clear sidewalks, walkways, alleys, and parking spots. If you would like to volunteer to help others shovel, please email
  • If there is a fire hydrant near your home, please shovel it out so that it can be accessible to fire trucks in the event of an emergency.
  • Watch for falling ice and icicles on homes, buildings, and trees.
  • Garbage crews are running behind schedule and will continue working through Saturday to catch up. Please clear snow away from your cans, otherwise the crews can't get to them.
  • Click here to view the Plow Tracker to see where plows currently are, and where they have been. Thank you for your patience.
  • Property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalk in front of their property free and clear of snow and ice.
  • Please check in on your elderly neighbors during this time. If you know of a senior in the community who might need additional resources and support during the inclement weather, please email

Please call my office at 773-348-9500 or email with information about about unshoveled sidewalks after 24 hours of a snowfall or if you are unable to shovel.

Together, we can make the neighborhood safe for everyone.
Need Help Shoveling?
LPCS Can Help

The Lincoln Park Community Shelter (LPCS) has a program in which their guests can earn money doing snow removal. If you'd like to hire a guest to help you out, please call 773-549-6111 and ask for “help with snow removal” or email with "Snow Removal" in the subject line.

This is a wonderful way to help get your snow shoveled and help provide job training.
Prevent Frozen Pipes
As things warm up, there is a huge danger of indoor flooding from pipes bursting. Please make sure you are doing everything you can to prevent frozen pipes and costly repairs. Chicago’s Department of Water Management reminds everyone to follow these easy steps:

  • Maintain proper heat throughout your home. This means everywhere there are pipes in your home.
  • Insulate pipes. Particularly those outside or on the perimeter of the residence. 
  • Continuously run a trickle of water. Make sure to keep the water moving on each floor of your home especially in areas farthest from the from where the main water service comes into the home.
  • If pipes do freeze, use a heating pad or hair dryer to thaw them. 
Covid Updates
Vaccine Virtual Town Hall
with the Chicago Department of Public Health
Tonight, Thursday, February 18th
6 p.m.

Please join our office for a Town Hall meeting with medical staff from the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) about the vaccine rollout.

Registration is required, and the Zoom link will be sent out to attendees about an hour before the event.

We will try to answer as many as possible during the session and are asking that all participants submit their questions in advance here.
Expanded Indoor Dining

The city has allowed indoor service at bars, restaurants and event venues to increase to the lesser of 40% capacity or 50 people per room or floor.

This increase is due to the significant progress that Chicago continues to make in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and is based on the framework for reopening that Chicago announced last week.
The full Reopening Matrix can be found here.
Community News
Adolescent Mental Health Webinar
Wednesday, February 24th
7 p.m.

The Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP) at Johns Hopkins is offering a webinar titled “Mental Health Challenges for Adolescents in the Covid Era".
Psychiatrist Dr. Karen Swartz, Director of Clinical Programs at the Johns Hopkins Mood Disorder Center, will be discussing the mental health challenges adolescents face during this extraordinary period.
To register for this free webinar, please click here.
Future webinars will discuss depression, anxiety, and substance use in adolescents. For more information about ADAP, please visit their website here.
Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce Business Webinars

The Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce has two great business education webinars coming up:
Tuesday, February 23, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Topics covered will include:
  • The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) expiration and what employers should do when employees need time off for COVID-19 related reasons
  • The COVID-19 vaccine and whether employers can mandate employees be vaccinated when it's available to them
  • Remote work, is it here to stay and could it be deemed a reasonable accommodation under the ADA?
Wednesday, February 24, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Learn tips and best practices for approaching your landlord about renegotiating lease terms for your business, downsizing your space, and ensuring that your building’s health and sanitation practices are up to par.
Lincoln Park High School Radio Drama
Friday, March 5
7 p.m..

Hatchetfield pays tribute to two "old school" institutions Radio Dramas and Soap Operas.
Listen as the Lincoln Park Drama Majors transport you to a sleepy little town that – like so many of its inhabitants – is not always what it seems.

The event is free, but donations to Friends of Lincoln Park are welcome.
Police Updates
Eight Charged for Carjackings

In the past week, Chicago Police and the Carjacking Task Force have arrested eight offenders offenders in connection with ten different carjackings in various parts of the city. The offenders range in age from 15 to 39.
Operation Legend Arrests

Operation Legend, established last year to address the surge in violent felonies, resulted in 176 defendants here being charged with a federal crime.

Forty defendants were charged with federal narcotics-related offenses, 130 defendants were charged with federal fire-arms-related offenses, and 6 defendants were charged with other violent crimes. You can read all the details here.
Support Our Local Restaurants
Stay warm. Thanks for supporting our city crew as they continue their work.

Michele Smith
43rd Ward Alderman
43rd Ward Virtual Office Hours: M - F 9 AM - 5 PM 
 2523 N Halsted | 773-348-9500