Snow Emergency Declared

The City of Kingston has declared a Snow Emergency beginning at 1:00pm, Thursday, January 4, 2018.   Parking restrictions will go into effect at 3:00pm. Vehicles may only be parked on the even side of the street beginning at 3:00pm.  The even side is determined by the house numbers on the street.

All vehicles must be parked in allowable locations, including: private driveways or parking lots owned by the vehicle owner or with permission of the owner; municipal lots; or on the appropriate side of the street. While the City offers snow emergency alternate side parking, individuals with access to off-street parking are strongly encouraged to move their vehicles off of the street to allow for the quickest and most effective clearing of snow. 

On Friday, January 5, 2018, vehicles must be moved at 7:00am to the odd side of the street. The odd side is determined by the house numbers on the street. 

Vehicles not in compliance with these parking restrictions may be ticketed and towed. 

Reminder: All snow emergencies and related parking restrictions are in effect for at least two days, in order for the Department of Public Works to clear both sides of the street. You must adhere to these parking restrictions and move your vehicle, regardless of whether or not the weather has improved or the street looks clear. 

Snow Emergency Routes will be maintained as priorities for plowing throughout the storm. 

A separate alert will be sent out to inform you of when the snow emergency has been lifted or when changes must be made to the current snow emergency instructions.

Citibus services will be suspended at 12:30pm today. Trash will be collected as scheduled.

For additional information, visit www.kingston-ny.gov. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Parking and Travel Regulations

As soon as you are aware that bad weather is on the way, and if you have access to off-street parking, move your vehicle to an off-street location. This protects your car from being splashed with slush, becoming plowed in, or being hit by passing vehicles. It will also give snowplows space to plow the snow. Best of all, it will prevent your vehicle from being towed.

Alternate Side Parking
The City of Kingston now allows alternate side parking during snow emergencies.  Upon commencement of a snow emergency, vehicular parking will be permitted on the odd side of the street on odd numbered days and on the even side of the street on even numbered days. At 7:00 A.M. the subsequent day, vehicles will switch to the opposite side of the street. "Odd side" is the side of the street in which the house numbers are odd. "Even side" is the side of the street in which the house numbers are even. 

Note: For the duration of a snow emergency, meters are suspended and no payment is required to park on the street.
Municipal Parking Lots

There are municipal lots throughout the City where you can park your car during a snow emergency.  Please note that all lots are available for overnight parking.

Uptown Area
  • All 3 North Front Street lots
  • Forsyth Park lot adjacent to the tennis courts
  • Dietz Stadium lot*
*Vehicles parked at the Dietz Stadium lot should not be parked near the large piles of snow that will be removed throughout the night.

Midtown Area 
  • Sea Deli lot
  • Hodge Center lot 
  • AME Zion Church on Franklin St. lot
  • Cornell St. lot
  • Prince St. lot
  • Lot next to Arace Electronics (357 Broadway)
  • Broadway Commons (615 Broadway)

Downtown Area
  • Dock St. Lot
  • 117-165 Abeel St.
  • Trolley Museum lot
  • Block Park
  • Kingston Point Beach

Vehicles must be removed from lots 24 hours after the snow emergency ends so that the lots may be cleared. Signage will be posted. 

Note: For the duration of a snow emergency, meters are suspended and no payment is required for lots that have pay stations. 
Snow Emergency Safety Tips

Physical Exertion

Heavy exertion such as shoveling snow, clearing debris, or pushing a car can increase the risk of a heart attack. To avoid problems:
  • Stay warm, dress warm and SLOW DOWN when working outdoors.
  • Take frequent rests to avoid over exertion.
  • If you feel chest pain-STOP and seek help immediately.
Home Emergency Supplies
  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • Battery-operated radio and extra batteries
  • Emergency non-perishable foods that do not require refrigeration
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Bottled water
  • One week supply of essential medicines
  • Extra blankets and sleeping bags
  • First aid kit and manual
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Emergency heating equipment, used properly

For more winter safety tips, visit:  http://www.ny.gov/winter-safety-tips 
Important Contact Information

In case of emergency, call 911.

For a snow-related service request or to report hazardous road conditions d uring a snow emergency, call 845-338-2114 for immediate assistance.

If your car has been towed, call the Kingston Police Department at 331-1671.
How You Can Help
  • Shovel your sidewalks and keep them clear- you are responsible for your sidewalks. 
  • Don't throw snow back into the street- snow thrown back onto the roadway may freeze causing hazardous road conditions. You may cause injury to family, friends or neighbors.
  • Check on your neighbors
  • Limit your travel during hazardous conditions
  • If you have access to a driveway, park your vehicle there and not on the street.
Steven T. Noble, Mayor | City of Kingston | 845.334.3902 | newsletter@kingston-ny.gov |
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