The pearls of wisdom in this book made me think of a few of my own. One wise manager in my Remy Amerique days taught me the concept of "Storm/Norm/Perform". When you're in a brand-new situation, it can be stormy. New challenges, new teams, new situations, new material. A few months later, you're in the norm phase. No more deer in the headlights. And then if you're an achiever, you perform. With all of that knowledge, experience and energy, you soar, contributing great value to your organization or community.
Sound a little like the last two years? Chaos, quarantine, zoom tech trials and tribulations, husband in Conference Room A, kids in B. It's been a mind game and mindfield of challenges. Yet we've stormed, we've conquered, we've normed. Some of us have performed more than others, but that's okay, we've all been Huns of our own household, dividing and conquering as need be to keep our fortresses safe.
And although many of us would like to norm for a while (that would be me!), for sure the storms will come again. C'est la vie! Just when we're getting comfortable, life will throw us another curveball. Or a NYC cyclone bomb. But armed with a little life learning, we will know how to weather the storm.