Hebron and the biblical heartland are blanketed in snow!

The IDF soldiers of Hebron have new, warm gloves provided by a generous donor - thank you! The soldiers are so grateful, especially with the snow this week! The children (and adults) had snowball fights and enjoyed the rare weather. Check out the pictures below!

The holiday of Purim is coming up next Thursday night. In an oddity, Hebron celebrates two days of Purim. This is because of the uncertainty that Hebron was a walled city from the times of Joshua. If you’ve toured with Rabbi Hochbaum, you might have seen some of the historical walls at the Archaeological Park (which we helped dig and now promote through the official Israel National Parks Service). The ritual baths discovered there are now covered again - this time in snow – I don’t think anyone wants to take a dip in there today!

If you would like to make a special contribution for Purim beyond your general support, here are projects that need your help: food packages for soldiers, financial subsidies (Matanot Le'evyonim) for families, and a Purim Seudah BBQ for as many soldiers as possible. Click here to contribute and forward this email to your friends!

Take a look at the articles below that highlight the intent of the BDS and other anti-Zionist movements to uproot us. Your support and friendship make all the difference in the world to the families and soldiers of Hebron. We will not be deterred.

Shabbat Shalom and Blessings from a snowy Hebron,
Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein
Executive Director, The Hebron Fund
Donations to Hebron can also be made in Shekel, CAD, GBP, and other currencies
Yishai Fleisher will be moderating the Virtual Judea and Samaria Mega Event this upcoming Sunday! Click to reserve your tickets! You don't want to miss this!
Video on the Scene

[WATCH] Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum shares a message of camaraderie from the commandment to build the Tabernacle ("Place of Meeting"), from Hebron, Israel

Our schools, places of worship, and communities should be places where people from all walks of life feel drawn in, welcomed and united.
Seen on the Scene:
A generous donor sponsored winter gloves for the brave IDF soldiers and not a moment too soon! Thank you!
The "Snow-Fathers and Mothers" outside Ma'arat HaMachpela.
Ritual mikvah baths covered in snow! That is one cold bath!
In the News
ZOA Praises KKL-JNF Approval to Purchase Privately-Owned Land in Judea/Samaria
Thanks to ZOA voters in WZC elections for helping make this possible
Op-Ed in Newsweek Glorifies Non-Existent Palestinian Commitment to Non-Violence
Slapping “opinion” on an article does not relieve a publication of its duty to remain faithful to the facts.

Ma'arat Hamachpela UPDATE
(per Ministry of Health guidelines)

The Ma'arat HaMachpela is OPEN! Prayers will be held outside in the Rochelle Berkowitz Plaza. Masks and social distancing are required.
Parshat Teruma
By: Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron
לשכנו תדרשו
Discover the Holy Presence in the Holy Land

And They Shall Make a Temple and I Will Rest in Their Midst

In Parshat Yitro, we discussed the connection between God’s Name, indicative of His Presence, and the Temple, location of His Presence. Therefore, in continuation of our discussion of God’s names in the book of Shemot, literally “names”, we would like to discuss matters of the Temple, resting place of God’s Presence, and “Name,” that encompass all the parshiot of this book till its end.

Continue reading here...
Shabbat Times for Teruma
February 19-20, 2021
Candle Lighting
New York 5:17pm
Miami 5:58pm
Chicago 5:09pm
Los Angeles 5:22pm
Hebron 4:59pm
Shabbat Ends
New York 6:19pm
Miami 6:53pm
Chicago 6:13pm
Los Angeles 6:20pm
Hebron 6:08pm
To learn more about, or sign up for a Hebron Fund Tour, click here
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