My father passes away unexpectedly in March of 2019.
  • Worst day of my life
  • Worst week of my life
  • Worst month of my life
  • Worst year of my life
Finally, about a year later, it took till about April of 2020 to turn things around, as Covid was a splash of cold water to the face. It made me change dynamic of my business like a kick-start. And we changed everything we did that year. Whew!

Jump back to one of those four bullet points above. Imagine you are in one of those periods of grief, and someone steals from you. Talk about getting kicked while you are down.

That's what happened to dozens, maybe scores of people in my community. Kicked in the gut in your worst time. The local headstone/monument dealer in town went belly up. After being in business since 1853, and an ownership change, the newest owner had some "troubles."

He took 50-100% deposits on headstones, memorials, & engraving work. Then he went dark.. Crickets. He's gone. The money is gone, & you are out of luck. Some folks lost thousands of dollars.

Yup. My father's memorial stone was never done by the knucklehead mentioned above. So, last winter, I bought a retiring guy's sandblast business, thinking: I'll do Pop's stone, then do small scale memorial and stone engraving. What the heck, people already buy our stuff to get engraved for a large variety of reasons.

One thing led to another. Badda Bing, Badda Boom. Nothing small scale here at T.S. Mann. We'll replace that knucklehead. We've been here for 90 years, & I think we are the 2nd oldest business in town. We love granite. We can cut, carve, & install any size granite you could imagine. You'll see pics below, but we've engraved a 72" diameter millstone and installed it in a residential setting. We've fabricated an amazing project in Wellesley, MA for their Track & Football field complex. Plus numerous single stone projects all over the Northeast.

Engraving and setting a 600 lb. memorial stone in a flat lot a few miles away in a cemetery seems cake-work for us. Maybe not quite cake-work, but well within our wheelhouse. See below, I took a scroll trough my photo gallery to remind myself how good we are & what we've done.

So, we are proud to announce: We have just opened up T.S. Mann Memorials, for local and beyond memorial stone services. We can do headstones, memorial stones, & grass markers almost anywhere. Plus, locally, we'll be doing off-site engraving. Please, just a 25 mile radius for off-site engraving.