Last Friday, February 8, we heard about a “hot’ issue: cannabis legislation. We heard from two guests: Alex Hassel, Intergovernmental Relations Representative at the League of Minnesota Cities, and Jolie Wood, Planning Manager at Ramsey County.
Alex informed us that one year ago, cannabis legislation was passed, with a TCH product tax in-effect on July 1, 2023. The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) is currently rulemaking, hiring, and developing model ordinances and resources for cities. This summer, license applications will open for temporary, social equity applicants. In late 2024 and early 2025, following a rulemaking comment period: rules will be finalized, applications will open to all, and sales of cannabis will begin.
SF 4782 was introduced on March 7. This legislation would reorder the licensure process to enable a social equity license lottery, which would delay local government zoning. Among other changes, the legislation would also remove the 30 day time limit for zoning approval.
Alex recommends that cities and counties consider waiting to pass an ordinance, and recommends identifying growing facilities in your municipalities while considering odor. She also recommends familiarizing yourself with the authorizations and uses of microbusinesses and mezzobusinesses.
Jolie let us know the Ramsey County’s Cannabis Legislative Action Team will be sending recommendations to the County Manager and delivering them to the Board on April 9. They will consider the opportunities and risks of cannabis legislation to create a balanced approach. The team includes a wide representation of County leaders, including public health and other sectors.
Check out the notes or watch the recording to learn more!