Volume I No. 32 |August 6, 2019
In This Issue
Gene Hull - Devin Stanley
Cultural Arts Village Fundraiser & Map
Summerfest - Recycling Grannies
NEW! - Calls For Artists - Auditions
Some New Season Schedules
Scroll down for expanded Calendar Listings, Sponsor Links and More to Explore, plus guidelines for submitting to ARTS BLAST & the Cultural Council of Indian River County's CulturalCalendar.org.

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Listen to the Cultural Council of Indian River County's Cultural Connection with Willi Miller at 5 p.m. Mondays on the Treasure Coast on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM and www.waxe1370.com. Replays are at cultural-council.org.

For Helen Miller 
August - How Did That Happen?
What a difference a day makes. There we were, lazing about in a hot and humid July, wondering if vacation might be a possibility (no), ignoring hurricane season — and then the calendar clicked over into August.

For some, that meant a sales tax holiday and back-to-school shopping, but for the arts community, it's time to rally the troops and welcome in strangers. Art shows and festivals are putting out calls to artists, community theaters are holding auditions, and choirs and orchestras are looking to add voices. As the announcements come in, I'll share in the new and dedicated sections of Arts Blast. Scroll down to the On the Calendar area for the growing list. If you know of any I should add, please send the information to me - willi@willimiller.com. And check out the unique spots Riverside Theatre has to fill!

Just don't forget the part about hurricane season.
Cultural Council of Indian River County’s Executive Director Announces Retirement

Barbara Hoffman, executive director of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, will end her 10-year run at the end of September. Hoffman began her association with the Cultural Council as Vice Chair in 2009. She was Chair of the Board 2010-2013, and took on the responsibilities of executive director in 2014.

Look for a Q&A with Hoffman in next week’s Arts Blast.
Congratulations to all involved in the production of CATS at Vero Beach Theatre Guild in July! The set, the costumes and makeup, the choreography — all topnotch! I predict the Genie Awards judges are going to have a tough time this year.
The Arts Blast Matchmaking Service
(Auditions and Calls to Artists)
In an effort to match up readers with availabilities of interest, announcements of auditions and calls for artists — and there are many of both at this time of year — will have their own sections beginning with this issue of Arts Blast. Scroll down for what we have so far and watch for updates at willimiller.com .
From Arts Blast sponsor Riverside Theatre:

Love Theatre? Be part of making the magic happen on our stages! We are looking for 2 Costume apprentices that will report to our Costume Shop Manager and Wardrobe Supervisor to execute the costumes designs for all Riverside Theatre productions. Apprentices will serve as the wardrobe crew for all Main Stage productions and assist with special events as assigned. Stitching, cutting and draping skills required and any wig/makeup experience is a plus. Candidates must have prior experience working in a costume shop in either and academic or professional setting. Apprentices will also be assigned as Costume Designer for educational shows as time permits.
(2) Positions available AUG 2019 – MAY 2020
Applications are currently being accepted for our 2019-2020 season. No phone calls please.
To apply for production apprenticeship positions please email your resume and cover letter to Dan Kondas, Production Manager, at dan.kondas@riversidetheatre.com
Also from Riverside Theatre:
So you think you're FUNNY? Well, you could be one of Vero Beach's next Comedy Zone Emcees on stage! Sign-up and audition on Aug 8th or 22nd at 7:30pm for a volunteer emcee position at Riverside Theatre. For info, call 772-231-6990 or click.
Sunday at the Environmental Learning Center
Aug. 11, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m

Constellation Kaleidoscope
Larry Buist, the artist featured in last week's Arts Blast, will be guest speaker at the Fifth Avenue Gallery's 2nd Saturday Aug. 10 at 2 p.m. He'll tell all about how he bends wood to his will. His solo exhibit, Liquid Wood, is at the gallery through August. First Avenue Gallery, Melbourne.
The Art Connection of Fort Pierce ’s summer show is “Summer Fun” and Treasure Coast and South Florida artists are showing their work. The show runs through Aug. 16. The winner (it’s a People’s Choice show) will be given a month of gallery space to display and sell artwork and will get a feature story on the Art Connection’s website and social media. 
Thank You
Arts Blast Sponsors!
Summerfest 2019!
For its 31st year of making beautiful music, Symphony of the Americas once again will be guests of the Cultural Council of Indian River County August 11 at Christ by the Sea United Methodist Church in Vero Beach. As always, Maestro James Brooks-Bruzzese will be wielding the baton that bring musicians from South Florida and major European chamber orchestras together in a concert filled with music of favorite composers — and one surprise. Humperdinck, Mozart, Verdi, and Elgar are among the familiar names, but something new also is on the program. Lorenzo Turchi-Floris, an Italian composer in residence with Symphony of the Americas, was commissioned to compose a piece for the tour.
The Summerfest concert series is a six-week cultural exchange program. Vero Beach is the last stop on the tour of the Americas for the musicians, who come from the Opera Orchestra of Sofia, Mission Symphony of Switzerland, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Rome Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre Francais, and others. Home for the Symphony of the Americas is the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale.

The Cultural Council of Indian River County has invited music students in middle and high schools to be guests for the performance. Tickets, $35, are available online at  www.cultural-council.org/summerfest , and at the Cultural Council office, 2041 14th Ave., Vero Beach.
Violinist Devin Stanley
Devin Stanley is one of the young Vero Beach musicians who brought home the trophy for the First Presbyterian Church Youth String Orchestra from the Music in the Parks competition in May. Now 19 and a sophomore at University of Central Florida, Stanley is carrying on a love that began when she first sang in a church choir as a five year old. She was 13 before settling on the violin as her instrument of choice. While a student in Vero Beach, she performed with orchestras at Storm Grove Middle School and Vero Beach High School, where she played with both the Philharmonic and Symphony orchestras, performing in competitions for both schools. At UCF, Stanley is a first violinist.

She was introduced to the Youth String Orchestra by Jacob Craig, music and arts director at the church, three years ago. He “came into our high school philharmonic rehearsal and asked for a number of students willing to volunteer to perform in church.” In her second year, Devin was asked to be concertmaster, which “gave me a chance to develop real leadership skills.” 

It also kept friendships going. “The VBHS Phil performed in Austria, and many of those musicians still sit beside me in the ensemble, so performing with FPO is a moment to bond again as a family and widen it to include new people.”
When Craig told the musicians about the competition, they had a year to prepare. Explaining the path from learning about the competition during a regular rehearsal to performing in Orlando, Stanley said, “From that moment forward, our focus was devoted to the piece we would take.” For high school students, rehearsing was easy enough but not so much for those who had moved on to college. “Several of the musicians including myself spend most of our time in college, and therefore must practice the repertoire individually and come prepared to rehearsals whenever we go on academic breaks.”

In the months before the competition, there was “the initial apprehension, but mostly there was confidence and excitement,” Stanley said. “After playing with some of my peers since middle school, I trust in their abilities and always look forward to taking the stage with them again. … There’s really no describing the feeling of being surrounded by people you love creating music together. It’s so special and unreal. They inspired me to continue playing music when I went off to college, and thanks to them I’ll probably never stop performing.” 

Craig has made a lasting impact on Stanley’s life, she said. “He inspires me everyday with his determination and commitment to assisting us in producing our best sound, but more than that, he has a genuine desire to see us grow as individuals and achieve goals outside of music.”

Twenty years from now Stanley knows the bonds formed with the musicians around her will still exist. “Though we may go our different ways, what we have created together will maintain our relationships forever.”

The orchestra can be heard performing in services every Sunday at First Presbyterian in the Sanctuary. 
Cultural Arts Village, Vero Beach
From the Cultural Council of Indian River County:

Join Us at the Post & Vine for
A Village People Fundraiser 
August 13, 2019 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Post & Vine
1919 14th Ave
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Meet the Village People, enjoy the Friends and Neighbors Band, sing and dance to "YMCA", hear from Jason Jeffries, Director of Planning for the City of Vero Beach about the upcoming zoning of the Vero Beach Cultural Arts Village, and learn about other Village events and opportunities. Reservations are $75 per person, includes buffet dinner and entertainment with cash bar.
RSVP to Cultural Council at 772-770-4857 or Lisa@Cultural-Council.org. 
The Recycling Grannies - No, Not a Rock Group
Terry O’Toole has done a great job of keeping me up to date with what’s happening at Sebastian Inlet State Park for years. Almost every email is about Night Sounds, the music series in the park, and once in a while he fills me in on a workshop or class, so I wasn’t quite prepared to have him ask if I’d like to interview his Recycling Grannies. He said, “They use old fishing line and used plastic bags to make mats for the homeless and items for sale in the Nautical Nook gift shop, at the Sebastian Fishing Museums.”

Who could resist an opening like that? The Grannies are a smaller group within the Friends of the Sebastian Inlet State Park, with Ethel Ford and Nannette Wall as the driving force. Actually, at this point, Ethel and Nannette are the entire Recycling Grannies group, but I envision other crocheting folks jumping on the rolling ball of plarn soon. Yes, I had to look it up. Plarn is plastic yarn. 

Ethel explained that it all got started “when Nannette showed me a bag she had made 20 years ago using plastic bags.” That’s all it took to send Ethel to the Internet to find a pattern for a large tote bag she then made with the used grocery bags she had at home. 
Ethel and Nannette decided to get together to make mats for local homeless people using the bags and used fishing line collected at the park. “The fishing line is washed, bleached, detangled and wound on to pieces of cardboard,” Ethel explained. Their current products are tote bags, bowls, water bottle holders, and a few other things. The bags are donated by volunteers, park employees, family members, and friends.

If you’d like to see the ladies in action, pop into the fishing museum at the State Park between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. any Tuesday. 
Gene Hull - You're Never Too Young or Too Old
I’m going to go out on a limb here and bet that most people dream of retiring long before they hit 90, but a man I met many years ago, Gene Hull, is more of a Gypsy Rose Lee/Jule Styne kind of guy. Remember these lyrics from Gypsy?

“Some people can be content playing bingo and paying rent.
That's peachy for some people, for some hum-drum people to be,
but some people ain't me!”

Gene hit the big 9-0 a week ago and he’s still got a dream: seeing his latest book — his first novel — move up the charts. Those thinking about having three careers in one lifetime would do well to use Gene as an example and hope his next book is a how-to manual.
From the photos he shared with Arts Blast, it’s easy to see how he’s had time for three careers. The caption under one photo below lists his mother as the choreographer for a dance routine Gene and his little sister did when their ages were single digits. He was featured in orchestras all through his high school years and then went on to study at University of Notre Dame and The Juilliard School. 

Gene played saxophone, clarinet, and flute with the Duke Ellington Orchestra and others, and eventually added bandleader and conductor to his resumé. “There were many bands in my music career of 30 years,” he said, including “conductor and music director for Vic Damone and other stars.” The Jazz Giants, his own big band, was featured and recorded at the Newport Jazz Festival.

That was his first career. Next, the siren call of the sea beckoned and for 15 years he worked with cruise lines as entertainment director, creating stage productions and ice shows for ocean-going passengers – the second career.
Gene has lived in Fort Pierce for 16 years, moving up the coast after 23 years in Miami, where he studied in the Creative Writing program at Florida International University, getting ready for his next, current, career. He’s written six books: poetry, short stories, a memoir, and now a novel, a departure from his norm. Gene said, “This is my first novel and the best thing I’ve ever written.” He described Brainwave as a “mystery thriller (romance.).” Always active, he has been “a contributing editor for several publications, past president of the Treasure Coast Writers Guild, and a Trustee of the Ft. Pierce Jazz and Blues Society.”

Click on this link to read an archived story in The New York Times of 1972. Find Gene on Facebook.
Gene at 14
Fundraiser at Cocoa Village Playhouse
Enjoy good music and help send Cocoa Beach High School Chorus to Carnegie Hall.

For one day, one performance only, hear this fundraising concert that will get the Chorus moving on its journey to an unforgettable experience. It's at Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse, 300 Brevard Avenue
Cocoa, August 10 at 2 p.m.
Coming Season at Barn Theatre
New Season for Pineapple Playhouse
The Young, the Bold, and the Murdered . By Don Zolidis; directed by Katie Dempsey (Comedy). Show dates: September 12-29
A long-running soap opera is in its last days: Its hero has self-esteem issues, its villain is wants soup, and its heroines are slightly psychopathic.

Knickers . By Sarah Quick; Audition dates: September 15-17, 2019. Show dates: November 14- December 1, 2019. 
When Elliston Falls’ paper mill is shut down, the town spirals into an economic depression.

  The Bare Truth . Written and directed by H.G. Brown. Audition dates: November 17-19, 2019. Show dates: January 23- February 16, 2020.
A retired couple, recently settled in Florida, is tired of their grown children and grandchildren constantly intruding in their life to check up on the old folks.

Calendar Girls .  By Tim Firth; directed by Patty Holerger. Audition dates: January 26-28, 2020. Show dates: March 19- April 5, 2020
When Annie's husband John dies of leukemia, she and best friend Chris resolve to raise money for a new settee in the local hospital waiting room.

Harvey .  By Mary Chase; Audition dates: March 22-24, 2020. Show dates: May 14-31 .
Elwood P. Dowd insists on including his friend Harvey in all of his sister Veta’s social gatherings. Trouble is, Harvey is an imaginary six-and-a-half-foot-tall rabbit.
Auditions Coming Up
Sunday, August 11 @ 1 pm (Children 12 and younger); Sunday, August 11 @ 2 pm (Ages 13 and older); Monday, August 12 @ 7 pm (Ages 13 and older). Performance Dates: September 20 through...
Treasure Coast Theatre has scheduled auditions for the November show, Christmas Belles for Aug 11-13, 7-9 p.m. Registration begins at 6:30.

The show will run Nov. 8-24, with Keith Russo directing. A total of 11 roles will be filled.
Knickers . By Sarah Quick; Audition dates: September 15-17, 2019. Show dates: November 14- December 1, 2019.

The Bare Truth . Written and directed by H.G. Brown. Audition dates: November 17-19, 2019. Show dates: January 23- February 16, 2020.

Calendar Girls .  By Tim Firth; directed by Patty Holerger. Audition dates: January 26-28, 2020. Show dates: March 19- April 5, 2020

Harvey .  By Mary Chase; Audition dates: March 22-24, 2020. Show dates: May 14-31 .
Auditions for Camelot at Vero Beach Theatre Guild are Aug,23-25, times vary. Seven men and women needed. Show dates: Nov. 13-Dec. 1. Alex Martinez, director.

Auditions for The Crucible, an Apron Series drama by Arthur Miller, are Nov. 6-8, times vary.Production dates: Oct. 4-6.

Auditions for Jesus Christ Superstar, lead roles, are Oct. 18-20, times vary. Show dates: March 11-29. Auditioning for Jesus, Judas, Mary, Ciaphas, Annas, and Pontius Pilate at this time. Jon Putzke directs.

"See How They Run" August 26 and 27.
"Death and Taxes," December 16 and 17.
7-9 p.m. at the Freshman Campus Auditorium. 
I'm including this one because I know the co-author of the show and will have an interview with him in Arts Blast in the fall.

NYC is the location of auditions for the first show of the season at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre, DRACULA: A COMEDY OF TERRORS .
Submissions from AEA members for one role. All other roles have been cast.

For consideration, mail picture and resume asap. Deadline for receipt is 8/13/19
Bob Clinere: DRACULA
2214 Frederick Douglass- Suite 327
New York, NY 10016
Treasure Coast Youth Symphony has announced its 2019-2020 audition schedule. Visit the website for information and online registration form.
  Love to Sing? We’re Seeking Singers!

Our mission is to share the love of choral music with the community of the Treasure Coast. Our 50-voice chorale presents a wide variety of popular music at our three free concerts each season, offering those who love to sing, and those who love to listen, an opportunity to participate in entertaining programs that combine voices, instruments and enjoyment.

Won't you join us? All voice parts are welcome!
Our rehearsals are on Monday nights at 7 p.m. (beginning Sept.9 th ) at the First Baptist Church of Vero Beach in the Music Ministry Bldg. on 15 th Ave. between 22 nd St. & 23 rd St.

Contact: www. treasurecoastchorale.org or 772-231-3498

         What's needed to be part of TCC: 
A desire to present quality entertainment to the community
A friendly “Get-to-know-you-interview” 
Experience with singing harmony 
Annual dues of only $60.00
Find us on Facebook!
Treasure Coast Community Singers' various groups are getting it in gear for the coming season and have opened ranks for new members. Home base has been up in the air for the singers since the North Stuart Baptist Church became unavailable after last season, so if you're planning to just show up, you're advised to go to the website or Facebook page for the location. You can sign up online for any of the groups. Rehearsals have already begun for some but it isn't too late to jump in.
Maestro Doug Jewett has something for almost everyone:

TCCS Chamber Singers perform primarily classical challenging music; Community Chorus, no auditions required, just a love of singing; TCCS Youth Chorus is open to all students in grades 2 through 5; and TCCS Cantate Singers is open to all middle school age students grades 6 through 9.
Performances for our fall Community Chorus concert, We Stand Together will be October 12th at Palm City Presbyterian & October 13 th at St . Bernadette’s , St. Lucie West. 
Chamber Singers will present Puccini’s Messa di Gloria on Nov. 9 at Palm City Presbyterian , Palm City and Nov 10 at Trinity United Methodist , Jensen Beach.  
Community Choru s will present Holiday Memories on Dec 7 at Palm City Presbyterian , Palm City and Dec 8 at St. Bernadette’s , St. Lucie West.  
Calls To Artists
A new call for individual artist members of the Cultural Council of Indian River County . Digital entries are being accepted until Aug. 14 for exhibition at the IRC Intergenerational Recreation Center for several months. Contact Lisa Lindner at lisa@cultural-council.org for details.
Call for Fine Artists : Artists & Charities Hand in Hand - Palm Beach County Convention Center, WPB. Deadline Sept. 15 , show Nov. 2-3.
The Arts Council of Martin County , the local non-profit arts agency, invites artists to apply to be an exhibitor at our 2020 ArtsFest . ArtsFest has an attendance of 15,000+ visitors in beautiful Memorial Park in Downtown Stuart. Deadline to apply: September 25, 2019
The Florida Artists Group, a non-profit, juried organization is accepting applicants from artists who live in Florida six months each year, work in art professionally, and can meet other submission requirements. Application deadline is Sept. 28. Get details at FloridaArtistsGroup.org .
For artists in Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, and Sarasota counties only:

Entry Deadline: September 3, 2019

The  Skyway exhibition, now in its second iteration, is a celebration of artistic practices in the Tampa Bay region, as it is a collaboration between four institutions: the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg; The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota; the Tampa Museum of Art; and the University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa.
Call for Artists: Endangered Art4Apes
www.art4apes.com. Benefits Center for Great Apes. Deadline Sept. 30
Deadline Sept. 15 - Arts4All Florida is proud to announce our next Call for Art for a new exhibition titled “Creating Connections”. “Creating Connections” will focus on how art connects us to people, places, times, and abilities. The exhibition will have two categories (youth and adults) and three cash prizes in each category. “Creating Connections” will be on display at the 22 nd Floor Gallery in the Florida Capital Building, November 5 th through January 29 th .
Arts4All Florida showcases artists with disabilities through its Artist Registry. All art forms are represented including visual and performing art as well as literary work. TheRegistry is a free service. For more information, contact Adult Programs Coordinator Sandra Sroka, srokas@usf.edu or 813-974-071
Atlantic Center for the Arts is now accepting applications for the Master Artists-in-Residence Program. Deadline to apply: Varies
Wellington Art Society has a Call to Artists for the January 2020 Art Fest on the Green at the Wellington Amphitheater in Wellington, Fla. Application deadline is Nov. 1.
Summer Museum hours at A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery are Saturdays, 10 AM to 4 PM; and Sundays, 12 Noon to 4 PM. through Aug. 11. Then closed for vacation.
Admission is $5 per person; AARP, AAA, and Veterans with appropriate ID receive a $2 discount. Museum members, students with school ID, children under 18, and active duty military are always free. The first Sunday of the month is Free Admission Day. 
August free movies at Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce:

Aug. 11 - Bohemian Rhapsody
Aug. 18 - First Man
Aug. 25 - The Big Lebowski

NOTE: Tickets are available in person only at the theatre’s box office located at 117 South Second Street, Ft. Pierce, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday - Friday and two hours prior to each movie. Limit 4 tickets per person. Tickets are subject to availability. For more information call 772-461-4775.
Art by artist members of Cultural Council of Indian River County is now on view at the Indian River County Administration Buildings and the Vero Beach Regional Airport.
You might have seen a posting for First Fridays at the Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa featuring music by Matt Weihmuller's Jazz Trio. You might not know this about Matt:
Matt is also a composer, utilizing specialized music technology for the blind. His greatest personal goal, however, is to champion the cause of increasing Braille music literacy for young blind musicians. 
Bok Tower Gardens:
The Bok Tower Visitor Center will begin renovations in the Chao Exhibit Hall and Reception area and will remain closed throughout the summer. The Garden is open.
The Art Connection of Fort Pierce ’s summer show is “Summer Fun” and Treasure Coast and South Florida artists are showing their work. The show runs through Aug. 16. The winner (it’s a People’s Choice show) will be given a month of gallery space to display and sell artwork and will get a feature story on the Art Connection’s website and social media. 
Looking for fun on a Sunday afternoon? Rock’n Riverwalk is a live local music concert series on the Riverwalk Stage in Downtown Stuart. Bring your children, pets, family, and friends. The schedule is subject to change, and this is NOT a rain or shine event, so check the Facebook page before heading out. Sundays, weather permitting, 1-4 p.m. For easy parking, ride the free Sailfish Shuttle from Osceola, Sailfish or Kiwanis Park.
A.C.T. Studio Theatre continues its summer salute to Shakespeare with the comedy by Long, Singer and Winfield, "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare [Abridged]," starring (Photo L-R) Audrey Stabile, David Tanner and Megan Pollak. Directed by Richie Lester.  

Show dates are Aug. 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. Reserved seating $25.

A.C.T. Studio Theatre is in the Cedar Pointe Plaza in Stuart: 2399 SE Ocean Blvd. actstudiotheatre.com  
Arts Blast
Friends and Supporters
Artist Tim Sanchez
On the Calendar - Indian River County
Through Aug. 8 - Jemal Hayes’ art is at Indian River County Courthouse.

Aug. 9 -10, 7:30 p.m. - Comedy Zone Experience and Cheeseburgers in Paradise at Riverside Theatre. Arrive early for Live in the Loop free concert outside, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Music by BEACHLAND.

Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m. - Sunset Saturday on Ocean Drive at Humiston Park, Vero Beach.

Aug. 11, 3 p.m. - Cultural Council of Indian River County presents SUMMERFEST! 2019 at Christ by the Sea United Methodist Church.

Aug. 16 -17, 7:30 p.m. - Howl at the Moon and Cheeseburgers in Paradise at Riverside Theatre. Arrive early for Live in the Loop free concert outside, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Music by LANDSHARKS.

Aug. 18, 3 p.m. - Space Coast Symphony Orchestra presents The Mikado at Community Church of Vero Beach. Central Florida Vocal Arts and Opera del Sol

Aug. 23 -24, 7:30 p.m. - Comedy Zone Experience at Riverside Theatre. Arrive early for Live in the Loop free concert outside, 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Through Sept. 29 - Astronomy Photographer of the Year is in the Holmes Gallery at Vero Beach Museum of Art.

Sept. 18-29 - A Bench in the Sun at Vero Beach Theatre Guild.
Artworks by members of the Cultural Council of Indian River County will be on view through October at the Indian River County Administration Buildings A and B during normal office hours, 1801 27th Street, Vero Beach. 772-770-4857.

AAUW Vero Beach  collects books K-5th for the Little Free Library. https://verobeach-fl.aauw.net

Through SUMMER - The spring gallery artists showing in The Galleries at First Pres at First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, 520 Royal Palm Blvd. will continue through the summer. The artists for this quarter are Paul Williams with watercolor scenes, Pamela Schwartz with acrylics, and Jean Archibald with watercolors.

Through August - The art of Members Only: Members & Friends of the UUFVB in the Lobby Gallery at the Emerson center, Vero Beach.

All summer - Lagoon activities at  Environmental Learning Center .
Last Saturday of each month is free admission day at Vero Beach Museum of Art.

Through Oct. 31 - The Cultural Council's Artist Registry members exhibit works depicting "Vero Beach - The Perfect Destination" at Vero Beach Regional Airport.

Through Dec. 15 - Vero Beach Museum of Art presents Al Weiwei's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads: Gold in the Stark Rotunda.
On the Calendar - Martin County
Aug. 9-18 - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) at A.C.T. Studio Theatre. Tickets & information:  actstudiotheatre.com  and 772-932-8880.

Aug. 11, 1-4 p.m. - AFTM at Rock’n Riverwalk on the Riverwalk Stage, Stuart.

Thursday nights are Jazz Jam nights with Jim van Voorheis at Notes Wine Bar, 872 S. Colorado Ave., Stuart.

Reservations are still being accepted for the 2020 Art Excursion to Italy with the Arts Council of Martin County.

Dates vary, 10 a.m. - The Mansion at Tuckahoe in Indian RiverSide Park tours in Indian Riverside Park, 1707 NE Indian River Dr., Jensen Beach.

Aug. 10, 2 p.m. - Blake LibraryJohn F. and Rita M. Armstrong Wing. Bring your acoustic instrument and meet other local musicians for a community jam session.
Through Aug. 10 - Summer Reading Program for kids and adults at Martin County Libraries. https://www.martin.fl.us/summer-reading-program-2019

Third week of each month, 6 p.m. - Meeting of Martin Artisans Guild. Check website for dates. https://mcost.org

Through summer - Stuart Heritage Museum open daily 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - noon, Old-Timers Social.

Groundfloor Farm is closed for the summer and has been purchased by CoLab Farms in Indiantown.

NOTE: Blake Library Monday late nights are now on Tuesday nights.

Check the martinarts.org calendar for many art classes and workshops offered by local artists.
On the Calendar - St. Lucie County
Through Aug. 11- Squabbles: a/k/a Your House or Mine at Treasure Coast Theatre, 10175 S US HIGHWAY 1, PORT ST LUCIE

Aug. 7, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. - Wednesday Jazz Jams at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens with the Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society. $7 cover for non-members / $6 for members.

Aug. 10. 1 p.m. - One Man Band Brett Messer at Summer Crush Winery, Fort Pierce

Aug. 11, 3 p.m. - Bohemian Rhapsody. Free Summer at the Movies at Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce. Tickets are available in person only at the theatre’s box office located at 117 South Second Street, Ft. Pierce, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday - Friday and two hours prior to each movie. Limit 4 tickets per person. Tickets are subject to availability. For more information call 772-461-4775.

Through Aug. 11 - Summer hours at A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery. Free admission days July & Aug. 4. Check website for details.

Aug. 13, 7 p.m. - Jazz Jam at Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce.

Aug. 16, 5-8 p.m. - ArtWalk in downtown Fort Pierce.
Through August 16 - Art Connection of Ft. Pierce’s Summer Fun show.

Through summer - Indian River State College’s McAlpin Theatre will be closed for renovations. Oct. 1 is the anticipated reopening date.  Through Sept. 3 - Art of Claire Smith exhibition at Port St. Lucie Civic Center, 9221 SE Civic Center Place.

July 28-30 - Auditions for The Young, the Bold, and the Murdered at Pineapple Playhouse, Fort Pierce. 

Every Saturday, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. - T he Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society 's Jazz and Craft Market, rain or shine, along the waterfront in downtown Fort Pierce.

The Gardens at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens sent a call to all artists, not only SLC residents. The deadline for entry is Nov. 1. Find the application at www.pslbg.org/artapp.

Every Saturday. 3-4 p.m. - Critter Crunch & Munch at Oxbow Eco-Center . Free, all ages, no reservation required.
On the Calendar - Brevard County
Through Aug. 9 - Surf Art Camp at Mary Moon Arts, Cocoa Beach.

Aug. 9 - Sept. 1 - Matilda the Musical at Titusville Playhouse .

Aug. 10, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Open house at Melbourne City Dance Center. Enrollment open ages 3-5.

Aug. 11, 2 p.m. - Space Coast Jazz Society presents Stellar Jazz with Billy Davis at Rockledge Country Club

Aug 11-12 - Auditions for Cinderella at Cocoa Beach Theatre

Aug. 16, 6- 10 p.m. - Cocoa Beach Main Street Friday Fest

Aug. 16-18 - Hot Pink Motown at  Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse .

Aug. 17, 7 p.m. - Space Coast Symphony Orchestra presents The Mikado at Scott Center for the Performing Arts.

Through Aug. 24 - Forced to Flee: Art Quilts by Studio Art Quilt Associates. At Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts at FIT, 150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne. http://textiles.fit.edu/
Through Aug. 31 - Liquid Wood, solo exhibit by Larry Buist, at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, Melbourne.

Through Sept. 9 - Artist’s Choice Member Exhibit at Strawbridge art League, 819-2 E. Strawbridge Ave., Melbourne.

Through Sept. 9 - A Joy of Creating Celebration at Beachside Arts & Beyond, 246 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach.

Last Friday of the month - Cocoa Village Friday Fest at Myrt Tharpe Square Gazebo 5 - 9 p.m.

Through October 19 - Foosaner Art Museum presents Clyde Butcher: Florida’s Photographer, 1463 Highland Avenue, Melbourne. FoosanerArtMuseum.org
On the Calendar - No. Palm Beach County
Aug. 8-11, times vary - Romeo and Juliet at Maltz Jupiter Theater.

Aug. 9, 5-10 p.m. - Art After Dark at the Norton Museum of Art.

Aug. 9, 6-7:30 p.m. - Exploring Architecture and Design at Norton Museum of Art as part of Art After Dark. Free. Using iPad and Apple Pencil, along with the app Procreate, find creative ways to use space and structure – and see how the Norton features some of these very same design concepts. Free tickets for this workshop will be available at Visitor Experience desk starting at 5:30 pm.

Aug 9, 8 p.m. - Norton Cinema: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1938) at Norton Museum of Art.

Through Aug. 10 - Window on the World Original Art and Picture Books by National Award Winners at Lighthouse ArtCenter, Tequesta.

Through Aug. 10 -  Cultural Council of Palm Beach County’ s Biennial 2019 exhibition featuring work by local artists. Best in Show: Rick Newton.
Aug. 10, 8 p.m. - Leslie Cartaya at Arts Garage, Delray Beach.

Aug. 11, 5 p.m. - Cuballet Summer Gala at Lake WorthPlayhouse, Lake Worth.

Through August - Florida: Faces and Places exhibition at The Center for Creative Education, 425 24th St., WPB.

Through Sept. 17 - Small Worlds: Five Centuries of European Prints and Drawings from the Collection at Norton Museum of Art.

Through Oct. 12 - Seven Solos Exhibition at Cornell Art Museum at Old School Square , Delray Beach.

Through Oct. 29 - Film Posters from the Dwight M. Cleveland Collection at the Norton Museum of Art.

At Mounts Botanical Garden , 531 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach - Cutting Corners: A Stickwork Exhibit, created from 30,000 pounds of willow during a three-week “community build.”

Third Thursdays, 5:30-7:30 p.m. - At Lighthouse Art Center in Tequesta. Free to members, $5 at door for nonmembers. Wine, hors d’oeuvres.
Notes from a past Arts Blast Road Trip:   Edison and Ford Winter Estates (EFWE) was selected as one of 20 gardens to be represented in the United States Botanic Gardens' "Gardens Across America" exhibit in Washington, D.C. The display includes a model of the Edison Botanic Research Laboratory and rubber research gardens and will be on display near the U.S. Capitol Building until October 1. The Gardens Across America exhibit in D.C. is free for all visitors, as is admission to the U.S. Botanic Garden. EFWE in Fort Myers is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For tour times or ticket rates, visit the website at  www.edisonford.org
On the Calendar - Beyond the Treasure Coast
Aug. 8 - Dafnis Prieto So o Si Quartet for Community Arts Program at Coral Gables Congregational Church, Coral Gables.

Aug. 15, 11 a.m. - Music in the Museum at Henry B. Plant Museum.

Aug. 22 - Quartetto Gelato for Community Arts Program at Coral Gables Congregational Church, Coral Gables.

Aug. 23, 4 p.m. - Fourth Friday at the Henry B. Plant Museum, Tampa.

Through Aug. 31 - Polk Museum of Art at Florida Southern College - Flashback Female: Women Artists in the 1980s from the permanent collection. 

Through Sept. 8 - Current exhibitions: Mexican Modernituy: 20th-Century Paintings from the Zapanta Collection; Shifting Perspectives: Art by the Students of the Art Time Outreach Program; and Mediated Reality: Cityscapes by Photorealist at the Cornell Fine Arts Museum on the campus of Rollins College, 1000 Holt Ave. -2765, Winter Park.

Through Sept. 22 - Louis Comfort Tiffany—Impressions on Film, Canvas, and Paper at  Morse Museum , Winter Park.
Through Sept. 27, 2020 - Earth into Art - The Flowering of American Art Pottery at Morse Museum , Winter Park.

Through Oct. 27 - Straighten Up the World: Self-Taught Art from the MFA collection,  Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg

Inside the Lab Tour at The Edison and Ford Winter Estates , Fort Myers, Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. and Saturdays and Sundays, 2 p.m. Ticketed. Check ahead.

Ongoing - At Museum of Florida History , 500 s. Bronough, Tallahassee. Alligators: Dragons in Paradise exhibit. 

First Friday Jan.-Nov. - Free admission at Henry B. Plant Museum 5-7 p.m. A docent-led tour begins at 5:15. Matt Weihmuller’s Jazz Trio.
And There's More!
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