Wishing You Happy New Beginnings in 2021!
Thank you to our great leaders and amazing citizens helping us get through this challenging time. Thank you to the many great Artists, supporters and new friends made this year. Wishing you all good health and please stay safe. Looking forward to reconnecting in the New Year!

It was not possible a year ago to imagine what we have experienced in these recent months. During this forced sabbatical at South Coast Surface Design, there has been a lot of reimagining and restructuring, re-envisioning the next chapter ahead. Many new improvements have been made and preparations for Spring 2021.

For now, until then, this is an opportunity for a peaceful pause. Quiet times and less activity to reflect and envision the exciting days ahead. We will not recreate what we were prior to this pandemic, we will create new ways, better ways and better choices, for our future, together. Wishing you all a prosperous new year!
Upcoming Events
Featured Artist Program

Please join us for a 3 part series of virtual presentations with Adrian Burke, owner of South Coast Surface Design. A personal retrospective featuring influencers and inspirations. An opportunity to share a reflective journey to this new adventure starting SoCoSD. This show is called "Influencers and Inspirations" giving tribute to people and circumstances that have shaped the way.

3 Thursday nights in January 2021:
14th, 21st, 28th

Adrian Burke, "Influencers and Inspirations"

Part 1: Thursday January 14, 2021

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

To the Northwest Coastal Indians, the Kingfisher is generally viewed positively, as a messenger and a sign of good luck to come. This artwork was a gift from George Amiotte, a Native American Chief, a Healer and Filmmaker. To me, it is a symbol of strength and encouragement. The strength of symbols is one of my great inspirations and George Amiotte, a favorite Influencer. This kingfisher is known to be a good hunter. I hope this symbolic artwork brings you strength and encouragement for the new year - Adrian
Japanese Fabric Dyeing Artist Kako Moriguchi, from Living National Treasure Series 10, Yuzen, "the strong relation to nature that underlies their creative process." Google Images
South Coast Surface Design (SoCoSD) is a new design studio located in downtown New Bedford, MA. SoCoSD customers develop products for the apparel, home decor, gift, stationery and action sports markets. We support regional and global manufacturing programs and produce locally; custom printed fabrics, wall treatments and adhesive appliqués. South Coast Surface Design specializes in helping Artists, Designers and DIYers transfer top quality imagery to a range of surfaces, focusing on sustainable, Eco-Positive materials and manufacturing methods.