Your Simple and
 Natural Choice
December 28th, 2021
Soap for Food Banks Project - Final Update for 2021

Since we first started our Soap for Food Banks project back in April 2020 as our company's response to COVID-19, we have donated 12,070 bars of 100% natural handmade soap (retail value of $69,402.50) to food banks throughout Canada and the USA with the support of our customers, staff, and volunteers. This total includes 3,020 soap bars donated by The Great Canadian Soap Co. to food banks throughout Prince Edward Island on behalf of all of our customers (that includes you!) plus 9,050 soap bars purchased directly by our customers and delivered to food banks of their choice throughout Canada and the USA.

Currently, we have almost completed our Soap for Food Banks project for this year with the sole exception of 500 remaining (most have already been shipped) soap bars that were purchased by our customers for specific food banks across Canada. Those 500 soap bars were poured earlier today and will be ready to ship out at the end of January. Once those 500 soap bars have been sent out, we will have delivered or shipped a total of 12,070 bars of 100% natural handmade soap to Food Banks throughout Prince Edward Island, the rest of Canada, and to the USA, since April 2020. Copied below are the pictures of our soap being delivered to food banks throughout Prince Edward Island this past month.

I would also like to graciously acknowledge the tremendous support we received from Grace Christian School in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Students and staff volunteered and organized themselves to hand wrap and box over 2,700 soap bars during December for our Soap for Food Banks project as part of the student's community service.

Finally, on behalf of myself, my family, and all of our staff here at The Great Canadian Soap Co., I would like to thank you for supporting our Soap for Food Banks project either directly by purchasing soap for specific food banks or by your past patronage and support of our small family business which has allowed us to donate soap to food banks on your behalf.


Em Zember, President and Founder
The Great Canadian Soap Co.
We visited the Salvation Army Food Bank in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on Monday, December 20th, to drop off soap bars. They were kind enough to also accept donations for both the Salvation Army Food Bank in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and the West Prince Caring Cupboard in Alberton, Prince Edward Island, and have delivered them on our behalf as part of their regular transportation schedule.

Salvation Army Food Bank, Charlottetown
140 Soap Bars from The Great Canadian Soap Co. on behalf of all our customers (that includes you!)
100 Soap Bars from individual customers

Salvation Army Food Bank, Summerside
360 Soap Bars from The Great Canadian Soap Co. on behalf of all our customers (that includes you!)
100 Soap Bars from individual customers

West Prince Caring Cupboard, Alberton
200 Soap Bars from The Great Canadian Soap Co. on behalf of all our customers (that includes you!)

In total, we dropped of 900 bars of 100% natural handmade soap (retail value of $5,175.00) at the Salvation Army Food Bank in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on Monday, December 20th.
In addition to the 540 soap bars we dropped off the first week of December to the Upper Room Food Bank in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, that were donated by The Great Canadian Soap Co. on behalf of all of our customers (that includes you!), we dropped off an additional 200 bars of 100% natural handmade soap on Monday, December 20th, that had been purchased directly by individual customers to the Upper Room Food Bank in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The above picture is from our first drop-off.

In total, we dropped of 740 bars of 100% natural handmade soap (retail value of $4,255.00) at the Upper Room Food Bank in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, during December.
In total, we dropped off 250 bars of 100% natural handmade soap (retail value of $1,437.50) on behalf of all our customers (that includes you!) at the Southern Kings & Queens Food Bank in Montague, Prince Edward Island, on Friday, December 17th.
In total, we dropped off 70 bars of 100% natural handmade soap (retail value of $402.50) on behalf of all our customers (that includes you!) at the Souris Food Bank in Souris, Prince Edward Island, on Friday, December 17th.
The Great Canadian Soap Co.
(902) 672-2242