Are you doing whatever you can to heal the earth, the water, the air, the planet? What do you do on a daily basis to contribute to the betterment of the world you live in?
I do not have any events to post for January however there are some exciting new things coming later in 2014.
They will be posted as soon as clarification has been made.
Even though the Christmas Season or Holiday Season is over, it is still important to help all the local crafters, farmer's markets, small town stores in your area before they become extinct. Continue to do your good deeds and shop local and handmade whenever possible.
Love & Light to you all.
Happy New Year to my family, friends and extended network.
I hope you have all successfully survived the end of 2013 and are ready to enter into a new era - 2014. And I would like to wish a Happy New Year to each and every one of you. 2014 is going to be our year of conscious intended manifestation.
December is going out with a bang for me and I am beginning my 2014 knowing that my life is going to improve with every step I take. I am wishing the same success for each one of you. I will be offline and unavailable until January 3rd or 4th as I take some much needed time to recoup and recharge and to await the birth of our newest granddaughter due any day now. New Year - New Life. It is one of God's greatest blessings.
Hopefully you each had a chance to review what you intend to manifest this year and have completed the exercise in December's blog. For those that have, congratulations, you've taken the first steps. For those that haven't, it's never too late to start.
January for many is a time of making New Year's resolutions. Let's be totally honest. How many New Year's resolutions have you made and kept over the last 10 - 20 - 30 or more years? If you are anything like me, not very many if any at all. I no longer make New Year's Resolutions. I make intentions to myself and my life and no matter what time of year they are made, I find that they are always successful.
This month's blog is going to give you the 2nd Steps to continue on your manifestation year of 2014. My intention is to bring each one of you to a point of being able to bring into your life all that you wish to have, be or do.
I also want to send my true and heartfelt gratitude out to each and every one of you. You have given so much to me on my journey and my success could not happen without you. You are the important ones. You are the blessing that has been sent to me. I appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for being a part of my life.
The Soaring Free website is meant to provide inspiration to all that pass through its gates. There are many products and services available, including readings, numerology reports, dream interpretation, healing and so much more. All are welcome, however, negativity and spamming other members is never allowed.
NEW: For those that would like to have a live reading, I now have an arrangement with Click4Advisor. There is a button from them on the main page of the website which will be green if I'm available. Through this button you can connect live for your reading. As always, I am available for email readings via my website, Soaring Free Spiritual Healing Centre under the Products section.
It has been my pleasure to be of service to all of you whether through spiritual life coaching, counseling, readings or on-line courses. I am truly blessed in my life and am looking forward to hearing the reviews of your successes over the coming months.
Namaste & blessings, Sheri Baldwin, RT |
Manifestation for 2014 - The 2nd Step To Achieving Your Dreams
Hopefully you have all completed the exercise in December's newsletter (and blog) for manifesting your life the way you intend it in 2014. Your list should be complete to where you have a kick off point. You should know by heart what is on that list and you have shown gratitude for all that is about to enter into your realm. Please take a moment to read the following blog Manifestation for 2014 - The 2nd Step To Achieving Your Dreams Your second lesson is contained within the blog.
 Every testimonial I receive is truly appreciated, whether it is from a reading or a student enrolled in one of my courses.
I have had a couple of readings with Sheri know her to be a kind soul. Her reading was accurate and it felt like Spirit was providing the next lesson in my soul's evolution. After my reading with her, I was able to call upon my Higher Self and just felt at peace with the direction that my life was moving in. Thanks Sheri and be blessed. Jas Dhillon
If you would like to read other testimonials, click on the following link: Testimonials If you have had a reading, I would love to hear your feedback if you haven't already done so.
Question of the Month

Because of the craziness of this past month, I do not have a question of the month to post at this time. I do however have a message from Spirit to post for all of you.
Many physical beings do not express their truth because they fear hurting someone they love or care for. Many physical beings stay in relationships which are totally wrong for them even though they know it is not where they should be. Many physical beings never speak their truth about anything.
Now you are being asked to know your truth, speak your truth and speak it with clarity and love. This will never truly hurt another soul. Lack of self-expression will destroy your soul and prevent the natural flow that your life was intended to take. Every time you speak your truth, walk away from a bad relationship, a stalled career or even family, you are giving strength to the inner you and remember, most of all, the truth is healing.
Blessings to you always.
Please submit your questions prior to the end of the month and you may be featured here. There are no wrong questions and many times your answer will help another.
Each one of you is a blessing to me. I thank you for being a part of the growth and healing on our planet. Each student has taught me, each client has given me confirmation that I am living my life purpose. Thank you.
Namaste and blessings,
Sheri Baldwin, RT Soaring Free Spiritual Healing Centre |