March 2022
News, updates and perspectives on the
future of education from Learn4Life
Graciano, Like Many Students, Fell Behind During Remote Learning
Always an eager student, Graciano was on track to graduate early – until the pandemic hit. Like so many students who were not proficient with technology, he struggled to keep up with remote classes. His former school couldn’t help him, and he fell further and further behind.
Fortunately a friend told him about the new Learn4Life high school that opened in San Antonio. In just three months he was able to catch up on credits and graduate. “Teachers at my former school weren’t as involved with the students,” he explained. “Here, the smaller classes, and letting us work on a subject at our own speed made all the difference for me.”
Our Robust Intern Program Benefits Students AND Future Social Workers
Social work is one of the fastest-growing professions in the U.S., which is well timed since the demand for mental health support in high schools continues to grow. In this post-pandemic world, teens are experiencing significantly more stress and economic challenges. Our counseling team has created a robust social worker internship program with 10 local colleges and universities throughout the country. 
While school counselors focus on academics, social-emotional health and college or career placement, school social workers help keep students in school by supporting their social-emotional needs through creating a seamless link between the home, school and community.
Where Are They Now?
Ryan K. Never Stops Learning and Helps Others to Learn
To commemorate our 20th Anniversary, Learn4Life has been reaching out to alumni students to see how our school influenced their transition into adulthood.

Ryan Kinchen, a 2012 graduate from Alta Vista in Hesperia, Calif., came to us when he was struggling with a difficult home life. “Learn4Life gave me the flexibility to complete my studies on a non-traditional schedule,” he explained. “They helped me develop self-reliant work and study habits that I still use every day.”

After graduation, Ryan attended Pasadena City College, something that changed his entire outlook on education. “I was not raised in an environment that fostered education,” he said. “So, when I saw what kind of life I could have if I continued to learn something new every day, I quickly learned to love education.”