Solar Eclipse New, Sophia Holy Spirit Activation
November 13, 2012
Beloved Goddess Sophia, Holy Spirit Activation
Holy Spirit Activation
with Susanna Sophia
Tuesday November 13, 2012 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM MST
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Phone In Meditation
Long Distance Activation
And Crystal Grid Ceremony

Beautiful Blessings, 


As we enter into the glistening golden rays of this month's full Solar Eclipse Gateway on November 13, 2012, Beloved Goddess Sophia embraces us all with her soulful wisdom and heartfelt Love.As we enter into the glistening golden rays of this month's full Solar Eclipse Gateway on November 13, 2012, Beloved Goddess Sophia embraces us all with her soulful wisdom and heartfelt Love. 


 This wave of pure Love is pulsating from the Rose Heart Fire of the Divine Mother and is spiraling into the very core of your being... Through the open arms of our Celestial Mother, Sophia's Love and Grace are flowing freely through the gateway of our Sun... Shining through breathtakingly beautiful golden cosmic rainbow rays of Light, permeating every cell in your being with LOVE, pure radiant LOVE. 


November's incredible star line up gifts us with a tangible wave of Divine Opportunity for empowering transformation. The full solar eclipse on November 13 shines a luminous light of Grace upon whatever we have been hiding in the dark places of our psyche... During the full solar eclipse, the moon, symbolic for the Divine Feminine Soul, covers the Sun, exposing the shadow of the Solar Light... Here, the soul and spirit meet, dance, and embrace one another... This transformational alignment creates a portal in which the things that we have been rejecting and hiding within the unconscious and subconscious places of our being will be exposed and then revealed to the Light. This Divine Dance of Light and shadow is happening on both a collective and unconscious level.



Once a light is shed within any seeming darkness, the darkness is illuminated and light pervades the space. Awakening occurs...  This is a time to honor the shadow and to bring Love and Light to where there has been darkness. This gateway offers you a very potent and powerful soulful acceleration of whatever has been holding you back... This is a powerful time to Love yourself, to honor your life, all of your experiences, and to forgive yourself and others. It is time to walk forward into the Light. To choose to know yourself as fully embodied within the Love of Mother and Father. Pure Divine Consciousness fills and illuminates your life.


Beloved Sophia shares with you that you are a multifaceted soulful being of Light, created from Love. Woven within the very fabric of your Heart and Soul is a Divine Intelligence.  This luminous Divine Intelligence is always with you, always guiding you towards your awakening, guiding you through each and every initiation in your life, helping you to see the Light in every seeming illusion of darkness or separation from Source; it is the inspiration that leads you to your most cherished moments. Loving and all-encompassing, this intelligence is your I Am Presence, the part of your essence that has always stayed pure of heart and mind. Through the grace of your I Am Presence, the Divine Plan of Creation is unfolding and expanding within you in each and every breath you take.


I am honored to share with you that during this most auspicious and blessed gateway we will be graced with one of Sophia's Divine Aspects, The Holy Spirit. To receive the Blessing Of The Holy Spirit is to receive the Cosmic Kiss of the Divine Mother Sophia upon your Crown Chakra... and to be born into the Higher Mind of Christ Consciousness. 


Upon receiving the Cosmic Kiss of Beloved Sophia, the Thousand Petal Lotus at your crown opens, blossoming the Rose at the center of your Heart. From this place of luminosity, your I Am Presence begins to descend into the realm of your Soul and Heart... This deep, intimate connection begins the spiritual aspirant's soulful journey of enlightenment.


The Divine anointing of Sophia's Holy Spirit Activation will be received through your I Am presence. It holds within it the blueprint of your Christ Body of Light... Here, you will receive the activation and alignment of your Stellar Gateway... Through the luminous lattice of your crown chakra, this blessing spirals into the very core essence of your mind, body and Soul... reminding, reawakening and rebirthing the Christ Light within you.


This magnificent moment of anchoring the Christ Consciousness within your Heart and Soul is designed to awaken you to the spiritual Light of your I Am Presence... 

And as the frequencies of Gaia are elevating to enlighten our minds and heal our Hearts, we are being asked to let go of past pain and sorrow... By enveloping

the Light that is leading us into a new golden tomorrow and embracing the celebration of Love that is taking place on our beautiful Mother Earth. 


The Holy Spirit is returning to us now to awaken the Grace of Divine Mother Sophia within the Heart of human consciousness. The seeds have been planted and are now ready to be fed with Divine Mana, the food of Light.


As the Holy Spirit Anointing is activated within, know that it is your soul's quest to shine; Now is the time... Breathe in the Light and the Love that is flowing to you now. Breathe, Be, Become. We are as One, we are One Light. One Soul shining in the golden light of a New Dawn...


I am delighted to share with you that I will also be creating a Crystal Grid Ceremony at Isis Rock in Long Canyon...  There, I will facilitate the Holy Spirit Activation from Sophia and the Council of Emissaries of Light. The energies of this ceremony will be very potent and long lasting, for they are divinely designed to align your mind, body, and Soul within the cosmic heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother and Father... This is our moment to shine and to fully flow within the graceful arms of Universal LOVE and Oneness. Each person receiving the activation will have a crystal buried in their honor.

This healing will occur at a deep Soul level, allowing us to let go of what does not serve the Light of our Soul's evolution into LOVE.


On this sacred day, the heavens are open with infinite possibilities... Let us share in this creative influx of Divine Light and co-create our dreams as we open our hearts to infinite possibilities of Grace. May we know the flame of passion that lives within the presence of who we truly are... alive and luminous, breathtakingly beautiful Eternal Stars.


In Love, Susanna



*** During the group transmission, Susanna Sophia Hart sends out each person's activation separately. This energy is transmitted individually  to each person who has signed up for the activation. 


On Tuesday, November 13, you may tune in by phone conference with Susanna Sophia Hart from 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. Mountain Time (Sedona Time)  as she guides you to the Heavenly Temple of Sophia, where you will receive your activation.  *Or you may choose to receive the activation later in the evening. 


Directly after this phone conference, Susanna will start working with Beloved Sophia, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and the Emissaries of Light to send each person the Holy Spirit Activation. Once the transmission is sent, the energy will continue to flow throughout the night and while you are asleep. 

There is limited space and you must register for this event.


* You do not actually need to participate in the phone conference for this event to receive the full activation. However, it is necessary to sign up for it.


Register Now!


You Are  Joyfully Invited to Participate 

in an 

Awe-Inspiring Soulful Spiritual Gala! 


unity 2012

One of the many jewels I have discovered while living here in Sedona is the beautiful spiritual center, Unity of Sedona. Unity spiritual leader, Michael Mirdad, is a heart-centered teacher who has dedicated his life to raising Christ Consciousness on the planet. Each week the community comes together to hold the Light of LOVE within its Heart and share it with the world. 


This loving community came together in dreaming to create an awe-inspiring, Heart-opening celebration to welcome in the NOW Age... This event is designed to rouse and awaken your Heart's Fire into Sacred Union with the Divine Universal Grace of Christ Love and Unity.   


Spiritual teachers from across the US and the world will be sharing ways and tools that will nourish your ability to hold the highest frequency of Light within your being.   


With Love, Grace and Gratitude, I share that I have been asked to facilitate the Heart Flame Activation during this Sedona 2012 Festival event...    My sacred intention of this Heart Awakening Activation is to align your Divine Heart Spark within the Heart of the Divine Mother, Sophia... So that you may live life from the passion of your creative fire!!!!!! 


In addition to facilitating this Activation, I will have a booth where I will be sharing hugs, Love and Angelic Messages. I would love to meet and share this time of Awakening with YOU!   Please tune into your knowing to feel whether Sedona is calling you! May the Gateway bring you into Divine Alignment with your inner mastery so that your brilliant Light sets the world aglow!


 Visit The Sedona Festival Website...


Visit Susanna Sophia's Website... 




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Susanna Sophia Hart
Sophia Temple Of Light