Solar PV to 'Overtake Wind by 2023'

More than 85% of new non-hydropower renewable capacity will be installed in just ten markets, over the next decade, but expansion will also be supported by a broader base of markets, according to a research note by Fitch Solutions and Macro Research.

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"The future will either be green or not at all."
-Bob Brown
Renewable Energy Project In Oregon Will Combine Wind...

PGE and NextEra Energy are building a new renewable energy facility in eastern Oregon that will combine wind, solar, and battery storage for the first time in the state. When completed, it will boost PGE's renewable energy portfolio to more than 50%.

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China Wants to Put a Solar Farm in Space by 2025

According to China's state-backed Science and Technology Daily, Chinese scientists plan to build and launch small power stations into the stratosphere between 2021 and 2025, upgrading to a megawatt-level station in 2030 and a gigawatt-level...

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Access the tools, knowledge, and network you need to close solar deals, increase your bottom line, and grow your solar business. The  Solar Executive MBA  is technical, rigorous, and challenging. It's the most intense six-week course you'll ever find but also the most valuable. We developed it for leaders who are responsible for the financial details that drive solar projects.
No, the Green New Deal Won't Threaten the Grid

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler, who is inching closer toward taking over the agency in a permanent capacity, took aim at the Green New Deal this week. The Senate invoked cloture Thursday evening to advance Wheeler's...

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Amazon Aims to Make Half of its Shipments Carbon Neutral...

Perhaps hoping to distract from Greenpeace's latest report on its "dirty cloud," Amazon this morning announced a new environmental commitment, focused on reducing its carbon footprint. The company says it aims to reach 50 percent of all Amazon...

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This Origami Screen Turns Your Windows into Solar Panels

If you live in an apartment, it's difficult to have solar panels: Your landlord decides what goes on your roof. But a new design makes solar panels more accessible to those without a roof of their own. Hanging inside a window, the origami-style...

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How Solar and Batteries Could Help California Manage...

As Pacific Gas & Electric and California regulators grapple with how to manage the potential for widespread fire-prevention grid shutdowns this summer, clean energy advocates are demanding a role for solar, energy storage and microgrids as part...

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SOLAR 2019 'Race to Renewables' August 5-9th, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN.

The National Solar Tour from October 5-6, 2019 is the largest grassroots renewable energy event in the nation .

Solar@Work  is ASES's bulletin by and for solar pros.
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SOLAR 2019:  The 48th National Solar Conference
