Brandon Alvarez joins the Warehouse team, helping out part-time.
Welcome Brandon!
The Best in the North Bay voting is taking place from now through March 1st.
Please vote and add SolarCraft in the “Best company to do business with in Marin County” and in Sonoma County sections. A minimum of 12 votes is required.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan - SolarCraft’s annual performance drives the annual valuation of the company which drives your individual stock value (ie. the annual certificate you receive in the mail).
Learn how a company sets its stock value via this link.
Napa Valley Community Foundation - Napa Valley is built. Just waiting on Final inspection and PTO.
MA Silva- Foster Properties LLC - MA Silva should be built by next week.
Cal West- Petaluma - Project starts next week.
Napa Valley Community Foundation
MA Silva
Beautiful new drone shot of the recently completed install at
111 Partners/Kaiser Permanente, courtesy of Jonathan Morquecho.
Tricia Companey’s son, Daniel, competed at the Colorado Taekwondo Tournament. He received 1st Place for Forms, 2nd Place for Weapon Sparring and 3rd Place for Sparring.
Daniel is on his journey to receive his black belt on April 13th, 2024!
February Birthdays
Chiara Rocciola February 4th
Aaron Bell February 14th
Justin Rippeto February 20th
Ted Walsh - 7 years
Andrew Magee - 6 years
Lee Sveinson - 2 years
Ryan Bates - 1 year
Jack Brigden - 1 year
Miguel Cruz - 1 year
SolarCraft will be closed Monday 2/19 for President's Day