- New Solomon study materials now available! #constantcontact #Series82 #Series62 http://t.co/rLlPEbgJe6
- {Testimonial Tuesday} "Thank you so much and special thanks to the product you put out!!...http://t.co/UAbQeKQDLU" #Series66
- {Study ? of the Week} http://t.co/z6q6aKnrmH RT Your answer! Relevant to #Series6 #Series7 #Series62 #Series65 #Series66 #Series79 #Series82
- {Study ? of the Week} Answer Posted! http://t.co/Tq0PURvaqy What do you know about #TreasuryNotes?!
- {Exam Alert} #SEC clarifies supervisory liabilities of legal and compliance personnel http://t.co/yenUgnyEbM #Series24 #Series26 #Series62
FINRA Updates
- #FINRA Issues New Investor Alert: Closed-End Fund Distributions: Where is the Money Coming From? http://t.co/t1JTUTOiYu
- Rick Ketchum: A New Day in Regulation of the Financial Markets http://t.co/FP4SCx7II5
- Is the SEC giving investors information overload?
- SEC Obtains Asset Freeze in California-Based Real Estate Investment Scheme http://t.co/g8NMvXAp6K
- "i used both STC & Solomon and Solomon is my choice. i recommend the online test simulator from http://t.co/puFBRDXXPl" via @wallstreetoasis
- Happy Halloween! http://t.co/K68aavuxGP Don't be frightened of your #FINRA or #NASAA exams, we are here to help http://t.co/hez9glDWr4