Dear Friends
Recent amendments to long standing conservation safeguards in favour of sprawl into our Greenbelt are truly appalling. For years, YREA has advocated against sprawl & the unnecessary Hwy 413 in favour of protecting farmland. Our exact words included ‘what will happen when climate change & drought reduce agricultural capacity in the USA?’ WELL THAT TIME HAS COME as US fruit giants Driscoll & Naturipe look north to Canada to establish berry farms in Quebec & Ontario. If there had been enough visionary politicians to vote for a Markham Foodbelt 12 years ago we would now be ahead of the game. Thankfully, discussions to preserve & connect the Pickering farmlands to the Rouge Urban Park have begun & not a moment too soonfif this is to be the beginning of waves of agricultural migrants.
Reflecting on issues, I can’t help being dismayed by the imminent development threats to our natural heritage & that Ontario chose to implement a gas tax cut & sent out reimbursements for license plate stickers. Wouldn’t the $1.1 billion revenue from each of these cuts have better served the public good by investing in fair wages, education, health care, transit & reducing transit fees for those who need the most help? Something is terribly wrong with our society when a political party earmarks $8,000 for confetti & municipalities budget $31,000, $44,000 & more for an hour of fireworks while our foodbanks, the homeless & the most vulnerable go without.
It is understandable to feel disheartened & powerless. I certainly do at times, yet collectively we CAN make a difference. Staying conscious of our place in nature & the interconnection between all things can help us think of our choices in terms of their impact on the environment, natural resources & human health. We can easily address questions such as these:
* Is my food grown locally, using regenerative organic practices?
* Am I eliminating all possible toxins from my home environment?
* Are my clothes made ethically & sustainably by workers receiving fair wages? Am I buying only what I really need?
* Is the car I drive the most fuel efficient I can afford?
* Can I take measures to retrofit my home for greater energy savings?
* What else can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?
If we take positive action to communally implement solutions to address climate change, our efforts & choices will be in the best interest of future generations and the Earth we call home.
As the Winter Solstice approaches & the days begin to lengthen, all of us at YREA - Abdullah, Corey, Donna, Liz, Susan, Sylvia & I send our very best wishes for a greener, more hopeful, healthier time to come while we continue to work together towards these ends.
Keeping the faith,
Gloria Marsh, Executive Director