The SMGI® certification program is a step-by-step system developed for therapists, coaches, and anyone wanting to work with the mind-body to relieve suffering and empower freedom.

Gentle. Simple. Powerful. Effective.

Available now as a comprehensive 6-month online program. All customized to your unique gifts, talents, abilities and desires.

Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery®

Professional Certification training
with Gina Vance
the creator of SMGI®

starts March 17th

Are you feeling the soul-nudge to greater service in more creative ways? Does it feel like time is of the essence, and you want to rocket-boost your service from your heart ASAP?

Include SMGI® in your current work, or offer as a stand alone service. Shine your light and walk your path of destiny easier, better, faster with SMGI®

Exclusive discounts for Bridges' subscribers
- only until March 14th
Gina Vance
Gina Vance has been the director of a sumptuous integrative wellness center for over 20 years. She also mentors and supports high-level wellness professionals to grow their own profitable wellness businesses, with a unique and special kind of mind-body hypnotherapy that is deeply simple and easy to use: Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery® or SMGI®.

SMGI® mind-body methods will easily open up new possibilities for your healing work.

This is for everyone! Move yourself beyond current limits with trauma-informed, evidence-based mind body tools in this 6-month online program. If you're already trained in hypnotherapy, you'll appreciate some of the ways SMGI® is informed by hypnotherapy, and some of the ways it’s different. If you've been trained in David Quigley’s genius Alchemical model of hypnotherapy, congratulations! You've been trained in the most brilliant, inspired model of hypnotherapy that Gina knows of. See "Some of what SMGI® includes", below.

Whether you're new to healing work or looking to integrate new effective services, the SMGI® course is designed to help healers of all kinds experience the business growth they so well deserve.
Shine your light and walk your path of destiny easier, better, faster with SMGI®
Some of what SMGI® includes:
  • Eyes-open hypnotic interviewing and coaching that catalyzes instant change.
  • Beyond trauma-informed psycho-education. Beyond fight, flight and freeze, there are six additional survival response programs that become trauma-related reactions. These are important to understand to more easily heal. We teach our clients what they are and how to work with them.
  • We support receptivity by including validating information found in Karla McLaren’s model of 17 emotions, where even the so-called “negative” emotions have gifts to help us heal. 
  • We teach mind/body tricks, and at-home exercises to regulate the nervous system quickly and easily, to gently establish receptivity without engendering resistance. Tricks that create a felt sense of support and safety.
  • We use an “instant” form of induction, that super-charges connection to what’s needed for the wanted transformation. This special mini-induction calms, settles and stabilizes the nervous system for greater receptivity.
  • It works in cycles of three. Clients work in series of three or six session packages at a time. Many make it a central part of their life support, continuing to purchase three packs or six packs in ongoing work. (The more they do, the more they get, and it’s a very sustaining business model).
  • We teach our clients a special Subconscious-Seeding method to manifest abundance and prosperity in career, health and relationships. As Guides, we use it too, with astounding results!
  • The specially designed prompts make it easy for non-believers and those afraid of getting too deep, to easily access profound states of connection to inner resources and power to create change.
  • How to quickly and easily strengthen and stabilize the mind-body systems and work with "triggers" or activations of discomfort to follow the trouble to where it's coming from and what needs to happen to clear, change or resolve it.
  • And more...
The SMGI® method helps resolve trauma-related activations in the mind/body systems - without harsh catharsis.​