The last two weeks at Tailwheel Town
Many thanks to Erik Cook and Marty Kimberling from High Desert Aviation. Those guys are great mechanics and I really appreciate their help with the PA12.
I am probably going to stop doing flight instruction except for my two most talented students. Anyone who is currently booked will be flown. With my new energy focused on writing and videos, I just don't think I have time for instruction. I'd like to know what all of you think. Regardless of what I decide to do or not to do, I will continue to write articles and offer products through the Tailwheeler's Journal, so I hope that all of you will stay with me! Lately I have written a couple of articles that I'm particularly proud of and which I really hope you'll like.
I want to send a special thanks to my pal Zachary Steven Brown for helping me get lots of CD's burned for "Nuts from a Blind Squirrel".
It may represent the least appreciated work of mine, but a new marketing strategy may just change all that. After all, a lot of people didn't know what it was! I'm just designing the distribution plan and I'm very happy to announce that as of today the first FBO which will carry the "Nuts from a Blind Squirrel" CD as well as "Brian's Flying Book" will be Berg Air at the Madras Airport. Not only is their airport such a great place to train, but the Bergs and all their employees are great to work with. I'm very happy that they are the first to carry my work.
Now, to what it is: "Nuts from a Blind Squirrel" is about fifteen stories, some of which appeared on the "Tailwheeler's Journal", but most of which did not. They have been read by me and scored with music and sound effects. They are like radio shows and I really think you're going to like them! Both the book, "Brian's Flying Book" and "Nuts from a Blind Squirrel" are newly priced and I think you'll like that as well. If you purchase the books and CD's at Berg Air, the price will be $25 for the book and $15 for the CD, OR you can have both of them for only 30 bucks! What a steal! It's temporary and for the time being only at Berg Air in Madras, Oregon. More to come....
Also, a recent meeting with I.T. expert, Jason Koblin will result in some changes to the site that I think you all will really like. More to come!
Our latest tailwheeler to train at Tailwheel Town was Richard Greensted.
Richard and his Cessna 140.
This guy was a lot of fun to fly with! Do you suppose that the fact that he's an airline pilot with multi thousand hours might have had a bit to do with that? Richard was also the first person to try the new maneuver, "The Tailwheel Pass". He and I both had a lot of trouble with it, since it is the hardest maneuver I've ever come up with. Richard also pulled off the "Dutch Touch", which is also one of those maneuvers I don't use very often because it's so difficult. We had a ball!
This Week's Article
Finally, after a lot of re-writing and thought, I'm posting "Flaps". I have to admit that I have long been bracing for a
Julie Benson operates the flaps on Ryan Dillon's Wilga.
poopload of input based on this article, but it has been too long in my computer. It is time that it was sprung on those who read the Journal. Also, it may contain the first that some of you will learn of the ability of this device to actually extend the glide of an aircraft. I have demonstrated this to a bunch of applicants, mostly by way of my desire to stop them from relying on power when they are a little short of the runway!
A Previously Posted Article Worth Another Look
The "Cessna" balloon at an event several years ago in the Rogue Valley.
I guess it's an event that every pilot remembers and perhaps we should give these events a little more important place in our memory banks. I certainly wish that I still had the shirt tail that commemorated mine!