Dear residents,

Please see this week's Friday Announcements

Pool Opening Tomorrow!

I am happy to officially announce that the Somerset Town Pool will open tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. In addition to the pool opening, our new membership software, Member Splash, has been set up with a preliminary site that allows Somerset residents to reserve spots. This is very important because WITHOUT A RESERVATION, YOU CANNOT ENTER THE POOL.

How it works:

Residents must use the Member Splash website to reserve a time at the pool . Residents may log in with the following information:

user name: firstname_lastname
default password: somerset2020

Upon logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to pick a new password.
Under the heading “membership” you will see “manage account,” and under that, "manage reservations." Click on Manage Reservations. Find and select the time slot you would like to reserve. Please note that Lap Lanes and Town Pool are listed as separate facilities, so residents must select the appropriate reservation.

Reservations are for one hour time slots. After each one hour time slot, there will be a 15 minute interval where the pool can be cleaned in high touch areas, and the front desk can log residents in who have reserved the next time period.

At this time we are still working with Member Splash to make sure that account balances are transferred over to the new software. We have retained the old software to ensure that your money is accurately transferred. We will be tracking attendance at water aerobics and early morning swim to maintain accurate records. Eventually, residents will have the ability to access their own accounts, put money on their account, and see how much they have on the account - all big improvements from the previous system!

Please check the updated Pool FAQ , which goes into greater detail on making reservations. In particular, please read the instructions for water aerobics , as there is an additional step required to reserve your spot in classes.

In the meantime, I appreciate your continued patience as the staff at the pool and in the office work through the learning curve of new software, in addition to the challenges of the Coronavirus.

Mayor Report
July 2020 Town Meeting

1. THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES ON SOMERSET ON JULY 4, EVEN DURING A PANDEMIC. The weather was beautiful for our Town's Independence Day video which was nicely produced by Montgomery Municipal (MMC) Channel 16 in conjunction with our outstanding staff persons TOWN MANAGER MATT TROLLINGER and ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT LINDA WILLIAMS.  As always, we highlighted the accomplishments of our young people from school graduations to the reading of the Declaration of Independence. And we also had the cupcake decorating contest!  Check the the Town website or that of MMC or call Matt and he can send a link for the program.

2. COUNCIL PRESIDENT RE-ELECTED. Congratulations to COUNCILMEMBER MARNIE SHAUL (Uppingham) for being unanimously voted as the Town Council's leader for the next term. The nomination by COUNCILMEMBER BARBARA ZEUGHAUSER (Trent) really expresses the way all of us feel about this remarkable elected official. As she said, "Having served with Marnie for over 10 years, I am very thankful for all of her hard work as a Council member, Council Vice President and Council President. Marnie devotes an incredible amount of time and energy to the Town and each and every year puts it an endless amount of thoughtful work for the benefit of our residents. We are very fortunate to have such a talented, respected and respectful resident who is willing to serve as Council President of our Town."

3. MONTGOMERY MAYORS ASSOCIATION. On behalf of our chapter of the Maryland Mayors Association, I recently helped convene two meetings of a large number of our County's top municipal leaders, first for an organizational meeting and the second one to have a timely discussion of racism, racial disparities and racial injustice and how our cities and towns can appropriately react. At the latter meeting we were joined by our County's Chief Equity Officer TIFFANY WARD and LEON ANDREWS of the National League of Cities who introduced the Mayors to some of the different opportunities and tools for municipalities to address this most important issue of our time. The group plans to meet on a monthly basis for the foreseeable future. Especially in response to the student activists in Somerset who put up a number of meaningful signs along many of our streets last month (which I applaud them for), in the coming months I will be looking for ways to create policies and programs on this topic to engage our residents and bring meaningful change for all our benefit.

4. CRIME REPORT (REPEATED). As often happens in the Summer months, minor crime increases in Somerset.  I have spoken with the police about this topic recently and wish to remind everyone to always lock cars and increase lighting inside and surrounding your house, especially when you are away. These are some of the best ways to prevent crime. 



Overgrown Vegetation

Several areas around Town have begun to grow to a point where it is obstructing traffic and pedestrians in the right-of-way.

As a reminder, residents are responsible for the maintenance of their vegetation in the right of way. Please be sure to cut back vegetation and plant growth that extend into the sidewalks and Town right-of-way . The Town Code prohibits  plant growth on a resident's private property to extend into the right-of-way in such manner that interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

Please ensure that any structure, wall, fence, tree, hedge, shrubbery, or any other plant growth located on private property adjoining a right-of-way shall be maintained in such a manner and at such height that a clear and unobstructed view of the right-of-way is available to pedestrians and vehicular traffic.


Council Meeting Recording

A recording of Monday's Council meeting will be uploaded onto the Town website next week.


Have a nice weekend!


Matthew Trollinger
Town Manager
Town of Somerset
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