August 20, 2021
Family Enterprise Entertainment
Dear Global Family Enterprise Community,

Happy Friday! Here are three fun family enterprise entertainment selections that you can catch before the summer ends.      

For the kids   

  • Incredibles 2: The Incredibles find themselves yet again in the family business, fighting crime. This time, though, Mrs. Incredible will be in the spotlight. So, while Mr. Incredible is learning the hard realities of being a stay-at-home dad with three superhero children, Mrs. Incredible takes on the new role of being the head superhero of the house.   

For the romantics

  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Toula Portokalos is a 30-year-old single woman who struggles with accepting her place in the family and its Greek identity. One day, while working at the family restaurant, she meets a non-Greek man who ignites a new desire in her to pursue her dreams. But while on this new journey, will she find a way to accept her family's Greek heritage?       

For the car enthusiasts

  • Tucker: The Man and His Dream: Based on the true story of automobile entrepreneur, Preston Tucker.  Obsessed with cars from an early age, Tucker's path leads him in pursuit of his greatest dream, building his own innovative cars. With hard work and support from his wife and family, Tucker is finally able to form his own automobile manufacturing company, but will his "car of tomorrow" be able to play alongside the great American automobile industry?     

If you have any recommendations of your favorite movies, series, or books, please send them to: [email protected].
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay tuned …

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