Hello Love,
I wanted to let you all know that something good will be on its way soon, because I know that recent transformational times have been so intense, and we could all use something to look forward to that will light us up...

Before I tell you more I also want to welcome all the new people who have joined this community over the past couple of weeks. A recommendation of my work went out to tens of thousands of people on August 15th and we have been flooded by waves of wonderful new interest in my work from all over the world.

I'd also like to extend my deepest apologies to anyone who has had a difficult time getting the help you need from us via email or had any other issues recently. The traffic to my site was initially so big it actually crashed (thankfully I was able to get it back online relatively quickly), and we've received many hundreds of emails and have been working as diligently as possible every day of the week to address all of them. (In the midst of this an error with our mp3 software caused absolutely no one to receive their downloads that entire first week, and my book became back-ordered! No worries the error is fixed and my book is back in stock now, but it has been a journey!)

Please know that I care about every communication we get and about absolutely everyone getting help as soon as possible. If you have not gotten the help you need please reply to this email and if you would please still forgive the wait in receiving a reply at this time we would be immensely grateful! Thank you for your understanding!

The something good that is coming is a very special Oracle Prophecy message that has been downloading through me over these past few days and will go out sometime later this month. I don't usually talk about these messages before they send, but last night I got the clear signal that it would be important for everyone to know this is coming in the wake of some harsh, disruptive (though ultimately for the good) transformational energies we have been going through recently.

This prophecy message will be about receiving a new wave of our calling. For some this may feel like the first clear calling you have received in this life, and for others it will just be a deeper level revealing itself, but either way it is likely to be revolutionary in your life and path. It is needed.

I've been thinking about how being connected to my calling since I was a tiny child has been a guiding light of my entire life, a grounding and connecting point and an orientation for everything else...one of the greatest things that gives my life meaning. When a calling moment comes it's as though finally there is clarity...everything makes sense and we know what to do next. The new design becomes visible and then we can make miracles.

While my calling has always been with me in this life, I received a new wave of calling when I was 7 when my psychic gifts deepened after a surgery, (the story is in my book), when I was 20 and remembered my lifetimes as a Sexual Priestess, and a few years ago when new dimensions of my gifts began to open even further. Each of these waves has been invaluable beyond measure to me. A time is now coming when a new wave of our calling will be revealed to each of us and it will be more precious than we can possibly imagine, and profoundly change our lives.

I will go into more detail in the Oracle Prophecy message that will come out later this month, and since you are subscribed to my email list you can just stay tuned to your email to receive it! (If someone forwarded this to you or you are seeing this on social media you can join my email list to receive the upcoming message here.)

Thank you again with all of my heart for connecting and resonating with my work, and for your patience and understanding with recent delays and as we continue to try to catch up. You are each a priceless and beautiful gem to me, and coming together as we are to truly remember is my one of the deepest joys of my heart and soul.

I love you all and I’ll be back soon with more goodness and magical inspiration!

Love, with all of my heart,
For your beautiful interest in this work and for being in my world. Reconnecting the Oracles around the world with their Oracle and Orgasmic nature and each other, in love and self-love, is my purest joy. Thank you forever for being part of my Oracle family...

Love, Jennifer
Jennifer Posada | The Oracle School & Community | www.jenniferposada.com