Issue #96 | August 2022
In This Issue of
Saving Military History One Soldier at a Time
Welcome to the August 2022 Newsletter.

By December 7, 1950 United States Marines of the 1st Marine Division and soldiers of the 7th Infantry Division had been enduring the freezing temperatures and Chinese forces in what would be known to American/UN forces as the Battle of Chosin Reservoir. A final breakout from Koto-Ri to the coast was all that remained to extricate them from their encirclement by the enemy, however, extreme cloud cover was preventing air support in this evacuation. A solitary star appeared to the weary warriors; an omen, a hope and the clouds began to clear. What would become known as the Star of Koto-Ri adorns the top of the Jangjin (Chosin) Reservoir Memorial that was dedicated on 9 June 2022 at the DFW National Cemetery.

Now for some news and what's in this issue. Details of the Chosin Memorial in the first of a multi-part tribute to this Battle of the Korean War. A farewell to an American icon, a WWII aviator that evaded capture and would fly another day and the history of a little known but important battle of the War of 1982.

Early reviews are great on a new book by one of our Advisory Board members, Gene Pugh, "The Reunion Mission", read details and order your copy today.

Read on ...

Thank you for all of the artifact donations we have received this year; a remarkable quantity and quality of history has been entrusted to our care.

We want to send out a special thank you to all of our volunteers who have been helping us on many projects. We could not have accomplished so much without your assistance!

Thank you for your support!

Artifacts help tell the stories, money makes the engine run, please

We tell history! Saving Military History One Soldier at a Time.

Remember those that made the #ultimatesacrifice #mia #pow #kia #sonsofliberty. #patriots #army #navy #marines #aircorps #airforce #coastguard #spaceforce #merchantmarine; all those that have worn the cloth.

Join us on this journey.

In Their Memory,
Robert Coalter, Jason Weigler
Executive Directors

"Saving Military History One Soldier At A Time".SM 
"Saving History One Soldier At A Time"SM
Jangjin (Chosin) Reservoir Memorial
On 9 July 2022, the Jangjin (Chosin) Reservoir Memorial was dedicated at the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery. On a plaza of approximately 20' x 30' the 12 foot wide, 8 foot tall memorial containing 8 tablets of granite is topped by what became known as the Star of Koto-Ri.

The Battle dates of this Korean War campaign are considered to be 27 November thru 13 December 1950.

This memorial, envisioned and ramrodded by Lt. General Richard Carey, USMC retired, honors all those forces that participated in this momentous battle where US/UN forces were outnumbered 5-1.

Before the 26th of November, then 2nd Lieutenant Carey was commanding 1st Platoon, Bloody George Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines (Regiment) of the 1st Marine Division. On the 26th he was reassigned S-2, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines. He would be returned to 1st Platoon four days later during a critical time in the battle around Hagaru-Ri.
Front of the Chosin Reservoir Battle Memorial.
The Star of Koto-Ri, a beacon in the night, sits atop the Memorial.
Front of the Chosin Memorial. Four granite tablets with busts of notable participants include a short synopsis of the memorial and important junctures in the battle.
Reverse side of the Chosin Memorial. The memorial sits in what is known as the Assembly Area overlooking Veterans Lake and burial sections 105, 106, and 107 on the far side. Mark & Jenelle Byrd, sculptors.
If you are looking to volunteer with a non-profit we would welcome your assistance. We have a need to transcribe over 150,000 of these index cards. Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, Soldiers Medal, Bronze Stars and Purple Heart. Getting this information into our database will allow us to make this data searchable. Contact us to get started!

We are also looking for General Orders of World War II, all branches, digital copies are welcome; volunteers to transcribe this data.
Missing in Action & Buried Unknowns
There are still thousands classified as Missing in Action or as Buried Unknowns. In our partnership with the MIA Recovery Network we have established data on our websites regarding MIAs.

The quest to account for those of our nation's Missing in Action is one of the most noble of endeavors. There are also a large number of recovered remains that are buried in ABMC cemeteries where the identity is unknown. These are known as X-Files.
The recovery of MIAs pose a number of challenges. For example, Navy or Merchant Marine ships that were sunk are unrecoverable and thus ship manifests are the primary and often only source of names for those that have perished but are still accounted.
Each conflict has had its own challenges. At the end of World War II the military had established more than 360 temporary cemeteries, but the dead were being found continually in farm fields, forests, small church cemeteries, isolated graves and the shores of combat zones. These dead were collected and the remains consolidated into the fourteen permanent European, Mediterranean, and North African Cemeteries maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission along with two permanent cemeteries in the Philippines and Hawaii.

Monetary donations are needed and very welcomed to support these efforts to create case files.

Please consider a DONATION today. Thank You.

Case of Private First Class Clarence Edmund Roseland Jr.

Private First Class Clarence Edmund Roseland Jr.
45th Infantry Division
179th Infantry Regiment
Company M
Distinguished Service Cross
Missing in Action 6 October 1944

Clarence Edmund Roseland Jr

PFC Clarence Roseland was manning a machine gun in a defensive position against an advancing German attack on 6 October 1944 in the Vosges Forest in Eastern France. He was seen to die in his position on hill 484 near the town of Grandvillers, possibly from a German sniper as the German attack succeeded and members of his company withdrew. Later, the positions of the 179th were regained in a counterattack, but Private Roseland's body was not recovered.

Postwar investigations by Army Graves Registration teams were conducted and other remains from the 179th were recovered and identified.

Investigations were carried out in a mass grave in the area but were discovered to be those of German soldiers. There were investigations and meetings held with French townspeople in December of 1950, and again in April 1951, but neither of these meetings concluded with a recovery of the remains of PFC Roseland.

His grandson has contacted us, and we are assisting in the investigation, with hope that this long-standing mystery might be solved.

Award of the Distinguished Service Cross

His citation reads, in part; The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918 (amended by act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Private First Class Clarence E. Roseland, Jr., (ASN: 36832556), United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving with Company M, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division, in action against enemy forces on 6 October 1944.

Private First Class Roseland's intrepid actions, personal bravery and zealous devotion to duty at the cost of his life, exemplify the highest traditions of the military forces of the United States and reflect great credit upon himself, the 45th Infantry Division, and the United States Army.

#neverforget #bringthemallhome
Sons of Liberty Museum

The Sons of Liberty has hundreds of uniforms and thousands of other artifacts in our collection from the U.S. Revolutionary War to Present day. Our web presence now numbers in excess of 365,000 pages. We continue to accept new material for education and research programs.

Our collection includes memorabilia from the front line soldier to the rear echelon clerk. Drivers, infantrymen, pilots, tankers, seaman, medical, artillery, armorers, engineers, quartermasters and much more. Those that were drafted or volunteered; those that did a single tour or made it a career. Those that returned with all types of injuries and those that gave their full measure being killed in action (KIA). All MOS are welcome from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marines.

We are Saving Military History One Soldier At A Time. We are honoring the service of the Citizen Soldier.
Hershel Woodrow Williams

In Memorium
Oct. 2, 1923 - Jun. 29, 2022

America laid to rest the last Medal of Honor Recipient of World War II. Woody had his baptism of fire with the 1st Battalion, 21st Marines (3rd Marine Division) in the Battle of Guam during July-August 1944. On February 21, 1945 he landed on Iwo Jima and two days later distinguished himself; for his actions he was awarded the MOH. His citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Demolition Sergeant serving with the First Battalion, Twenty-First Marines, Third Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Island, 23 February 1945. Quick to volunteer his services when our tanks were maneuvering vainly to open a lane for the infantry through the network of reinforced concrete pillboxes, buried mines and black, volcanic sands, Corporal Williams daringly went forward alone to attempt the reduction of devastating machine-gun fire from the unyielding positions. Covered only by four riflemen, he fought desperately for four hours under terrific enemy small-arms fire and repeatedly returned to his own lines to prepare demolition charges and obtain serviced flame throwers, struggling back, frequently to the rear of hostile emplacements, to wipe out one position after another. On one occasion he daringly mounted a pillbox to insert the nozzle of his flame thrower through the air vent, kill the occupants and silence the gun; on another he grimly charged enemy riflemen who attempted to stop him with bayonets and destroyed them with a burst of flame from his weapon. His unyielding determination and extraordinary heroism in the face of ruthless enemy resistance were directly instrumental in neutralizing one of the most fanatically defended Japanese strong points encountered by his regiment and aided in enabling his company to reach its' objective. Corporal Williams' aggressive fighting spirit and valiant devotion to duty throughout this fiercely contested action sustain and enhance the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

He was proud of the formation of the not-for-profit Hershel Woody Williams Congressional Medal of Honor Education Foundation, Inc. It was established "to honor Gold Star Families, relatives, and Gold Star Children who have sacrificed a loved one in the service of their country.". Woody knew the importance of saving and honoring service.

We salute you Woody. Our lives have been enriched by having you in our midst.

We need volunteers to transcribe award and roster documents. You will place the material into a spreadsheet where it will be added to our database and website. We welcome new dedicated volunteers to work from home and help us with this project!

Interesting Links & Resources


We welcome donations of monies for operational costs. Artifact donations are sought in the form of papers, books, photos, gear, uniforms, jackets, medals, ribbons, weapons, equipment, scrapbooks, biographies, diaries and more. Please Contact Us

Revolutionary War, War if 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Cold War, Gulf War and current conflict donations accepted. From small to large multi-item donations, they all tell a story.

We need you ! We need your help to further our mission of preserving and bringing this history to the public. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit your qualifying donations are tax deductible.

Army Air Corps Museum

The Air Corps Museum online presence encompasses over 355,000 web pages with thousands of photos and other materials. Our artifact collection contains hundreds of uniforms, albums, logs, medals and more from the Army Air Service, Army Air Forces and U.S. Air Force.

World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Cold War, Gulf War and current conflict donations welcome!


We need volunteers to transcribe documents, placing the material into a spreadsheet. We welcome new dedicated volunteers to help us with this project! Work from home.

Interesting Links & Resources

Trace a Family Members Military Service:


We welcome donations of papers, books, photos, gear, uniforms, jackets, medals, ribbons, weapons, equipment, scrapbooks, biographies, diaries, letters and more. Please Contact Us

You can make monetary donations. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit your qualifying donations are tax deductible.
Henry Pharris

449th Bombardment Group.
Navigator, B-24

(Cadet Pharris, pictured).

On his very first mission their aircraft was shot down. Evading capture he was sheltered by partisans and was considered MIA until returning to allied lines over ten days later. He would go on to fly many more missions from Italy.
Italian made 15th Air Force Patch on the uniform of Henry Pharris.
Crew photo, Henry Pharris, 1st row, far right.
Ike Jacket of Captain Henry Pharris.
Closeup of Henry Pharris', Officer Visor.

Items have a story, what tale do yours tell?

"The Empire Repulsed"
"The Empire Repulsed"
The two battles of Sackets Harbor, New York during the War of 1812
By Thomas Lamlein

Tales your history teacher never told you:

During the War of 1812, Sackets Harbor was America's most important naval base on the all-important Great Lakes. This tiny community with best natural harbor on Lake Ontario was garrisoned by master shipbuilders, Navy men, the fledgling United States Marine Corps, US Army units and a considerable amount of New York State militia. During the conflict, all of the major operations from Niagara to Ogdensburg were either based from or supplied by the facilities at Sackets Harbor. British naval forces, based in Kingston, Ontario, knew the importance of Sackets Harbor and quickly set out to destroy the base.

On July 19, 1812, a small flotilla of British warships crossed the lake with the intention of capturing or destroying the USS Oneida (the largest warship on Lake Ontario at that time) and damaging or destroying the harbor facilities. American defenses were barely prepared, but managed to keep the British at bay using "Old Sow", a massive 32-pound naval gun firing from a pivot near Navy Point. Unfortunately, there were no 32-pound cannon balls for Old Sow, and the American artillerymen were forced to content themselves with using 24-pound cannon balls wrapped in carpets, kindly donated by the local ladies. This led to inaccurate shooting and much jeering from the British. Later in the battle, American troops retrieved some 32-pound shot fired by the British, and with this reclaimed ammunition the "Old Sow" became more accurate, eventually striking the British "Prince Regent" which had ventured in close to shore. Ultimately, little damage was done by either side, and casualties were light. But the early war action had turned serious, and the British had been rebuffed. They returned to Kingston and plotted their return with a large force and serious intent.

On May 29, 1813, the British returned, this time with a force fully capable of taking over the entire American base. Sackets Harbor was now defended by a larger group of American troops, consisting mostly of NY militia, but including much more artillery, a few regular Army troops and a detachment of United States Marines. Fort Tompkins, a basic defensive structure including a blockhouse, had been built to defend Navy Point. The British force landed under fire on Horse Island, driving the Americans back to their very last defensive line.

Inexperienced American officers mistakenly believed that Fort Tompkins had surrendered and set fire to the frigate ("General Pike") under construction in the harbor, along with a large supply of military stores, to prevent capture. Fighting in and around the blockhouse was intense, and casualties were high on both sides. Even with victory close within their reach, the British commander could not see it. With the American militia rallying and attacking his flank, Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost opted to withdraw-the British invaders fled to their landing boats and reembarked for Kingston. The British would never assault Sackets Harbor again.

Few people know how close the British came to success on that day. Fewer still realize that Lake Ontario would have been lost, and so too would all the Great Lakes have been lost. The British would have dominated the North Coast and controlled the waterway access to interior of the continent. America would have been forced to sue for peace and would have lost the northern states and New England in the process. The cost at Sackets Harbor seems quite small to save the fledgling nation: American forces lost 21 dead, 84 wounded and 26 missing. The British suffered: 48 dead, 195 wounded, and 16 missing.

The American militia of the War of 1812 is often characterized as ineffective, sometimes inept, or even cowardly. But the Battle of Sackets Harbor in May 1813 showed that American militiamen could, and would, defend their state and the nation. The militia were citizen soldiers, under-equipped and often barely trained farmers, shopkeepers, teachers, and craftsmen. While the War of 1812 showed that America needed a standing army with professional officers, the early Sons of Liberty showed that armed American citizens, in a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Sackets Harbor during the War of 1812
The British invasion and assault on Sackets Harbor in May 1813.
A later 19th Century illustration of US Army regulars engaging the British at Sackets Harbor.
Two hundred years later, British re-enactors advance over the same ground at Sackets Harbor, New York.
Two hundred years later, British re-enactors on the same ground at Sackets Harbor, New York.
Two hundred years later, British re-enactors on the same ground at Sackets Harbor, New York.
The USMC uniform commonly worn during the War of 1812
The USMC uniform commonly worn during the War of 1812
The USMC uniform commonly worn during the War of 1812
The American re-enactors stand their ground along the Black River on the grounds of the original battlefield.
Museum Expenditures-Donations
As a non-profit it's important to let our patrons know where some of their money is going.

This riker-mount display box is one of the most important pieces that we use. They contain ribbons, medals, patches, pictures and other small memorabilia items.

Last year we purchased 534 of these items. We will fill them all in less than 12 months.

Constant Contact charges us $1200 annually to create, store and send this newsletter.

Our web servers, domains and hosting cost $7100 / year.

The annual total for just these three components is $13,3000. Naturally, we have other expenditures, but 100% of monetary donations go to operations. All staff and directors are volunteer.

Monetary donations are needed and very welcomed to support these efforts.

Please consider a DONATION today. Thank You.

Rescued History & Museum Quality
We rescue a lot of military artifacts; items destined for the trash heap. From torn papers and faded ribbons to moth damaged uniforms decades pass and the condition of items deteriorate. These artifacts still have a story to tell.

Many museums only want items in pristine condition, we say differently. Some so called museums only want materials from a well known commander written up in history books or the fighter ace or a man who would fly to the moon or a Medal of Honor recipient.

While we have artifacts such as these we also have the items of the draftee who answered their nation's call and served their tour and then went home. Some were not so fortunate. In our mission of "Saving Military History One Soldier at a Time" it is about all who have worn the cloth of our nation's military. Artifacts help us bring stories to life no matter their condition.

We accept donations of artifacts in ALL CONDITIONS.
This 15th Air Force tunic was recently donated to us by a person, so technically they rescued it. The jacket was left at a fast food restaurant many years ago and the manager kept it hoping the owner would return. Alas, that never happened. Instead of disposing of it, he donated it to us. There happens to be a laundry number in it and we are hopeful that we may be able to determine the serviceman and thus SAVE some more history! Stay Tuned.
The Cinema
The Cinema, another way to describe it is it's our own Netflix.

130 combat films represented by 209 clips and 1436 minutes of footage will keep you watching for hours.

Army, Army Air Forces, Navy, Marines. WW2 and Vietnam. There's something for everyone.

This is a subscription service of $14.95/month.

Take a few minutes and go see what's "Now Showing" and decide if you want to signup and start watching. Go now !

More of Our Projects
301st Bombardment Group, B-17 Flying Fortress. England, North Africa, Italy during World War II.
USS Hilbert. Destroyer Escort, DE-742. Pacific Theater of Operations, World War II.

Preserve This History, Honor the Service, Provide Education For Future Generations
Thank You For Your Support !
Thank You For Your Support !
---- What is Liberty ? ----

"definition. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views." 

Merriam-Webster defines it as " the power to do as one pleases, the freedom from physical restraint and freedom from arbitrary or despotic control.

---- So what is a Son of Liberty? ----

In our context and beginning these were the men and women in America who wanted the freedom from the King of England. They desired a right of self-determination for their lives.  They fought for this liberty and codified it in the Constitution of a new country.  To keep this liberty they created a military to ward off the any would-be belligerent. Since the War of Independence until and including the present day the men and women who have worn the cloth of our nation's military are its Sons of Liberty.  They have fought enemies in other nations, they have fought each other and they have stood as sentinels of the watch.
We celebrate the service of these individuals, we tell the historical story of these selfless patriots.

---- The Sons of Liberty Museum ----

Over a decade ago we chose a name for this organization and our sister the Army Air Corps Library and Museum. We believe these names accurately describe these men and women who serve. We will not change any name to satisfy a radical viewpoint or computer algorithm. We don't allow for any revisionist history, we tell the factual stories.

We are Saving Military History One Soldier at a Time.
Shop the Store
Need a Good Book or Video?
Check out these titles.
I was a navigator in the 459 Bomb Group 758 Bomb Squadron flying B-24's from Torre Giulia Field, tower named 'Coffee Tower', a gravel airfield near Cerignola, on the Foggia Plains of Southeastern Italy during the period August 4, 1944 to May 16, 1945. I flew 50 combat missions over targets in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia and Northern Italy.

Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
# of Pages: 386
IsbnSoftcover: 9781714032860
Publish Date: Dec 12, 2019

Most aircraft of World War II had pictures of sexy girls, tributes to sweethearts, songs and home. The planes were fondly referred to in a feminine manor. That was not the case with this B-17 tail number 42-25233. He was Rigor Mortis.

This is the story of Rigor Mortis and his men who flew over 120 missions from North Africa and Italy in 1943 and 1944.

Project Option: 8×10 in, 20×25 cm
# of Pages: 382
IsbnSoftcover: 9781714727803
Publish Date: Apr 20, 2020

A Novel of MACVSOG in Vietnam. By Gene Pugh a Special Forces Recon Team Member.

Surrender Not an Option

Survivors guilt is not the only thing that is bothering Allen Purvis. He has to relive in his mind the battles in a denied area when he was assigned to MACVSOG the ultimate secret organization during the Viet Nam war. He is put to the test when he commands his friends to sacrifice themselves to save the others of the unit. Wendy Salas, nurse at the 95th Evacuation Hospital sees the horrors of the war everyday. Her pain is personal. A chance meeting on R&R in Hong Kong brings these two people together as soul mates in a hope that one of them can save the other. Purvis like the others wondered why they were saved and the answer was there all the time.

  • Paperback : 312 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1539108333
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1539108337
  • Dimensions : 6 x 0.71 x 9 inches

Gene is a member of our advisory board.
A Novel. By Gene Pugh a Special Forces Recon Team Member during the Vietnam War..

The Reunion Mission

A chance meeting at a military reunion brings Sam Waters together with his former Viet Nam War teammates. But that is not the only surprise. A promise made a long time ago is now called to be cashed in. Will his teammates put their lives on the line for him and his family? Is that bond still there? Because of a rash act on his part the whole mission could be jeopardized. A new future and his past must come to terms for him to move forward.

From Fort Bragg to Dallas and Panama follow the continuing story of Sam Walters and Allen Purvis.

*** Shipping July 25, 2022 ***

  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1662848889
  • Price: $35.99

  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1662848870
  • Price: $19.99

Gene is a member of our advisory board.
By Tom Laemlein

Tom is a member of our advisory board.

Many of the photos and illustrations in this book, some of them in color, are strong enough to be displayed in full page format. The images deliver the gritty details of USAAF armaments’ use down to their nuts and rivets, and the high-velocity rounds they fired. This is a unique photo-study, with many of the photos never-before published.

U.S.A.A.F. Aircraft Weapons of WWII

This book focuses on the war-winning weaponry of the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. With 144 pages containing more than 250 photos it offers stunning visual details of the machine guns, cannons, bombs, and rockets carried into battle by USAAF bombers, fighters, and attack aircraft.Many of the photos and illustrations in this book, some of them in color, are strong enough to be displayed in full page format. The images deliver the gritty details of USAAF armaments’ use down to their nuts and rivets, and the high-velocity rounds they fired. This is the first photo-history of its kind, with many of the photos never-before published.

Combat conditions dictated that many aircraft were adapted into roles for which they were not designed. As necessity is the mother of invention, aircraft were modified in both their roles and their armament. B-25s became ground attackers, A-20s became night fighters, and every wartime USAAF fighter was adapted to carry bombs.

301st Bombardment Group DVD

Enjoy this history of the 301st Bombardment Group in World War II with this discovered archival film footage. The first footage is in North Africa where the 301st moved after a short beginning in England. From Maison Blanche to Biskra, Algeria in 1942-1943 then Lucera, Italy in 1944 and many missions in between. Watch the men on the ground and in the air with both black and white and color footage. There are also some scenes with sound. Listen to the commanders recap the North African Campaign and a crew interview.

Watch the mission to bring back repatriated POWs. View the destruction of war on the enemy at the various targets of the 12th and 15th AF heavy bomber units.

View some great color footage of General Spaatz and General Eaker in the desert of North Africa. Listen to Generals Eisenhower, Spaatz and Doolittle talk about the Tunisian Campaign. Watch the bombs drop on missions including the oil fields and production facilities at Ploesti, Romania. View destruction on the ground. Watch as liberated POWs of the 15th AF are brought back to Italy.

This DVD contains a mixture of black and white and color film footage.
There are a number of minutes that contain sound. Runtime: 218 Minutes (3 hours, 38 minutes). Price: $39.99

By Kenneth Breaux

The author takes the reader on a compelling odyssey, beginning with a wartime mystery which endured for nearly sixty years. A compelling and often gripping story of loss and discovery.

About the Author:

Kenneth Breaux served as a Naval Officer during the Vietnam era, where he first became acquainted with the plight of MIA's and their families. He spent over twenty years on active and reserve service and retired from the Navy with the rank of Commander.

"Courtesies of the Heart"

In the early morning hours of September 11, 1944, US Army Air Forces P-51 pilot Lt. William Lewis climbed into an overcast sky with the 55th Fighter Group on a mission escorting bombers. He had already flown more than 100 hours of combat over Europe. Over the channel he joined a vast fleet of more than 1,000 airplanes including the B-17’s of the 100th Bomb Group bound for Germany. This day’s combat would be one of the largest aerial engagements of the war, conducted at the very edge of operational range. By the next day, all of the aircraft were accounted for or known to be lost. Among the missing was Bill Lewis, who would remain an MIA for almost sixty years.

A chance discussion in a Texas home on New Years Eve 2001 regarding the movie “Saving Private Ryan”, a renovated Czech schoolhouse in the village of Kovarska, experts from the US Army in Hawaii, and Czech volunteers extended and fulfilled the Courtesy of the Heart begun by a gracious German citizen in September 1944 in the Thuringer Wald of Germany.

This is the fascinating story of how a Tulsa World War II pilot came home on Memorial Day 2004, only a few months short of sixty years from the time he flew his last mission. The book began a new role for the author, whose retirement has since become centered around the families of the missing in action of World War II and the search for their remains, and the origin of a not for profit company called MIA Recovery Network and a second book slated to be released by years-end 2021, called “Known But to God: America’s Twentieth Century Wars and the Search for the Missing”.
By James & Barbara Farrell

"James Joseph Farrell"

James Joseph Farrell was born October 27, 1921 and grew up during the Great Depression. He joined the Army Air Corps in 1939.

He served with distinction in North Africa in 1942-1943 with the 301st Bombardment Group, 32nd Bomb Squadron flying 51 missions as an aerial engineer, top turret gunner.

He earned his pilot wings in 1945. This is his story.
***NEW Release: 6/20/2022 ***

98th Bombardment Group, WWII

Seen below is Col. John Kane, CO of the 98th Bombardment Group.
98th Bombardment Group

Enjoy the history of the 98th Bombardment Group in World War II with this discovered archival film footage. The first footage is in 1942 where the 98th setup their first bases. Watch as the men fight in the African Campaign with targets from Egypt to Tunisia. Then view targets across the Mediterranean Sea.  View some rare color footage of the famous Ploesti Mission of August 1, 1943. View activities and missions from bases on the Foggia Plain. Get a look at the men in many award ceremonies.  

Identified B-24 Liberator aircraft are seen on the ground and in the air at their various bases and the viewer gets a unique look and visual record of the 98th Bombardment Group men in action during World War II.

355 Minutes (nearly 6 hours) rendered in 67 chapters of material make up this historic dvd.

Museum Projects
MIAs - Missing in Action

We have information on over 90,000 MIAs. This includes most all the World War II MIAs and some from World War I, Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War.

With our strategic partners, the MIA Recovery Network, we want to tell the last chapter in the life of these Citizen Soldiers.

We would also like your help in telling the first chapters of the lives of those still Missing in Action. Do you have service photos of a family member that is or was MIA? News articles? Service related material?

Material on Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines MIAs:

Air Corps:
X-Files - Buried Unknowns

There are many citizen soldiers whose body was recovered, but they are unidentified. There are thousands of these unknowns buried in American Battle Monument Cemeteries around the world. They are also known as X-Files.

Material on Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines X-Files can be found:

Get Donation Information: Artifacts Monetary
Awards, Rosters
Unit Documents

We need you ! A continued big thanks to our fantastic army of volunteers. We have much more so if you can type and have a couple hours each week we can use you !

Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force

We have received material on many units and are hoping to compile much more.

Unit Citations, Awards, Transfers, Rosters

Many groups received unit citations during their particular conflict. The paperwork, in triplicate, would include a roster of all assigned and attached personnel. We are seeking and requesting copies of those roster documents. Please search your papers, talk to your association and help us out with this information and get them to us pronto!

Attention Website Owners &
Veteran Associations

Many WWII veterans organizations have shut. Many these organizations had developed some type of website, some with enormous amounts of data and history. Sadly, many had/have not made provisions for their website to be continued and thus when the bill stops being paid, the website disappears and all the work and information is lost. We want to help and we need you to help us. If you know of a disbanding group, please have them get in contact with us; we would like to bring their website and information under our wing. If they want to continue to maintain it we can give them access to continue that as well. One of our top goals for this and every year is to preserve this history not lose it!

Not a WW2 unit? That's ok. We are also interested in your history and want to help preserve it. Korea, Vietnam and all other conflicts.

If your organization has physical materials such as uniforms, patches, photos and other memorabilia do you have plans for them when you cease operations? We would be honored to be the custodian of your group's history.
Sons of Liberty Museum
Army Air Corps Library and Museum  

Directors' Line: 214.957.1393

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