June 1, 2021
Cover art by Deb for Sons' new album Undertaker's Songbook, designed by Catherine Jacobi/ Ted Studios.
We three SONS made a NEW ALBUM during the Pandemic called Undertaker's Songbook, which is officially being released into the wild TODAY!
You can order an actual CD here or listen to it on all streaming platforms or maybe even on your favorite folk radio show, even if you live in Germany! Or Ireland! Or Israel! Or even Glen Ellyn!
Our fave DJs already have their hands on it. (If you're a DJ and you're reading this, and DON'T have this album, then contact us so that you can be added to our list of favorite DJs)...
Today we share with you track #9 from Undertaker's Songbook, an ode to the late John Prine, called Set Us To Prayin. The song was written by Sue, who has this to say about it:
The morning after John Prine passed, I woke to find this song in my head. It wrote itself by lunch and found its way to Deborah and Bruce by supper. We 3 then tweaked ideas, harmonies, and layered found sounds to celebrate a folk music hero in our own Sons-y way. Made with family, pots and pans, dogs, and of course, mixed blessings.
And here's a leetle PRINE animation by Deb inspired by Sue's song - very much a work-in-progress that will eventually be part of a new music video for the above song......Stay tuned for its next incarnation, which will include the MUSIC, plus never-before-seen footage of the Sons of the Never Wrong Kitchen Rhythm Band!

Special thanks to the lovely Robert Rodi and NewCity Magazine for the feature article in last month's issue - read it right HERE!
Photo by Sally Blood for NewCity Magazine

In other news, we soon turn 30, and this generally requires a DRASTIC MAKEOVER, so we took care of biz and not only made a new album but changed our URL and created a brand new website with the help of our friends over at Peter McDowell Arts Consulting. Click around and explore! You can listen to tunes, watch some videos, and read our latest thoughts, which are of course always profoundly enlightening. But that's not all... We also changed our socks, created a new record label called Sons 3 Records, bribed Jay Ryan into making us a logo (see above), updated our rolodex, and even GOT VACCINATED. Yep, it's a whole new us. ENJOY.
photo by David Sameshima
If you're on Facebook, our dear friend and colleague Michael Miles (also known as banjo god/ambassador, guitar maestro, teacher, playwright, designer of grand musical collaborations and performances, and otherwise fine human) penned the kindest musings about our new album. You can read it with this link, and while you're at it, browse through his many pandemic year mini performances. Your day will be better for it.

From a year of darkness comes a reckoning record that aches and hopes, that fantasizes and cries; that heals and reaches inward and outward....

...I count my lucky stars to have people in my world like the Sons of the Never Wrong, who bring a joy of their own making that understands the plot lines we experience, and lights a way forward with empathy and splendor on the shoulders of songs.

- Michael J. Miles

jay ryan bath tubs

Did you know that we have a tradition in which we commission the finest gig poster artists in all the land to hand screen print fine art editions for our milestones and special gigs? Here's one of our faves, courtesy of Jay Ryan at The Bird Machine. Why not commemorate our 30th anniversary by owning an original poster from our 15th?? You'll feel extra squeeky clean when you look at this one - we hear it's a big hit for folks accessorizing their bathroom walls with art.
(scroll down to bottom of merch page)
Here's track #13 from Undertaker's Songbook, a tune written by Bruce with a drawing animation by Deb. "This is Pretty Too"....a film/song about love and loss and life and hope - enjoy....
We miss you all and will soon announce some super exciting late summer/fall gigs, but in the meantime, we found some fun footage of pre-Pandemic shows that we'll share here and in upcoming newsletters. Here we are performing I'll Fly Away at the Old Town School Of Folk Music in 2019:
Meier Gardens
We three look forward to seeing you all soon when we can gather freely in wellness and in love, where community comes together to be uplifted in song.