A message from Governor Liz Glowka:
Happy New Year, Golden West Region!
As we welcome the new year and clubs set goals, establish fundraisers, and organize service projects, please take time to celebrate and evaluate your prior successes, work on changing what needs to be changed, and add or delete ones that didn’t provide the desired results.
Clubs have been working hard over the past few months to gather Live Your Dream applications, reviewing them, and determining how much and how many you can recognize with scholarships. Our region met the goals set by SIA last year, and this year, they have increased the number of recipients by four. We can again meet the goal and exceed it. Thank you all for your hard work in making dreams come true.
Your region board will meet later this month to continue planning the details of the 2025 Spring Conference. We will also hear from the district directors about the scheduled projects and fundraising club activities planned and/or completed.
As always, please get in touch with any of the board members and your region committees for assistance during the year. We are here to serve and are ready to help in any way needed.
Please stay positive, support each other, and adjust each other’s tiaras as needed. Let us all look forward to a bright 2025.
Governor Liz
How does your Soroptimist Glow?