Can you feel the shift? Are you ready to shift? As we shift out of the energy of a 9-year Epicycle of 2016, we are preparing for a "1 year" or "The Independent Individual" of 2017 with a new 9-year cycle to be established. In the study of Numerology, the numbers go through a 9 year cycle and start back over at a 1 year. 2017 is the year of the "1," and will be the start of a new energetic cycle. Are you ready?
As energetic and spiritual beings having physical experiences, each new year we enter produces a different vibration, a changing frequency of energy as the whole universe shifts, expands, transforms, and brings about new experiences, blessings, and many life lessons for 2017. Just like the summer is replaced with the fall, the fall changes to winter, the winter moves into spring, and eventually comes full cycle into summer, the study of Numerology follows this same nine year cycle. 2016 will end the 9-year cycle that began in 2008, and a new 9-year cycle will begin in 2017 taking us through the year 2025.
2016, also called a "Universal Year" was a year of many themes, but none more specific than completion, especially when you see how many famous actors and athletes, inspiring authors, leaders of hope and change, famous explorers, several "pop icons," and those who contributed in changing history completed their roles here on earth, and passed over into spirit. 2016 was a year all about "endings," which if you think about it in terms of energy, frequency, vibration and metaphysics, it makes room for new beginnings. An American election many thought not possible with a new "Independent Individual" about to move into the White House, to changes or endings in several relationships, corporations going out of business, career changes or retirements, to a more connected and global awakening for those looking to forgive, move-on, rest, reflect, rejuvenate, and learn how to navigate and swim with the rivers of life, rather than swim against it.
The theme of 2017 (year 1) is a year of "New Beginnings, or "go time" for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual journey. The seeds we plant this next year in 2017 for our life will now have 9 years to grow, mature, learn, change, explore, and transform, so be patient as this spiritual race is not a sprint, but a marathon. 2017 will be a year of action for sure and everything that was completed, moved past or released in 2016 is no longer standing in the way and this is a perfect time to plan, create goals, take that trip you have been putting off for the last nine years, break new ground on a project, start something new that will express our uniqueness, and use our leadership abilities for opening us up to new perspectives. 2017 is a year of many beginnings and will be a year that challenges us to put our leadership abilities and our unique talents and skills to greater use in order to make this world a much better place with more cooperation, building new relationships and partnerships, while conditioning us to assert our will and will no longer allow us to sit back and relax as a spectator in the sport of life. 2017 will be a year of "getting it done," with plenty of initiatives, opportunities, activities, and achievements for those willing to jump in and give it a go!
When it comes to the way of energy balance, every positive does have its negative and at worst, 2017 can be a very aggressive and independent energy, frequency, and vibration that can be cruel, violent, ever changing, with a very pointed or narrow focus on the approach to many new ideas and solutions in a 2017 environment. 2016 was a tough year for many, many people around the world; however 2017 is shaping up to be a very positive year with great change and a completely different energy, vibration, and frequency to that of 2016. It is through this change and new beginning of the pioneering spirit that has now created new space in 2017 that will foster in many new inventions, new discoveries, new creations, and new ideas and will be a great and exciting year to be a part of! The goal will be how can we help to manifest and contribute to the positive attributes while recognizing and overcoming the negative ones in the year of the "ONE." Can you feel the shift? Are you ready?