Soul Quest News & Updates
The start of each year always brings optimism, hopefulness and excitement for what lies ahead. For Soul Quest, 2018 was a year of building and preparing for a lot of things to come in 2019. “Talk about things to come in 2019,” Soul Quest has learned a lot from the past 4 years since we started this amazing journey. We have had many ups and downs; we think it has helped us to get better organized and prepared for where we are today.

First, we would like to reflect on the past year and all the improvements that happened, initiatives newly implemented and where we are right now in the start of this new year 2019.

The movie – From Shock to Awe - filmed at Soul Quest in 2016, as we had just opened our new location in East Orlando, premiered at the film festival in Sedona Arizona in June 2018 and won 2 awards. It opened in theatres in Nov 2018 and is scheduled to be digitally released in April 2019. The film shares the story how two Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans, devastated by their experiences in war, found relief from Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD at Soul Quest Ayahuasca Church of Mother Earth after the traditional medical system reached its limits to support them. It also raises awareness of the fact that an average of twenty-two veterans die every day in their homes by their own hands – that’s a higher death rate than occurs abroad in war. This is a true and also devastating reality in the United States that is destroying family lives. This documentary shows that Ayahuasca could be an answer to help relieve these veterans, who are broken from the burdens of war and start a journey of hope and transformation.

Last year we started our weekly online video conferencing groups for pre-ceremony information & preparation and post ceremony psycho-spiritual integration. We plan to implement additional weekly groups to support YOU on your transformational journey in 2019.

Our “Information & Preparation Group” (on Tuesdays at 1pm EST) supports the preparation steps leading up to your Ayahuasca experiences at Soul Quest. We cover important logistics, dietary protocols, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational preparations, important considerations when undergoing an experience with sacred plant medicine, how to maximize your experience and minimize risks and disappointments, and help you feel empowered going into your experience.

Our Post Ceremony “ Integration Group” (on Wednesdays 2pm EST) supports your integration following your recent Ayahuasca experiences at Soul Quest. The magic continues to materialize after your experience, if you stick with it. The process of integration leads to transformation, which supports addiction recovery, psycho-spiritual healing, and consistent improvements to your health, relationships, and livelihood. All attendees are from Soul Quest. Unlimited weekly integration group calls are   included, and an important part of your aftercare that we want everyone to partake in. You do not have to speak up or come on video unless you want to; you can just listen in. Hearing others process, will help you process.

In 2018, we started our SOUL QUEST SURVEY to evaluate the effects of sacred plant medicine on various aspects of well-being, life satisfaction and self efficiency. We send out an initial questionnaire before attending an ayahuasca ceremony and another survey immediately after ceremony and another survey 3 months later. Our aim is to gather scientific evidence about the amazing effects the medicine could have on peoples lives.

We would like to thank you for your generous support in 2018!
And thank you for trusting us to support you on your sacred journey. We hope to see you back in 2019! You are the reason we get to do this amazing kind of work! We are so blessed to wake up every day and be of service to you!

We have a lot of exciting new plans for 2019 and would like to share a few of them with you today.

We are growing in every way possible – Soul Quest Ayahuasca Church of Mother Earth is very excited about teaming up with a highly respected, professional organization called Being True To You ( www.beingtruetoyou.com ). This alliance now offers Soul Quest Church Members a comprehensive network of highly specialized integration coaches with a variety of 1:1 and group virtual support programs. This exciting new transformational coaching program offers holistic support to all our members for both addiction recovery and psycho-spiritual integration work surrounding sacred plant medicine experiences. The Transformational Addiction Recovery Coaching Program offers a revolutionary approach using sacred plant medicine to help our members face addiction that is based on “transformational recovery.” This model focuses on the  opportunity  of recovery more than the “disease” and problem of addiction. 

The Soul Quest/BTTY Addiction Recovery Integration Package includes the following:
  • 6x 60-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions (or 12x half sessions)
  • Unlimited weekly integration group calls
  • Roadmap to Recovery 8-week online course
  • Our comprehensive Prep & Integration Workbook
  • Entheogenic Prep & Integration audio classes
  • Our Supporters Guide, 5 classes w/ handouts for family
  • 1 to 4 week custom designed ayahuasca retreats focusing on transformational addiction recovery.

The program is designed to help everybody, whether currently abusing substances or trying to titrate off prescription medication, newly sober, or maintaining long-term sobriety. The program is activating, motivating, life-changing, practical, and completely customizable. Through being a part of our personal transformation community at Soul Quest, a person can get the support they need to naturally mature out of their addiction and achieve success far beyond sobriety, on their own terms.  
Being True to You Coaching Certification Program - certified 5 members of the Soul Quest team. The following individual received certification in Transformational Addiction Recovery & Psycho-Spiritual Integration Coaching in Jan 2019
Verena Young
Scott Irwin, PhD
Carlos Guzman
Xiomara Avila
Justin Smith.  

Educational and Safety Standards
Our goal for 2019 is to constantly improve our educational and safety standards. In this regards, our Kambô practitioners will all be IAKP trained and certified. The IAKP -  International Association of Kambô Practitioners is a not for profit organization that seeks to support and encourage the safe, responsible and legal use of Kambô through training, awareness raising, knowledge development and sharing, research, professional behavior and best practice.

For those of you that do not yet know what Kambô is - Kambô is a secretion from one of the largest
Hylid frogs known as the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog. Its scientific name is Phyllomedusa Bicolor. The use of Kambô differs between tribes but the central indigenous uses revolve around lifting Panema – an indigenous name for dark negative energy, and for Hunting Magic – they believe it improves their speed and energy during hunting and that it makes the hunter invisible by temporarily eliminating their human odour. There are many ways they use it medicinally too, including: malaria, snake bites, fevers, infections, fertility problems, to cleanse, detox and strengthen the mind and body, to increase energy and stamina and to reduce pain.

Outside of the forest, Kambô has been the subject of almost three decades of medical research. As with venoms from snakes and scorpions, researchers believe that Kambô will open up a new world of treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, Depression, Vascular problems, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Addictions and much, much more.

IAKP certified Kambô practitioners of the Soul Quest team in February 2019 will be:

Chris Young
Carlos Guzman
Dawn Touchstone
Xiomara Avila 
More TBA

Thank you so much for being a part of the Soul Quest mission! And thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us and trusting in this work!

Sending you much love & light!

The Soul Quest Team!

Upcoming Events
Ayahuasca Retreats in Orlando Florida for 2019
Jan. 11-13 - Fully Booked 
Jan. 18-20 - Open 
Jan. 23-28 6-day retreat - Fully Booked 
Feb. 1-3 - Fully Booked
Feb. 15-17 - Open
Feb. 22-24 - Open 
Mar. 1-3 - Open
Mar. 15-17 - Open 
Mar. 22-24 - Open
Apr. 5-7 - Open
Apr. 12-14 - Open
Apr. 26-28 - Open
May 3-5 - Open
May 17-19 - Open
May 31-Jun. 2 - Open
Jun. 7-9 - Open
Jun. 21-23 - Open
Jun. 28-30 - Open

Our new 50 ft temperature controlled ceremonial maloca is coming at the end of Jan. 2019

Special thanks to our many donors for this amazing yurt!   
After months of negotiations due to hight restriction, we were not able to build our 39ft ceremonial dome but, after much research and planning, we found an even better solution ... a 50 ft ceremonial yurt/maloca and it will be here end of Jan/ early Feb. This 50 ft ceremonial yurt/maloca will be our new ceremonial area with fire pit. NO MORE RAIN, NO MORE BUGS, AND NO MORE COLD. We are now also adding a new Semi Private ceremonial area for those that would like a more private ceremony with fewer people (10 people max). This photo is a replica of our new yurt.
Things to come in 2019
2019 will be another amazing year of healing
1.Our new Ayahuasca cups

2019 is the year we get rid of plastic/paper cups for drinking ayahuasca! Now we have all natural ceramic Ayahuasca drinking cups that all members get to keep and bring home after using them in a ceremony.

2. Semi Private weekend ceremonies 10-12 Max
We will start to have semi private ceremonies with only 10-14 people during our normal weekend ceremonies once we get the 50ft maloca built. We also will have semi private ceremonies on the weekend that we normally have off with 10-12 max so we can accomidate people that can only handle being in very small groups

3.Private 1:1 Ceremonies
Coming soon in 2019, we will offer private customisable, 1:1 and private group ceremonies with our shaman. Monday -Thursday by appointment only.

4.Membership Loyalty Program
Starting in 2019, we will begin our Membership Loyalty Program. For a donation of $500, members will receive 50% off all future ceremonies for the fiscal year.

5.1st Annual Soul Quest Ayahuasca Conference
In 2019 Soul Quest will be having its first ever Ayahuaasca Conffrence in Orladno at our Soul Quest location.

6. Four Year Anniversary Celebration
In March of 2019 - Soul Quest will Celebrate 4 Years of Healing

7. More Showers Added
To keep up with our ever growing membeship, we are adding 8 more showers

8. More Restrooms Added
We are also adding 4 more restrooms

9.More Private Accommodations
By Spring of 2019, we should have 6 private tents "Shiftpods" and 2 family suits.

10.We will continue to raffle a free weekend ceremony every weekend

11.Misk'i Takiy- Holy Mother
Holy Mother By Misk'i Takiy- Is the Soul Quest Theme Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xmmrWKzBDs