When any one of us answers the calling of our unique destiny, healing is made available to the world. When a whole group of people answer their calling, change happens at the quantum level! 
Welcome to an experience like no other!

 Soulful Leadership
ALTER The Old Way of
Doing To A New Way of Being
Three Month Virtual Group Program
December 21st 2020- Feb 25th, 2021
Global Virtual Transformative Experience
Hosted by Sahar Nafal

Join us as we come together in a community of diverse, creative and gifted women from all around the world. Together we will ALTER our old way of doing to a new way of Being to serve and heal humanity collectively.

Dear Soulful Leader, 
How are you doing right now? 
Do you have a feeling that there is another way of being ready to emerge within you and serve humanity?
Do you have a feeling that spirituality is the path to answer your calling? 
If so, then you are a conscious Soulful Leader who senses the world is at a turning point. As a spiritually aligned being, you live by your deepest values and connect to a higher intelligence that guide you. 
You are also a Soulful Leader who senses that in these unprecedented times, when so much is changing and falling apart, there is no greater time to serve humanity to soothe the pain, confusion, uncertainty and struggles.
If that’s true for you, then why do I still see you, and so many of you: 

  • Hiding behind closed doors, staying inwards and praying that “this too shall pass”? 

  • Working harder than ever, using the old paradigm of doing business, going in circles, getting no results and exhausting yourself?  
  • Knowing that there is still another level of wisdom to ALTER and yet, you are playing it safe and not taking a leap of faith to elevate your services?

Yes, I did say, I see you! 
I understand. We’re all going through deep changes and repeating old patterns of doing things, this is a big part of what is keeping us from not ALTERING our old ways.
Many of us are living in some degree of fear, I get it, and that is why NOW is the critical time to believe in yourself, step into a new you and manifest the changes you desire as you serve humanity.
I too went through a deep change...Let me start by sharing my story. 

I Asked, I Listened, I Took Action,
I Engaged & I Received

In March, when the news of Pandemic was released, I found myself in a whirlwind. I had just moved back to California, I lost all of my coaching clients and could not enroll anyone to work with me. For three months, I had no income and was devastated. I didn't know what else to do other than go inwards. 
I thought to myself that perhaps there was a reason for all of this change. Then, it dawned on me. What if I started all over and asked for what I wanted from spirit and fully surrendered, and trusted the process. After all, this is what I have been guiding my clients to do... 
I asked, listened, and received clear guidance from spirit that at this time, I am to be of service to humanity. I was told specifically to support light workers, coaches, healers, change agents, conscious women like yourself, who have done the work and have all the tools, wisdom and experience to usher in new ways to serveI saw that many of you are currently struggling and unable to move forward in your personal and business life.
In June, I took action, and my Soul Guidance Sessions journey of serving 100+ people began.
I became excited and committed to offering this gift of Soul Guidance Sessions to 100 souls, with no monetary exchange and no expectations other than to serve humanity.
I engaged with my friends and colleagues, family members and community. I served anyone who was willing to receive my gift. To my delight and amazement, people were referring everyone they knew and before long, I was doing up to 30 per month. I took the challenge, and 100 sessions later, miracles began to unfold for those that I served and in my life
Right now, not only did I receive what I asked for, I was also able to serve and heal so many people. That was the true gift.

Through the process of guiding over 100 souls, I have seen, witnessed and received life altering information that I’m ready to reveal to the world.  
In my 15 years of leading, coaching and speaking, this has been the most eye-opening and fulfilling experience of my life. 
As I did these sessions with guidance from spirit or higher self, I saw many images, received precise information and heard many stories about the state that light workers are in right now…I took notes and I learned that there are patterns, threads and commonalities among everyone I served. I was given processes to share with the world.
Get ready to embark on a journey of experiencing your power
 to break free from what's no longer working to a new way of BEing, to finally know that there is wisdom
and tools available that will ALTER your reality


The Four Soul Leadership Archetypes
At this time, these archetypes have revealed themselves to show us four patterns that have governed our collective behavior, and to give us direction on how to create the next level of leadership that will catapult us to the next stage of our work in order to serve humanity on a deeper level. I am excited to be revealing them to you…

The four Soulful Leadership Archetypes are:

  • Hidden Leader
  • Working Hard Leader
  • Wise Leader
  • Evolved Leader

When you look at these, are you able to connect with each archetype and sense a relationship with them?"

Each one of the four comes with specific imagery and meaning which provides us a detailed soul guidance process called ALTER. 

I hope that even with a small glimpse of these archetypes, it sets a reminder that your time is now to remember who you truly are!

RIGHT NOW, the greater cause you have chosen and agreed to is to serve humanity ! 

I believe in this work as it has been channeled from Spirit for your use at this precise time in history. In fact, I believe in the power of soulful leaders to reclaim, deepen, and elevate themselves in a New Way of Being to change the world.

Welcome Dear Souls:

Soulful Leadership
 Serving From The New Way of BEing Online Program 

I heard from so many soulful leaders that they have been yearning for, on a heart and soul level, guidance, support and connection.

As we come together and unite at the “Soulful Leadership” online program, I invite you to surrender and trust that it will be an extraordinary and life ALTERing experience, should you and your soul choose to join us. 

If you are called to join the Soulful Leadership Online Program, this is my commitment to you…. 


  • Your personalized Formulas to ALTER your new way of Being in order to find Balance in your Inner and Outer world. 

  • A clearing process to help you Identify the areas in your life where you are hiding and holding yourself back. 

  • Guidance on how to Ask for What You Desire right now. 

  • Renewed courage to get out of hiding and step into your true calling that you've been avoiding for years.

  • New ways to Listen to your inner guidance and experience the power of freedom from within. 

  • Increased energy as you Take action from The Old Way of Doing To A New Way of Being. 

  • Letting go of old habits and patterns to integrate new rituals that will guide you to live your highest purpose. This way you can serve humanity. 

  • Processes to become more aligned with your leadership role so you Engage with the community you are meant to serve.
  • Being open to receiving the flow of abundance so you can  create your desired life.
  • Be seen, heard, and acknowledged by a community of supportive women as you gift your presence back to them. 

  • Understanding your Soulful Leadership Archetypes and how it can support you in ALTERing your way of being. 

Soul Guidance Sessions Testimonials

"Dear Sahar, I wanted to thank you for gifting me a Soul Guidance Session. I have noticed that my pain seems to be improving each day. Today has been nearly pain free. What a treat to have a good pain day! It's been over 20 years I haven't felt this good. So thank you!  Also, I still plan on smudging and clear my home" ~ Tara M. CA

"You came to my life at the perfect time.
My Soul Guidance Session was very empowering. Right after our session, a friend told me about a new place with 
a private pool, an amazing price and a the perfect arrangement. Thank you Sahar for your encouragement. I have a new home. A landlord that I am so grateful for and I'm feeling so blessed." ~ Carol B. AZ

"Your Soul Guidance Session was very helpful for me on my journey right in the middle of my move across the country. 

The imagery did not make sense at first, then it became clear just how spot on you were. Your insight safeguarded me in a situation that played out the very evening after we spoke. I have often heard your voice in my head... "trust... receive." What a gift. Thank you for your clarity, insight and generosity." ~Marla D. WA

 "Your vibration and support have shined a light on my life's purpose! I have seen the mastery of your soul through my conversation and intuitive guidance session with you. Your frequency is what makes you a powerful leader and mentor. It helped me to know what I am capable of doing at a higher level with other people. I was setting my sights too low! Now I'm seeing things CLEARLY! I look forward to our continued work with you!"
 ~ Jeannine C
Zurich, Switzerland

 December 21st
January 7th & 21st
February 4th,18th & 25th

  • Six LIVE online training calls, starting with an opening circle.

  • LIVE Hot seat Intuitive Soul Guidance with Sahar. 

  • Facebook group forum where you can give and receive support, share your celebrations, be united with others and stay connected.  

  • Valuable Meditations and Invocations for you to reflect on and journal in-between calls.

  • Accountability partnering to create friendships and to support and be supported during our time together. 

  • A Special Guest Panel Interview with divine experts who will share their wisdom that is relevant to your soul's journey. 

Here are a few Soulful shares from women who've experienced Sahar's work / or have attended her live training.

"What an amazing day! Thank you Sahar for leading such a powerful event and creating this space of honor for all women!" ~Patty

"An amazing transformational workshop! Very grateful to Sahar and to a powerful group of women"~ Natalya

"What an empowering day with amazing WOMEN!! Thank you Sahar! Your gift to serve woman by sharing your training talents will help women take the leap of becoming their best authentic self." ~Kim

"Wonderful day! So much transformation and change in these women's lives" ~ Cheryl

"It was such an amazing experience and gathering of powerful women. I’m still in awe of everything that happened yesterday. Blessed to have been part of this wonderful group. I feel liberated and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Thank you for opening the space for us to share our stories ❤️ Thank you Sahar for everything you’re doing to empower women and walk alongside them to see them grow into their true selves."~ Rima

"Thank you so much my friend for putting together this amazing day . We honor you. Putting on a event that is this powerful takes so much and it was absolutely Powerful"~ Ellen

"Sahar- I definitely had a huge breakthrough!! I had a very difficult time sleeping...so much is continuing to process. Wow!! I see and feel so much more now. Thank-you."~ Sallie

This sounds very resonant for me. But what is the investment, Sahar? This is such a beautiful question.
It is quite simply, $497.00 USD
If you’re ready to say YES SIGN ME UP NOW because your inner knowing is already there, I honor and love that so much. Simply register here and you will immediately receive a confirmation email welcoming you with initial coaching questions to excavate your Soulful Leadership Archetype. 

If you are all in, yet you yearn for some private support to more deeply engage with your unique situation, the Soulful Leadership program is also available with 2 Soul Guidance Private Sessions for a total of $997 USD
Private sessions are 45 minutes and can be scheduled anytime during the course. I can’t wait to be heart to heart and face to face with you on Zoom. And yes, we can record our session these for you to reply and integration later.

“Only when we have a common place in which to learn together, play together, and work together can we really craft a new culture as we build community“ ~ Sahar Nafal 
If you’re reading this page, I know you’re feeling the call. I invite you to follow your knowing and break compassionately with the past, so we can create the future together. I would truly be honored to hold the container for you, and with you.
Meet Sahar Nafal


Sahar Nafal, is an expert transformational leader, soul guidance coach and speaker for conscious women leaders and entrepreneurs who are ready to serve humanity with all of their wisdom and teachings.

Her passion and calling is to support leaders who are ready to authentically serve humanity. Sahar has a unique soul guiding approach of guiding women to heal through whatever challenges they are facing at this time.

Drawing from a well of wisdom gained through education, adversity and experience, Sahar believes in order to serve humanity, we as women need to Alter our old way of doing into a new way of Being.

Her signature Soulful Leadership Archetype programs have supported many into channeling their energy and embodying the essence of who they really are. Her event, teachings and coaching, hold space for healing and expansion for everyone who attends.
Soulful Leader Community