Soulful Prairies Newsletter - Fall 2020
Emotions sure have been getting the best of me lately and I see how many of us are walking around with mentally loaded cups, filled to the brim. From this place we are reactive and volatile. From this place one small bump from the wrong direction can set an overflow in action causing damage to the unsuspecting bystander. In these times we must be thoughtful with our actions, aware and fully conscious. I believe it is our duty to take care with ourselves. When our overloaded emotional cups spill and splash on others and we leave unsuspecting souls in the wake of our despondence we are responsible.

I believe we are called to stand up, speak up and show up in this messy world. It is time for to pay attention to what is important to us, seek knowledge and be clear. Living by example and with purpose is our best contribution to the world.

As we move into fall with uncertainty, I commit to presenting the highest and cleanest vibration of myself. In doing so, hope to cause a beautiful ripple affect around me. Join Soulful Prairies, the horses and me in this mission.

All I know is to be as I am. To stand tall and offer the best of what I have to the world.
Coaching/Counseling With Linda
It's funny right? We often wait to reach out for help until we are hanging by a thread. When the pain is so big that we can't breathe or function. Then, when we do finally reach out, the hope is that we can patch things up quickly and move on.
I believe pain teaches us. We have a choice to witness and allow the pain when it comes up or bury it and try to keep it silent. My wish for all humans is to see the fear that keeps us from diving in and dealing with our struggles. When we allow our pain and triggers to teach us as they float in and out of our awareness, we are realizing our most important responsibility, ourselves. Within this opportunity we can choose to dance with or around our fears. Come dance with the horses and me.

I am always happy to have a phone call with anyone who is curious about the Equine Gestalt work and what I do before scheduling a session.
Message To The Universe
Take a moment to slow down and ponder what would you offer or ask spirit, mother earth or the universe given the opportunity. This fall, before, during, and after any event you attend, take a moment to send your message. You will find a box of markers and fabric strips at the base of one of my favorite trees. The fabric strips with messages float in the wind and I see their message trickling out far beyond Soulful Prairies.
Paint Peace
What a glorious fall day to have over fifty groups of people come out to paint a pole in honor of peace. Something the world and each of us need desperately.
Group Retreats & CEU Training
I was grateful to have the outdoors and arena space to keep everyone at a safe distance and still be able to host some important groups. The social work and corporate retreats gave organizations the space and time to come together and gather outside of their excessively stressful daily world and recharge. The CEU trainings purpose was not only to teach but also to create safe space for connection. This is one of my passions and I am always open to brainstorming ideas to create a life altering experience for you, your company or professional affiliation.
Horses, Yoga and Meditation
We had our last Horses, Yoga, Gong and Meditation on October 1st with a full moon. It was a beautiful evening. We'll be back next year.
Soulful Farm Stand
Our Soulful Farm stand has been such a beautiful addition to Soulful Prairies this year. The stand has been open every Friday for eight weeks and also open during special events to offer produce to those attending. There is a lot in store for 2021! Oh and did we mention we have a hoop green house now?
Gong In The Grass
It has been such an honor to host this gathering each Monday through my favorite season of the year. The idea was born out of the desire to open up a space for people to connect with nature in a beautiful setting and reset with sound and meditation. We need to find our own inner balance in a wobbly world and my hope is that this is helping in some small way.

Our last evening of Gong in the Grass will be Monday, October 26th. We have been shifting to the arena on rainy or windy evenings so no excuses. Come join us!
We are grateful to the people who are willing to come out and give of their time when we need a helping hand. Pictured here are a few of our supporters who keep the wheels turning at Soulful Prairies. Angels for sure!
Blood Drive
We opened Soulful Prairies up for a blood drive this summer. Thanks to all who participated and helped give life during a trying time.
Letting Go..
We were fortunate to safely gather for our Letting Go retreat this year in Montana. We had two beautiful groups of women open to the freedom of Big Sky Country while experiencing the life changing Gestalt work. June Voldseth and I are excited to be offering two retreats again next year. August 1st - 5th and August 8th - 12th. We hope you can join us.
Feed Your Soul
Come Feed Your Soul! As we move into the cooler months it is the perfect time to go within. This women group is a supportive, safe place to come and experience true connections and begin to let go of anything getting in your way of showing up fully in your life. If you've wanted to come but are a little nervous - you are always welcome to attend and participate as an observer. There is no pressure to do anything other than just be.
Soulful Prairies Events Calendar
Feed Your Soul: Monthly Gathering, ,October 15th, November 19th,
Feed Your Soul Holiday Gathering: December 17th : Social Evening for All – those who have attended Feed Your Soul and those that may be interested going forward.
Gong In The Grass: October 19th and 26th
Letting Go.. Montana: August 1-5 & 8-12, 2021
Soulful Prairies COVID-19 POLICY
We look forward to life returning to a new normal. Until then, Soulful Prairies will be operating in compliance with the State of Illinois’ Restore Illinois reopening plans regarding COVID-19, in the conducting of events and activities at the farm. We are also open to being creative in order to safely host your event, celebration or gathering while observing the guidelines. As things open up in the state, make sure to continue to check in at our website, Facebook and Instagram. We will be putting together packages and offerings to gather at Soulful Prairies in a safe environment. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas please reach out to us at 847.366.6743.
Soulful Prairies | 847-366-6743 | [email protected] |