Soulful Prairies Newsletter - April 2020
It was a beautiful winter and we move into spring with a renewed excitement! Soulful Prairies continued to hold space for many people this winter with individual and group sessions and experiences. We even installed a hanging infrared heater in the arena to keep things toasty on the extra chilly days.

Then the virus rolled in, shifting and changing everyone and everything. Soulful Prairies' business was cranking along while we were planning for our busy months ahead and before we knew it, we were cancelling event after event.

Emotions have been up and down, but I have settled into a place of acceptance. The horses continue to remind anyone who will listen, that it's about each delicate moment. I believe this virus is here to teach those of us who are willing to listen, that lesson, along with many others.

I have spent a lot of time playing with ducks, creating with clay, paints and beads. I have connected on a deeper level with family and friends. I have cried and tended to my emotional needs on multiple levels. I have stood inside my business and at a distance, giving myself the chance to observe it from a different vantage point. If we take advantage of this time, perhaps we can reinvent portions of our lives that were not working as well as we may have liked. What lessons will move forward with us?

Watch as our calendar gradually comes to life again and come join us.
Coaching/Counseling With Linda
The longer I partner with the horses, combining my Gestalt background with my other experiences and training, the more honored I feel to be at Soulful Prairies carrying out this work. I see a beautiful blend that creates a safe environment for change and healing.

There is the deepest sense of satisfaction in witnessing others finding the balanced power within themselves to trust and allow their bodies to speak. This is not something the majority of us grow up experiencing and more often than not, we are taught to dim or squash those sensations.

In this time of change and uncertainty, please reach out if my services can be of support.

Individual Gestalt Support Sessions - In the month of May I will be offering 1 free session, 1 follow up session at $40 and continued sessions at the regular price. Please contact me if you are interested.

As stress levels rise, we tend to unconsciously attempt to control and rely on old patterns that do not necessarily serve us well. This is a time to allow yourself to be where you are and perhaps dig into some corners of your life you have not looked at before. Please know that I am here to support you in any way I can.
Client Testimonial
"I consider it a blessing to have found Soulful Prairies, where Linda Bruce and her horses have helped me and continue to help through some of my life’s greatest challenges. I’ve fallen to my knees in tears, as I was deeply comforted by Linda and her horses. To be in the presence of non judgement and held in one’s heart space .... to be encouraged and walked beside of. It’s a safe place to allow what needs to be healed to surface. Through this process and trusting our bodies to reveal untold stories and feelings we can learn to unlock and open to our full sense of being. There a celebration in letting go....... truly letting go. 

So thank you to Charlie, Keebler, Kincade, and Mister. 💕. They are amazing teachers". 

Thank you Linda Kent Bruce for all that you do.
Cooking With Linda & Dave
Join us on Thursday, May 7th at 4:00 pm

Dave Essau of Daves Specialty Foods is coming to Soulful Prairies to cook up some local spring dishes. He will be incorporating eggs from our chickens , chives and asparagus from our farm and some locally sourced morels. You don't want to miss this.

We are working out the technical issues. We're not sure if it will be a Zoom gathering or Facebook Live. More information will follow.

Alone Time
Inspires An Idea For A Retreat
I had the opportunity to spend time with myself on Eleuthera, an island in the Bahamas this past February. It was absolutely breath taking and definitely left a permanent life changing impression on me. Oh, what a beautiful spot on the planet. I had a retreat idea blooming for 2021, but have decided to hold off and look to 2022. If this is something that may be of interest to you, I'd love to hear from you via email. I will need early commitments in order to hold a home on the island for lodging.
Oscar and Ottis
So, these two became a part of the Soulful Prairies family at the perfect time and have not stop bringing joy since the day they waddled through the door. As a kid I raised a duck who couldn't get out of her shell on her own and got left behind by her mom, so lots of good memories are resurfacing for me. Oscar and Ottis have also been quite the hit on Facebook. If you missed those pictures and videos you can find them all on Linda Kent Bruce Facebook page with a few on Soulful Prairies page.
Soulful Connection - Zoom Gathering
I started up a Zoom group a few weeks ago and it has really been a beautiful way to connect. We meet Monday through Friday mornings at 8:30. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the Good Vibration Challenge* is presented, followed by a ten minute guided meditation, concluding with a quote or passage for the day. We wrap these four mornings up by 8:45. Wednesday's are a one-hour group with a topic that inspires and connects. I will be running this group through Friday, May 29th. The best part is, it's free and you can just drop in on the days it works for you.

*Good Vibration Challenges - These are challenges put on Facebook daily to bring a smile to your face and to hopefully create a ripple effect in the world. You can find them on both on the Linda Kent Bruce Facebook page and Soulful Prairies page. Join in!
We have a little more work to do with bricks, stones and dirt, but our labyrinth will be ready soon. We are looking forward to opening up and giving people the opportunity to move in a safe and peaceful environment. Stay tuned and we will keep you posted as to when this soul soothing experience will be available.
Marillac House Visits Soulful Prairies
When the kids from Marillac House came out last fall, we had a messy blast painting a pair of wings. We put a barn wood frame on it and it will be auctioned off at a future Marillac fundraiser.
Fairy Forest
We had a wonderful group of fairy fanciers join together for some fairy snacks and wine. The creative juices began to flow and fairy houses were designed. We also crafted bridges, furniture and other fairy necessities to install in the spring. Stay tuned, there will be a fairy installation day celebration along with fairy welcome party this spring.
Feed Your Soul
After a two-month hibernation period, Feed Your Soul was up and running again. We had our first group back on March 12th and then due to world circumstances we are honoring shelter in place until we feel confident in hosting safe groups.
A "Safe" Wedding
We were honored to host a beautifully simple car wedding for two health care workers. All precautions were in place as love was flowing from the guests witnessing from their cars. It was a beautiful bright spot during a difficult time.
Soulful Farms
We are super excited to announce the start of Soulful Farms! Acreage at the front of the property will be dedicated to organic farming. The intentions for this season are to contribute to the farm-to-table dinners held at Soulful Prairies, sell produce from the small shed situated near the gates, to connect with local restaurants and provide them with our produce as well as to donate to local food pantries. This is a dynamic group of ladies with an abundance of passion. They are hard at work starting seeds, planning the area for planting, and eagerly awaiting warmer weather to really get things going! Keep an eye out for the progress on the farm! If you are interested in volunteering in any way, learn more and sign-up.
Everyone Should Have An Eric
We were extremely fortunate to have hired Eric in December. He joined Sheila who has been with me and Soulful Prairies since we opened in 2014. Sheila has been a dedicated employee since day one, and the addition of Eric has created the perfect team to keep our animals happy and the property at its very best! Eric's to do list is endless and he manages to keep a smile while conquering all the ideas that cross my sheltered mind. Everyone should have an Eric! We welcome him to our faithful team of employees.

Things To Watch For
Soul Jam 2020
Plans continue for Soul Jam as we move forward and observe recommendations for larger events such as these. We will keep you posted as more information becomes available.
Soulful Prairies Events Calendar
Feed Your Soul : Monthly Gathering
June, September & October: Soulful Horse, Yoga & Gong
July 19-23 & 26-30: Letting Go..Montana
September 12: Soul Jam
Soulful Prairies | 847-366-6743 | [email protected] |